Sentences with phrase «net exporter»

The phrase "net exporter" means that a country or entity sells and sends out more goods or services to other countries than it buys and brings in from them. Full definition
In fact, such manufacturers have become net exporters of energy in Canada by burning residue wood.
Even India and Bangladesh have become net exporters of food and manufactured goods, and the average age of mortality in each has risen sharply and impressively.
This is a major shift for a country that built an average of two coal - fired power plants every week in the last decade, went from net exporter in 2009 to the world's top importer just two years later, and burns nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined.
Canada, Norway, the United Kingdom and Russia are also net exporters of energy, and all have either ratified the Kyoto Protocol or have indicated their intention to do so.
If coal is so precious in OZ then why is it the largest net exporter of coal in the world according to the CIA fact book?
Developed countries are usually net importers (US, EU) and developing countries net exporters (China, India).
«But in addition, the U.S. tax code, the new U.S. tax law, does give some favorable handling to companies that are net exporters out of the U.S.»
In the early 1900s the United States began sharing electricity with its neighbors, and Canada is now a significant net exporter of electricity to the United States.
After six decades of relying on outside sources, the United States is poised to become a consistent net exporter of natural gas.
-- Interestingly, whether a country is a net importer or net exporter varied, depending on the metric considered.
«Australia is a massive net exporter of virtual water, in other words, water we take to grow crops that we grow for export, such as wheat, rice, cotton,» Mr Jarvis said.
Supporters, which include net exporters such as General Electric Co., say a rise in the value of the dollar would offset the increased costs of imported goods.
This means these countries are also the world's three largest net exporters of capital — China ($ 293 billion), Germany ($ 285 billion), and Japan ($ 138 billion)-- as they invest more abroad in stocks, bonds, and other assets annually than they take in.
North Korea is among the top 10 net exporters of coal globally, according to the International Energy Agency (pdf, p. 17).
Nomura's team of analysts, which included Charles St - Arnaud, a former economist at the Bank of Canada, showed that U.S. exports to countries that are net exporters of commodities dropped sharply this year compared with shipments to nations that are net importers of commodities.
While the U.S. is the world's biggest natural gas producer and is now also a net exporter of the fuel thanks to its shale gas boom and the start of exports from the Gulf Coast in February 2016, New England is still dependent on LNG brought in on ships for almost 10 percent of its needs, mainly in winter for use in heating, according to the State Department.
Seemingly overnight, China was moving from being a net exporter of corn to a net importer; its residents» average meat consumption, meanwhile, had nearly tripled in less than 30 years.
From a producer's perspective, Canada's position as a net exporter means that spikes in food and energy will ultimately prove good for the overall economy.
The youth unemployment rates fell in both countries as commodity prices rose, which is not surprising as both are net exporters of commodities.
CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis reports natural gas inventories including how seasonal factors and how the U.S. went from a net importer to a net exporter could be impacting prices.
By the late 2020s, the U.S. will become a net exporter of oil for the first time since the 1950s.
Omar said Malaysia was suffering particularly because it was an emerging market at a time of capital outflows, it was a net exporter of oil and gas at a time of a significant drop in prices, and it was perceived to be badly affected by the Chinese slowdown as China was its largest trading partner.
Even the IEA takes care to note that North America, not the U.S. alone, will become a net exporter by 2030, and that U.S. production will begin dropping again by the late 2020s.
According to EIA, the U.S. has been a net exporter of gasoline for the past two years.
Canada is a net exporter of commodities while our main trading partner, the United States, is a net importer.
Move over OPEC, North America is about to become a net exporter of oil.
Of course a net exporter of capital is by definition a country that is running a current account surplus.
In fact, at times during the summer and fall this year, when the price spread was at its widest, Canada was effectively facing a financial trade deficit for oil — the value of the oil we exported was lower than the value of oil we imported — even though we were a net exporter of oil in terms of barrels.
When entities other than the Chinese central bank are net exporters of more than $ 22 billion, as they have been since June 2014, the central bank will have imported capital (sold reserves) to bring that number down to $ 22 billion.
But they are vast, constituting one of the largest deposits of oil in the world — something in the range of 150 billion barrels, enough to help make Canada a net exporter of oil.
Further, even if the Gulf Coast were to become a net exporter of crude oil, it's still likely to be a net importer of heavy oil, while exporting lights.
Suddenly, Alberta was a net exporter of people, as Canadians abandoned their new lives to return to their old ones.
Of that 3 million barrels per day, 1 million barrels per day were consumed domestically, but it should be no surprise to anyone that we're a net exporter of oil.
Furthermore, India is a net exporter of services (it exports more services to the rest of the world than it imports), whereas it is a net importer of merchandise.
In its highly anticipated Annual Energy Outlook 2018, the agency forecasts that the U.S. will become a net exporter of energy by as early as 2022, thanks in large part to the boom in shale oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) production as well as the relaxation of export restrictions.
As Venezuela continues to suffer through the collapse of its oil - dependent economy, and the U.S. plans to become a net exporter of oil within 10 years, several oil - dependent economies are taking steps to diversify their economies.
More than $ 10 - billion has been invested in vehicle manufacturing over the past 25 years, which has allowed Canada to be a net exporter of Japanese brand vehicles every year since 1993.
Switzerland was a net exporter of gold in October for the first time this year, data showed yesterday.
Like Korea, Japan is a net exporter of goods and their economy relies heavily on exports.
At some point, a mature economy should become a net exporter.
We also need stricter regulations on home building, including regulations that encourage buildings that are net exporters of energy.
«Pennsylvania is one of the few major dairy states that are net exporters of raw milk,» Dr. Mark Stephenson, PhD, director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin Madison and study author, said.
Australia is a net exporter of fresh produce, and as well as growing exports, the sector also saw a significant increase in trade surplus.

Phrases with «net exporter»

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