Sentences with phrase «net change»

Moreover, genes and proteins interact and only sometimes cause net changes in metabolic pathways.
It is not typical to see significant net changes in overall state legislative party composition because of special elections.
While there have been some variations, the locations of various islands, communities, and even the Roman baths built at sea level indicate a small net change.
Watch baskets display net change detail based on current market value versus market value as of the last time you saved the watch basket.
Dangerous emissions would result in significant negative net changes in the climate for humans.
It is wrong to assume that there is a known relationship temperature increase and net change in conditions overall.
And many regions have shown no significant net changes or trends in either direction relative to the last few hundred to thousands of years.
That is true, but both goals, extracting 100 GtC from the atmosphere via improved forestry and agricultural practices (with possibly some assistance from CCS technology) and limiting additional net change of non-CO2 forcings to zero, are feasible and probably much easier than the principal task of limiting additional fossil fuel emissions to 130 GtC.
The Conservatives will lose 1 seat to the BNP but gain 3 from UKIP, but will «lose» 2 from the reduction of seats so nil net change for them.
Our exchange rate against the US dollar and the currencies of most of our trading partners has shown little net change over the past year, and the rise in the trade - weighted index in recent months has been due mainly to the weakness being experienced by the Japanese yen.
The exchange rate against the US dollar peaked at US68.5 cents in early July, but it subsequently came down quite sharply, falling by almost 4 cents in the middle of the month, and has shown little net change since.
Estimates of the global average OH concentration have shown no detectable net change between 1979 and 2004.
Broad - based share indices in the US have now shown little net change so far this year (Table 4).
What else has to be considered here is the large convertible preferred stakes of Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC) and Dow Chemical Co. (NYSE: DOW) would be lower on a mark to market basis now even if the stakes have no real net change to you and me.
These reductions are large enough that the poorest quartile is the only one to see positive net changes in total funding.
Second, we have assumed that future net change of non-CO2 forcings will be zero, while M2009 have included significant non-CO2 forcings.
That is true, but both goals, extracting 100 GtC from the atmosphere via improved forestry and agricultural practices (with possibly some assistance from CCS technology) and limiting additional net change of non-CO2 forcings to zero, are feasible and probably much easier than the principal task of limiting additional fossil fuel emissions to 130 GtC.
Net decrease 0.2 m. USD, so net change almost zero as you point out should be expected (difference explained by fx?).
Performed extensive data entering for multiple departments o Accounts Payable o Accounts Receivable o Net Change o Reconciliations
Although the percent net change of a purchased basket will account for additional purchases, liquidations, and certain corporate actions, it does not provide true tax cost basis of your positions within the basket.
After using ride - hailing, the average net change in transit use is a 6 % reduction among Americans in major cities.
Net changes associated with equity investment.
As part of SiG@MaRS, Lisa launched Net Change, a weeklong event, co-created with several partners, which explores the intersection of social tech and social change.
Baby name trends change every year, and some names disappear forever... here are some that almost slipped through the net
In 2010 and 2011, May through August saw a low point in the daily net change in relationships across Facebook users of all age groups.
You can view cost detail for individual positions within a basket from the unrealized net change screen.
Nor does the extent of popularly measured changes — in so far as we could even do it — come anywhere close to reflecting actual net changes to the system that will reflect in future climatic changes, since most of it is not reflective in the current «climate» however that is defined, and however «different» it might be from what would have been in the absence of any changed atmospheric input to begin with.
I've asked you to provide observational, experimental, scientific evidence (complete with actual physical measurements) that + or — 0.000001 variations in CO2 cause net changes in ocean heat many times now.
Second, we have assumed that future net change of non-CO2 forcings will be zero, while M2009 have included significant non-CO2 forcings.
There may have been very little net change since roughly the 1940s and today — in the genuine, unmanipulated global temperature data.
CHD Expert's report also shows that the majority of menu segments also experienced positive net changes in 2014.
Baskets display unrealized net change detail for both purchased and saved baskets.
The Australian share market has shown little net change since the time of the last Statement, compared with some sizeable increases in overseas markets over the same period (Graph 58).
Living tree mass could change because of net changes in forested area (due to natural or human causes) or because of changes to tree mass per unit area (due to increases in density or average tree size).
Net change in cash and marketable securities.
The following template helps you sort out the details of where your cash is going and the net change.
Tucker said that if steel tariffs were instituted across the board, there would be «no net change in jobs for the economy as a whole,» given that the country is approaching full employment and the enhanced profitability of steel production would probably cause a shift away from other industries.

Phrases with «net change»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z