Sentences with phrase «neighborhood crime»

Your home insurance premium could be slightly higher or lower than the average, based on its location and building materials, neighborhood crime rates, and a few other variables.
Contact the police department to obtain neighborhood crime statistics.
Recent projects involved creating designs for residential construction and analysis of neighborhood crime patterns.
The group blamed the shelters for an uptick in crime on its website, however, Police statistics from the 24th Precinct show an across the board decrease in neighborhood crime.
Factors taken into account when insurance agents figure car insurance premiums include local weather conditions, commercial economy, percentage of uninsured vehicles, population density and neighborhood crime rates.
Rates are affected by things like population density, median annual income, median resident age, and neighborhood crime statistics, among other factors that tend to change between zip codes.
And her research has found that «diaper need» — the inability to provide them — is a stronger predictor of stress for mothers than even indicators such as neighborhood crime and food insecurity.
Age, but not gender, significantly modified the relationship between perceived family social support and perceived neighborhood crime on adolescents» reported levels of school engagement.
A buyer today is much more likely to reach out to an agent with questions about neighborhood crime rates, the property's projected future value, or even data on potential rental return on the home, while 20 years from now, buyers are going to have even more specific questions about the properties they're viewing and neighborhoods they're considering.
A serious tone is taken when neighborhood crime threatens both the shop and local kid...
A serious tone is taken when neighborhood crime threatens both the shop and local kid... more
Fluman, along with County Legislative Chairman Anthony Jesinski, Legislator Tom Constantine, and Democratic Majority Leader Gary Hughes, is putting forward a plan to create a county - wide neighborhood crime initiative.
This may seem redundant, but we believe that redundancy will one day bear fruit, otherwise known as invaluable neighborhood crime statistics that our Bronx communities deserve.
NBC News aired a segment last night about the Norwood News campaign to make neighborhood crime statistics available to the public, interviewing editors Jordan Moss and Alex Kratz.
The new police commissioner, Bill Bratton, pointed out that the unusually chilly winter may also be playing a role in the overall crime decline, but experts say targeted programs against gangs and neighborhood crime spikes are the more likely explanation.
The book reminds the reader of the challenges facing many African Americans today, including high unemployment, staggering neighborhood crime and violence, and large percentages of children growing up in low - income single - parent households.
Sink says his dedicated officers utilize proactive enforcement strategies and crime prevention methods to reduce crime and that the department seeks input from the community and citizen groups like Community Watch to create long - term solutions for neighborhood crime problems.
This would be achieved by «using the cloud saves of all players to determine the global neighborhood crime levels across all games, and then mapping that crime to the difficulty level in policing those neighborhoods in the individual's games.»
«Over 1 million users, who we call «Ring Neighbors,» trust our innovative and industry - first security products to reduce neighborhood crime in a meaningful way,» said Jamie Siminoff, founder and chief inventor of Ring.
Structural equation modeling showed that the parent — child relationship during participants» adolescence was linked with the participants» depressive mood and drug use which, in turn, were associated with the participants» relationship with their own child, as well as with neighborhood crime and deterioration when participants were adults.
The area has remained stable largely through the tireless efforts of the Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, which has been taking a proactive role in neighborhood crime prevention, defending the area from commercial overdevelopment, and rigorously enforcing zoning laws, among other things.
Real estate pros can help put information about a listing into context, such as how property taxes differ from a nearby city or interpreting neighborhood crime statistics, he says.
NeighborhoodScout gives you the most trusted neighborhood crime risk, trend and forecast data, and the deepest dive into market demographics and exclusive Market Rent ™ by number of bedrooms for every neighborhood in America.
Treating criminal behavior as a deterministic system they created equations, based on Los Angeles Police Department data, that describe the movement of neighborhood crime and how cops might better control the crime rate.
The investigation discussed in this article drew from social disorganization theory to examine the effects of perceived neighborhood informal social control and perceived neighborhood crime on adolescents» perceptions of peers» behavior.
It's important to consider your liability risks, workers» comp coverage needs and neighborhood crime rates so you can find a policy that is comprehensive, affordable and customized.
Adolescents higher in withdrawal manifested higher internalizing symptoms in the context of lower neighborhood crime and lower neighborhood social cohesion than youth lower in withdrawal, supporting diathesis - stress.
Philadelphia's SugarHouse Casino opened its doors in September 2010 after years of protests from community members who feared that the casino would lead to an increase in neighborhood crime.
($ 175 - $ 300 per pupil), number of «LCFF eligible» students, [1] current School Performance Framework tier ($ 70 - $ 215 per pupil), and on «Z score,» which the district uses to measure challenging «environmental factors» such as neighborhood crime ($ 25K — $ 100K per school).
Auto insurance premium rates in the state of Virginia are influenced in each zip code by many parameters, such as the population density, the median annual income, the median age of the residents, and neighborhood crime statistics such as car theft and vandalism, to name just a few of the factors involved.
Maybe it was the story about the little boy caught in a moral dilemma: he needed to tell his mother the truth about a neighborhood crime, but could not betray a confidence.
«We continue to have neighborhood crimes and cult - related violence and for this reason, I have with immediate effect ordered Area Commanders and Divisional Police Officers to reach out to traditional rulers, CDAs and other voluntary groups.
Imohimi, who gave the order during a Town - Hall Stakeholders Security Meeting hosted by the Area «A» Commander, ACP J. O Akinyede, assured Lagos - Island residents that he would bring an end to neighborhood crimes of gangsterism and cultism prevalent in the area.
These neighborhood crime statistics would be an invaluable resource for citizens.
We're told that the segment on our neighborhood crime stat campaign may run tonight on News Channel 4 at 11.
The Watch (R for violence, graphic sexuality and pervasive profanity) Sci - fi comedy about members of a neighborhood crime watch (Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Richard Ayoade) who get more than they bargained for when they find themselves having to defend the planet from an alien invasion.
Because recessions may affect student outcomes through channels other than school budgets (such as parental employment or neighborhood crime), the Shores and Steinberg result likely reflects all ill - effects of the recession rather than those through reduced per - pupil spending per se.
For example, neighborhood crime, building types, possible natural disasters and other potential hazards could all cause loss to your enterprise.
This includes the postman, paperboy, children, parents waiting at the school bus stop, school crossing guards, neighborhood crime watch groups, garbage pick - up crews, etc..
In my first year of practice, I joined the board of directors of a local theater, was elected Chair of the Zoning Committee of my local civic association, joined the neighborhood business association, served as a class representative to my school's alumni network, and helped form a neighborhood crime watch.
The neighborhood crime rate, the size and age of your home, and even your credit score will help determine how much you pay for homeowners coverage.
Your customized quote will be based on the size and location of your home, your neighborhood crime rate, etc..
Home insurance rates in Keene vary quite a bit, depending on home square footages and neighborhood crime rates.
Your neighborhood crime rate plays a big role in the cost of your home insurance.
Factors taken into account when insurance agents figure car insurance premiums include local weather conditions, commercial economy, percentage of uninsured vehicles, population density and neighborhood crime rates, to name a few.
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