Sentences with phrase «neighborhood organizations»

In planning, we try to identify general areas, and start dealing with neighborhood organizations to ask them for ideas in locating the schools.
Of the $ 7 million, $ 4.5 million will fund general city services and $ 2.5 million will go to local neighborhood organizations.
Perhaps neighborhood organizations could also sponsor groups for their members.
I plan to operate with transparency and embrace input from neighborhood organizations instead of pushing them away.
The agreement includes $ 4.5 million to fund general city services, according to the AP, and $ 2.5 million that will be allocated to local neighborhood organizations.
A handful of neighborhood organizations on Aug. 14 are hosting a «candidates forum» at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, where candidates will take questions from residents of the Lower East Side and Chinatown on issues pertinent to the neighborhoods.
as a Playful City USA for its efforts to engage neighborhood organizations to address the play deficit in the community.
In Indianapolis, my own church, Englewood Christian Church, is working with a wide range of neighborhood organizations toward the well - being of our urban place.
For example, just this April, Syracuse University extended and enhanced a prior service agreement that will provide $ 7 million over five years to support general services and fund university - area neighborhood organizations.
SU will also provide a one - time annual increase of $ 85,000 to support local neighborhood organizations under the guidance of the existent University Neighborhood Services Agreement Advisory Committee, according to the release.
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has weighed in on the dispute between Community Board 3 and the LES Dwellers neighborhood organization.
And neighborhoods organizations know they are not welcome in City Hall.
Included in the selections for Board 3 — which covers the East Village, Lower East Side and parts of Chinatown and Little Italy — were an Alphabet City public housing complex leader, the founder of an LGBT advocacy group, a representative from Chinatown's influential neighborhood organizations, and a choreographer / artist with roots in the Lower East Side's art scene.
People have seen me being engaged with neighborhood organizations throughout the years, so it's not as if I'm «passing through,» looking for an opportunity.»
As government - designated evacuation centers were overwhelmed with evacuees, traditional institutions, such as desa pekraman (customary village) and banjar (traditional neighborhood organizations), in Klungkung, Karangasem, Gianyar and Bangli have opened their temples and community halls and organized public kitchens run by the local women's associations.
The multi-floor exhibition led visitors from the ground floor to the ninth and back finally to the third floors where additional works, installations, and apartments were curated by invited neighborhood organizations.
Though opponents of the plan lost a three - year court battle earlier this summer, allowing it to proceed, many NYU faculty and neighborhood organizations remain staunchly opposed, calling it unnecessary and fiscally irresponsible in the face of NYU's high levels of student debt, which are some of the worst in the country.
They joined neighborhood organizations, local PTA boards and other organizations to feel needed.
CPC has established strong relationships with local political and business stakeholders as well as partnered with neighborhood organizations and has built a solid reputation within the Greater Cincinnati community as an organization aimed at creating safe and humane communities through education about, advocacy for and rescue of «pit bull» dogs.
All of the victims were apparently targeted for assassination because they were members of neighborhood organizations or members of local human rights groups that had demanded that the perpetrators of the violence be brought to justice.
Borough President Katz worked with local neighborhood organizations to determine the best ways the Borough President could allocate this commercial corridor funding, which will be distributed through several City agencies.
The report, released Tuesday, analyzed Airbnb activity between September 2014 and August of 2017 and was published by McGill University, but commissioned by the Hotel Trades Council and co-sponsored by local neighborhood organizations.
Like recovery groups, Boy Scouts, neighborhood organizations and preschools.
We are committed to building and nurturing partnerships with each other, our city government, and other businesses and neighborhood organizations to improve and enhance the quality of work and life in our community.
Rare is the neighborhood organization that exists solely to promote creativity in its own backyard.
Since the museum went public in January with its preliminary proposal for Grant Park, the tall New Zealander with the sandy hair, deep - lined eyes and soft voice — «I'm often accused of mumbling or speaking in a strange language,» he acknowledged — has been presenting the museum's case before park advocacy and neighborhood organizations and officials of the Chicago Park District, which has jurisdiction over Daley Bicentennial Plaza.
Rivera is Mendez's former Legislative Director, and a prominent local leader in the East Village, having served on the local Community Board and 3 worked with numerous local neighborhood organizations.
In a letter sent Sunday by the anti-bar group LES Dwellers, the neighborhood organization asked dozens of owners in the area they call «Hell's Square» — the nightlife - heavy area between Houston and Delancey streets from Allen to Essex streets — to make the area a «SantaCon Free Zone» by refusing to participate in the costumed pub crawl.
The following opinion piece was written by Brett Leitner, founder of SHARE, a neighborhood organization advocating for the redevelopment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area:
I have been watching with growing alarm as our City government continues to flounder, making little if any headway on issues such as police and community relations, rampant violence, decaying relationships with neighborhood organizations and the lack of progress on jobs, poverty and education.
b. Served as an appointee on a commission or two, and / or have been on the board of a neighborhood organization or other local civic organization, and / or have been involved in local electoral campaigns.
Leading the pack in contributions and endorsements are Brad Lander, the director of the Pratt Center for Community Development; Josh Skaller, a leader of grassroots political and neighborhood organizations; and Bob Zuckerman, who runs environmental nonprofits.
Your yoga class, church group, family and friends, work community, or neighborhood organizations all have the potential of satisfying this need for connection.
That's why parents, schools, and a neighborhood organization there banded together to organize a Walking Bus, a program in which groups of students walk to school under the supervision of adult volunteers.
The Community Schools Initiative proposes to boost student achievement by providing struggling schools with wraparound social services via city - sponsored partnerships with neighborhood organizations.
Charter schools explicitly shifted power from the government to individuals and neighborhood organizations.
Churches and other faith communities continue to play critical roles; so do a variety of neighborhood organizations.
But unless public dollars are focused on high - quality programs for poor families — while bolstering the neighborhood organizations that serve them — good intentions will turn into dashed hopes.
Schools, community agencies, neighborhood organizations, and religious institutions depend on one another.
Factors known to us, such as the presence of active community and neighborhood organizations, the presence of governmental non-profit and private programs in the neighborhood intended to eliminate negative environmental influences, other revitalization efforts, and any other factors potentially mitigating the effect of physical decline.
D5DOG A neighborhood organization of dog guardians and dog lovers who care about the health and welfare of our canine companions as well as the safety and vitality of our local parks, neighborhoods, and community.
We are very active in local rescue and neighborhood organizations.
Since the store opened in 2009, Jett and Monkey's has donated thousands of dollars in products and gift certificates to numerous local charities, found homes for over 200 dogs, and donated thousands of hours volunteering for pet and neighborhood organizations.
Paring down the roster from last year, the official BOS events for 2015 are to include a Launch Party in conjunction with the annual Seeking Space show, Community Day, an outdoor celebration of neighborhood organizations and artists, Cinema Sunday, a film and video screening, and a Closing Party.
In tandem with the launch of Phase I of the Master Plan for Laguna Gloria, The Contemporary Austin also announces its acceptance into the City of Austin's Neighborhood Partnering Program, which offers opportunities for community and neighborhood organizations to initiate public improvements through cost - sharing arrangements with the City of Austin.
BOS2014 Community Day @ Maria Hernandez Park, Knickerbocker Avenue at Starr Street, Sat, May 31, 11am - 4 pm The BOS2014 Community Day partners with neighborhood organizations, artists, musicians, and performers in Bushwick's well - loved Maria Hernandez Park.
Brian is a supporter of local hunger charities, including the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and nonprofit and neighborhood organizations in his community.
They have a neighborhood organization that is trying to create a strategy for all of this, but there is no residential in that area yet.»
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