Sentences with phrase «nervous impulses»

Light waves or particles reach the human eye where they are not merely passively but also actively received and translated into nervous impulses transmitted to the occipital lobe of the brain.
Costandi shares the latest neurobiology research, and gives us smart, quirky things like, «According to my calculations, the human brain produces approximately 8.73 gadzillion nervous impulses every second.»
Grace is the unique sap passing from a single trunk into the branches, blood flowing into the veins from the pumping of a single heart, nervous impulses reaching the limbs at the bidding of a single head; and the radiant Head, the powerful Heart, the fruitful Trunk, these are inevitably Christ...
It is, however, more than an interface that only transfers nervous impulses.
The body is also able to convert this multifunctional nutrient into Taurine, which is important for the conducting of electric nervous impulses, the digestive as well as the vascular system.
A muscle contraction is always initiated by a nervous impulse.
Because calcium is typically an excitatory cofactor, the mineral usually enters a cell only when needed for something specific, like a nervous impulse or a muscle contraction.
A cascade of hormones and other substances are involved in translating a painful stimulus into a nervous impulse that is ultimately perceived by the brain as painful So we can make the general assumption that if something is painful to a person, it will likely be painful to an animal as well.
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