Sentences with word «neoliberal»

The word "neoliberal" refers to a political and economic ideology that promotes free markets, limited government intervention, and a focus on individual liberty and competition. It emphasizes the importance of private enterprise, reducing government regulation, and embracing globalization. Full definition
The political economy offers a general framework to understand the dominant architecture shaping the cultural field - namely Israel's military occupation and spatial reordering of the oPt and intensified processes of de-culturalization; the effects of neoliberal policies on the public sphere; the agenda - setting of foreign investment agendas; and the impact of globalized arts markets on the production, dissemination and reception of Palestinian culture.
Others see in Trump's electoral victory the end of neoliberal economic policy, which promoted free trade and free markets, and limited the scope of government.
With that context, our Nigerian friends fighting REDD projects can see that such projects are part of a push for market approaches to tackling climate change which is part of a larger still neoliberal agenda.
This is one form of violence promoted by the system recommended by neoliberal economics.
Instead, using a method of immanent criticism, Plant aims to uncover contradictions in neoliberal ideology itself.
The political reality is though that the CFIB and its members are for the most part fully aligned with the broader neoliberal project and the back scratching goes both ways.
What has happened over the past 30 years is the capture of the world's common treasury by a handful of people, assisted by neoliberal policies which were first imposed on rich nations by Thatcher and Reagan.
A fierce opponent of neoliberal education reform, Madeloni believes that teachers today are «in an enormous amount of pain and that the joy in human relationships and the possibilities of teaching have been foreclosed by the «education deform» (Common Core) project.»
Reacting to radical changes taking place internationally in the late»80s and early»90s, these shows — «In Transit,» «The Final Frontier,» and «Trade Routes» — posed questions about globalization's social, economic, cultural, and intellectual exchanges, and grappled with issues as wide - reaching as neoliberal capitalism and as specific as the situations facing individual cities.
Inspired by our increasingly technocratic society designed by bureaucrats with malevolent accounting software, van Lieshout has proffered this sardonic ultimate solution for neoliberal states and corporations looking to colonize our eco-future.»
On this panel, Tor Krever (London School of Economics and Political Science) traced the progression of the role of law in international development orthodoxy from a tool wielded by the state for social projects prior to the 1980s to a mechanism for facilitating private transactions in the early neoliberal period through to the current view that rule of law is instrumental for economic growth.
Similar to the voucher system which was supported by many neoliberal economists in the past the goal is to starve the public system and break the unions.
Whiteness was not about skin colour or ethnicity, he said, but about neoliberal systems that privileged corporations» interests over those of people and country, and that normalised hierarchy, inequality and injustice.
Reflecting Iceland's neoliberal philosophy at the time the banks were privatized, the TIF lacked the capital to cover the losses that ensued.
So, the «climate issue» again — Prof. Philip Mirowski clearly explains the global Neoliberal thought collective's strategy to fight Global Warming and Climate Change Science and any rational Political Action to reduce the harmful effects... and why they are winning hands down.
Social movements must move outside of national boundaries and join with others across the globe to fight the savagery of neoliberal global politics and central to such a task is the work of intellectuals, artists, cultural workers, and other educators who can fashion new tools and social movements in the fight against the current anti-democratic threats being imposed all over the globe in the name of austerity and market driven values.
First, the term acquired distinct meaning in the late «90s domestic political discourse of Hungary and is specifically used to describe thinking and politics associated with neoliberal economic policies and a set of progressive social and cultural ideas.
He recalled that Egypt had been lauded as a regional neoliberal reform model, and that international financial institutions are continuing with the privatisation drive in Egypt today.
Aurélie Lanctôt, columnist at Le Devoir, addressed convention delegates about the impact of neoliberal government policy on gender equality.
John Winsade outlines how neoliberal politics fully supports individualist ideas in the practice of therapy.
These include satellite programs in Texas, where the social net is even more frayed than in neoliberal states.
In a paper published in 2011, the Conservative MP Jesse Norman made an interesting distinction between «free market neoliberalism» and «free market conservatism», ``... free market neoliberals value markets as such.
Faced in 2008 with a financial crisis unprecedented in modern times, whose destructive potential can hardly be exaggerated, the Labour government made some absolutely vital calls at a time which exposed the Conservatives as neoliberals, not novices.
Politics in Britain (and one could argue globally) has become dominated by neoliberal ideas, the so called «centre ground» is in fact neoliberalism, and conservatives tend to coalesce on the right side of this, Labour the left.
Within neoliberal ideology, the market becomes the template for organizing the rest of society.
Bridget Riley New Art West Midlands Rose Wylie Neoliberal Lulz Imran Qureshi Performing For The Camera Nothing Happens, Twice
In a post-industrial and neoliberal era, questions of identity are posing acute problems for political parties with ties to organised labour all over the world.
«Children are fleeing the end results of U.S. intervention in Central America, from neoliberal economic policies like the North American Free Trade Agreement to the Drug War to military spending.
Kline creates artworks and exhibitions that consider the ways in which our humanity has been transformed, commodified, and instrumentalized within neoliberal society.
It wants to avoid what U.S. neoliberals did to Russia in 1992 and 1993.
«Since the implementation of NAFTA, we have witnessed an unprecedented increase in profits, and economic inequality in Canada — it's time for alternatives to the current neoliberal free trade model,» said Raul Burbano, Program Director of Common Frontiers.
A so - called «branded feminism» is appearing in the art and commercial worlds at large, a slick gloss that co-opts feminist rhetoric to largely patriarchal and neoliberal capitalist ends.
That's just how neoliberal governance works.
In contemporary India and Bangladesh, where neoliberal globalization has facilitated the increasing role of multinational actors in the realm of both political economy and culture, the Jamaat has given an almost nationalist response to such globalization of economy and culture in opposing the ventures of multinational corporations and what they call «Western cultural globalization».
Perverse is also the argument of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour: the EU is bad, but voting NO will help Michael Gove and Boris Johnson to convert Britain into a «neoliberal fantasy island».
Renewed «Party Unity» has to be on Jeremy's, continuation of Labour's left Keynsian agenda» terms, not the blank cheque offering of a chance for the irredentist Labour neoliberal Right to subvert our gains and Left direction.
Many of the current reformers at the policy and administrator levels are embracing neoliberal market - based, corporate - style reforms, which promote practices that I saw lead to such greed and corruption on Wall Street.
The compositions explore the realisation of new areas where there has been little consideration of historical or environmental context, through neoliberal values that reflect urbanisation.
The climate justice movement must evolve into a coalition of groups that has different strategies to transition away from the current extractive neoliberal economy and capitalistic system, but that in the end has all of its members working towards a common goal.
However, many researchers and commentators have entered the debate to highlight that the demise of corporate trade deals like NAFTA (or the current neoliberal global trade regime more broadly) would not plunge the Canadian economy into chaos.
Regretfully her conception of global citizenship is consistently expressed in neoliberal discourses that have more to do with marketization and consumerism.
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