Sentences with phrase «neighborhood associations»

Neighborhood associations are groups of people who live in the same area and work together to improve their community. They may plan events, address issues, and make decisions that benefit everyone in the neighborhood. Full definition
The event also will feature presentations by leaders of neighborhood associations.
Having city employees pay taxes, shop and join neighborhood associations in the community where they work brings many tangible benefits, she said.
He is active in student government and his local neighborhood association.
Friendship has an active neighborhood association, which helped bring financial assistance to buyers in the area.
Some 400 school groups, labor unions and neighborhood associations also take part in local projects.
The Democratic challenger says he wants to put a new focus on the city's diverse neighborhoods by promoting local businesses and supporting neighborhood associations.
By having school leaders on, by having parents on, neighborhood associations on — what would they like to see in terms of community engagement at schools?
Whether it's neighborhood associations banning panels or competing views about solar on historic listed buildings, we've covered these issues before.
We have a strong neighborhood association that organizes neighbors and businesses to preserve our community as a safe and sustainable place to live.
Individual tools that didn't lead directly to any animals using the program included a local newspaper ad, many events primarily focused on Pit Bull type dogs, meeting with neighborhood associations, emailing one of the organization's volunteers, and flyers sent home with elementary school children.
E. L. Haynes, for example, receives many applications from middle - class families who proactively seek information because of the school's reputation, and it therefore directs all its recruitment efforts — from distributing information outside grocery stores to speaking at neighborhood association meetings — to low - income communities.
He said school meeting rooms could be used for neighborhood association and other gatherings, and he planned to keep the school's library open for a few hours on weekends so neighborhood children who don't attend Lighthouse Christian School can use it, too.
Neighborhood Association meetings — If time allow, ACS provides presentations at neighborhood association meetings.
Local competitions: Entrepreneurial contests held by neighborhood associations and other community groups are a great place to start.
The space will also enhance CAF's capacity for creative partnerships with local neighborhood associations such as the Funk Zone, Santa Barbara Waterfront, Stearns Wharf, and the Historic Downtown Santa Barbara Arts District.
Where Renfield is neighborhood association president - for - life, Igor tosses sacks of asbestos out back and Frankenstein goes bananas when his monster won't do play for pay.
«That's why we set up these cattle shelters, to provide displaced people with a place for their cattle, thus, eliminating the need for them to sell their livestock at ridiculously low prices,» Klungkung neighborhood association head Nyoman Suardika said.
Kotkin comments: «Schools, churches, and neighborhood associations no longer form the city's foundation.
«The «eat - in» at Kerbey Lane Cafe was our first and the largest gathering of its kind,» says Kathy Sokolic, past president of the Mueller neighborhood association and an organizer of the 2013 event.
By Sean Ryan Mercy Housing Lakefront's plan to build a nine - story affordable housing project will be pushed beyond 2010 after Milwaukee neighborhood associations raised concerns.
A White Plains neighborhood association is suing the city to stop a planned French - American School of New York campus at the old Ridgeway Country Club, calling the proposal «an absurdity.»
Town Supervisor Bill Reilich says the petition is an outgrowth of Thursday night's meeting involving various lakeshore neighborhood associations, looking at ways to address the damage from the high levels on Lake Ontario.
Now here's a more detailed account from that hearing, which pitted the operators and their supporters against Community Board 3 and members of the LES Dwellers neighborhood association.
A community meeting was soon organized where residents joined with other organizations such as the Albuquerque Partnership, the Southwest Research and Information Center, the New Mexico Environmental Law Center and members of adjacent neighborhood associations.
He is also a founding member of the Philadelphia Crosstown Coalition, a group of 21 civic associations that formed to ensure citizen voices in rewriting the zoning code and enacting the Assessed Value Initiative — classic neighborhood association business.
Two Uptown neighborhood associations and a charter school board are all scheduled to have their monthly meetings on Thursday.
That evening, the Irish Channel and Carrollton - Riverbend neighborhood associations are scheduled to have their May monthly meetings.
She reminded me that we had read neighborhood association reports of geniuses driving their SUV's down that road while texting.
Still, Parker did not heed the community's suggestion to create a task force involving multiple neighborhood associations, the city, Spring Branch Management District and others to address these issues together.
If you wish to own an Akita, you should check the policies in your state and also get in touch with neighborhood associations because not all insurance companies cover Akitas.
-- The public will be asked to help support the shelter by keeping stray animals and posting flyers and signs as well as using electronic media to search for owners (e.g., Craigslist, neighborhood association newsletters, etc..)
Specific recommendations include a follow - up study to identify and survey other stakeholders, the funding of a grassroots neighborhood association, and the drafting of a neighborhood - wide PR - and - marketing plan including distinctive signage and ongoing events.
What: The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) invites neighborhood associations, nonprofit groups, ethnic groups, and communities of faith to mobilize volunteers to go door - to - door to answer questions about changes to the curbside collection system, to promote composting and to earn money for the group.
If you attempt to buy land and build 1) you're going to pay a huge sum for the land, 2) you are going to have a legal battle from neighborhood associations and set a precedent that will most likely effect someone else's ability to do it as well.
calling / emailing condo association and neighborhood association contacts in your preferred location
Remember extras like condo or neighborhood association fees.
With 22,000 residents, the 19th Ward is the largest residential neighborhood in the city and has the oldest continuously operating neighborhood association in Rochester.
Policies endorsing TNR, the feeding of feral cats, etc. typically begin with «Town Hall» meetings, or even meetings of neighborhood associations.
Its close proximity to Downtown Rochester and an active neighborhood association are valuable assets to the 165 - acre JOSANA community.
The space also enhanced MCASB's capacity for creative partnerships with local neighborhood associations such as the Funk Zone, Santa Barbara Waterfront, Urban Wine Trail, Stearns Wharf, and the Historic Downtown Santa Barbara Arts District.
The trade group began to form alliances with politicians, affordable housing groups and neighborhood associations.
The neighborhood association of Baltimore's Old Goucher, which submitted an independent bid for the headquarters, wrote in a Facebook post:
And then, we should also find ways to work with other community groups — neighborhood associations, mosques (or other faith communities), business associations, arts associations and similar organizations.
Our neighborhood associations, pharmaceuticals, appliances and methodical committees help us to rule out the unpredictable and to encourage efficiency.
Don't commit to eating nothing but Ramen and a 15 - lb tub of frozen Bagel Bites you purchased at a Costo sale (your arteries will thank you later), or attempting to build your «tiny house» in your parents driveway (the neighborhood association will thank you later).
Even though there is a covenant one needs to follow set by the neighborhood association, I have to go with Ms. Cadranel.
(6) Interagency participation to serve persons in special need, and staff the agencies of the community which seek to cope with crisis and despair, education and vocation, neighborhood associations and community organization.

Phrases with «neighborhood associations»

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