Sentences with phrase «neighborhood students»

That year many schools went through a dramatic change in population as schools returned to primarily serving neighborhood students.
For the past five years, students in the Four Corners course at Common Ground Charter High School have been mapping the histories of four diverse New Haven neighborhoods — neighborhoods the students live in and know well.
Those schools have also been slow to implement a plan to adopt an International Baccalaureate curriculum that could draw neighborhood students.
Vargas says while the plan presented Tuesday includes year - long programs at the new school, more neighborhood students, and stronger family engagement, he doesn't want this option to be the final plan submitted to the state.
According to the district's documents, «The mission of Mann UCLA is to create an innovative K - 12 learning environment in South Los Angeles, thereby restoring the faith in an historic public school, by recruiting neighborhood students currently attending charter, magnet and private schools back to their community.»
The flyer ends with the heading «We are adding academic options that neighborhood students want
They're employing a small team of students to scout out the neighborhood
But Hardy Middle School north of Georgetown is still struggling to draw neighborhood students, even after DCPS installed a school leader who seems to inspire confidence.
As Armendariz explains, «President Sample made it a point that every faculty, staff, or student should, at some point, touch the life of a neighborhood student
In New Orleans, where nearly all children are enrolled in charters, the schools offer preferences to neighborhood students in a lottery, something that D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) has advocated and the D.C. charter leaders have largely resisted.
Halfway through its first school year under charter management, the newly named Desert Trails Preparatory Academy has retained a majority of the neighborhood students.
There are 1624 neighborhood students that attend — 95 % minority.
The relationship between housing and traditional public schooling has long been evident: the neighborhood a student lives in will determine the school he or she will attend, and to the extent that school quality varies by location either due to differing tax bases or other location - specific variables, the neighborhood one lives in will determine the quality of education one receives.
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