Sentences with phrase «net reduction»

Only then does it begin producing net reductions in CO2.
Because forestry policies tend not to have climate mitigation as core objective, leakage and other factors that may limit net reductions are generally not considered.
4) Life cycle analysis of emissions has repeatedly shown that solar PV does result in net reduction of emissions compared with the conventional energy displaced.
Indeed, as the European Union actually saw net reductions in coal and nuclear generating capacity in 2009, wind accounted for close to 40 percent of all newly installed capacity, making it the region's number one new power source for the second straight year.
Carbon offsetting aims to achieve an overall net reduction in greenhouse gases.
The American Lung Association supports the increased use of biofuels for transportation if such fuels are produced from sources, and using methods, which result in a significant net reduction in lifecycle emissions of air pollutants including carbon dioxide compared to petroleum fuels.
It appears to be the same story for reducing emissions — the greatest net reductions are projected under a linked system, at 18.42 million tonnes of CO2e versus 12.7 million tonnes.
Additional factors that influence the potential for non-climate policies to reduce net emissions from the forest sector include their ability to (1) provide relatively large net reductions per unit area; (2) be potentially applicable at a large geographic scale; and, (3) have relatively low leakage (Niesten et al., 2002).
BRDI estimated that a slight net reduction in total U.S. active cropland area would result by 2022 in most scenarios, when compared with a scenario developed from USDA's so - called «baseline» projections.
In a second analysis, the total net reduction of heart rate when near and in view of greened vacant lots was over 15 bpm.
There was an overall net reduction in expenditure of # 244 million (all figures in # 000), a further decrease from 2013 - 14, which was the first year of the LASPO scope cuts.
Ultra expensive low return wind turbine built instead of standard generating power methods, causes a significant net reduction in World wealth.
In fact, the annual charges (net reduction in yield) at maturity can be a maximum of 2.25 % for a policy with a term of over 10 years.
The overwhelmingly positive factor that dwarfs this the net reduction in corporate tax rates from 35 % to 21 %.
CBO and JCT estimate that, over the 2017 - 2026 period, enacting this legislation would reduce direct spending by $ 1,022 billion and reduce revenues by $ 701 billion, for a net reduction of $ 321 billion in the deficit over that period (see Table 1, at the end of this document):
CBO and JCT estimate that, over the 2017 - 2026 period, enacting H.R. 1628 would reduce direct spending by $ 1,111 billion and reduce revenues by $ 992 billion, for a net reduction of $ 119 billion in the deficit over that period.
There is now significant pressure on banks to deleverage their balance sheets, especially when you consider the banking system has had a significant increase in leverage caused by the net reduction in capital bases (losses of $ 380B exceed capital raises of $ 257B), as well as some banks being forced to buy - back assets from securitized vehicles which they sponsored.
For the other components of the Plan, a net reduction in stimulus funding resulted in a loss of 5,000 jobs.
So if increased spending creates jobs why wouldn't a net reduction in spending result in a loss of jobs from what they otherwise could have been?
Operating expenses for the year were $ 72.2 billion, a decrease of $ 4.7 billion, or 6.1 percent, compared to the prior year, although this net reduction was largely attributable to changes in actuarially determined expenses outside of management's control.
Barclays said that it thought it might see a # 1 billion net reduction in DTAs after a separate # 300 million increase due to an unrelated revaluation of US branch DTAs.
The proposed RRO flow - through rate would more than offset the added costs of the PPAs, and consumers would even see a net reduction in their power bills.
This is down from some $ 250 billion a year ago, or a net reduction of 90 %.»
As regards the cost of negative rates, the effect of TLTRO II is very difficult to calculate but we expect the net reduction to be substantial, up to EUR2bn on an annual basis by 2018.
(5) The Basin Plan must ensure that there is no net reduction in the protection of planned environmental water from the protection provided for under the State water management law of a Basin State immediately before the Basin Plan first takes effect.
Results suggest clear medical advantages of water birthing: significantly shorter labor duration among the primiparae; a net reduction in episiotomy rates; and a marked drop in requests for pain relievers.
Overall, May said, there had been a net reduction of 20 members since she had become prime minister.
The Prime Minister highlighted at the time how she had attained a net reduction of 20 peers since she took office.
Lonnie Johnson, president of Local 280 of the International Union of Firefighters, said the union opposes the net reduction of one engine company and the cut in staffing levels, which he said could create problems when firefighters have to respond to multiple alarms.
Straw goes back to normal politics - «net reduction», statistics, «points - based» system and all that.
But the budget plan does call for a net reduction of eight positions.
Vacant positions are eliminated and new and redefined positions are created with a net reduction of 11 positions without layoffs.
Armed with the new data, scientists advising the UK government concluded that culling over four years in a hypothetical area of 150 square kilometres — killing an estimated 1000 to 1500 badgers — could achieve a net reduction of herd infections of around 16 per cent within nine years.
Women presented to have double the amount of IMCL as men and to experience a net reduction in IMCL during prolonged exercise.
The CO2 extraction required to reach a given target atmospheric CO2 level therefore depends on the prior emission history and target timeframe, but the amount that must be extracted substantially exceeds the net reduction of the atmospheric CO2 level that will be achieved.
Because LC causes a net reduction in calories.
In addition, the nature of the impact was left up to Milwaukee: it could choose to let the voucher money follow the child, accepting a net reduction in total (but not per - pupil) MPS revenues.
Overall, the plan calls for a net reduction of $ 72.1 million from the current 2018 fiscal year to 2019, dropping from $ 887 million in 2018...
The bill, authored by state Rep. Dana Wachs (D - Eau Claire), would require property tax bills to include information from the school district where the property is located regarding the amount of any net reduction in state aid to the district as a result of pupils enrolled in the statewide voucher program, the Racine voucher program, or the Milwaukee voucher program.
The Wisconsin Voucher Taxpayer Transparency bill would have required property tax bills include information on the amount of any net reduction in state aid to the home district as a result of pupils enrolled in any of the state's school voucher programs.
The year 2015 saw a further fall of 3 percent in independent shops to 897 and a net reduction in Waterstones» holdings by two stores.
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