Sentences with phrase «net savings»

Let's say that this week's worth of labor nets you savings of $ 200 annually on your rates.
It expects another $ 20 million in net savings in 2015.
In most cases, monthly repayments will be lower than the savings from energy efficiency projects, resulting in net savings from day one.
Fortunately, climate - friendly substitutes exist, and some of these alternatives can even create net savings for consumers.
Community solar and rooftop solar both result in net savings on your electricity bill, but each offers distinct benefits.
For this reason, you won't be seeing net savings on interest of 100 % - your savings will always be offset by the balance transfer fee.
Begin with a budget, create a safety net savings account, and take ownership of what happens to your money.
Since their inception, the 10 programs in this study generated cumulative net savings worth up to $ 3.4 billion — roughly $ 3,000 for each program participant.
Let's say that this week's worth of labor nets you savings of $ 200 annually on your rates.
We have kept government expenses down while focusing on projects that will result in long term net savings like consolidation efforts and flood mitigation projects.
I bet it is more than $ 100 combined thus net savings is a lot less.
Your spending on gas and restaurants would need to make up more than 60 % of your total credit card spending, before that increase would result in a greater total net savings.
Net net the savings is the same — less energy from fossil fuels.
Changing my deductible from $ 500 to $ 1000 nets me a savings of less that $ 75 a year.
An increase in net savings could lead to fewer purchases of consumer goods and more money invested in the stock market, pushing stock prices higher.
In reality, their allegations of «profiteering» are overwrought, and research clearly shows that TCS policies produce net savings for states.
It paid the firm $ 57.4 million in 2015, but Mangano has said the 20 - year contract would result in annual net savings of at least $ 10 million.
In the meantime, as the NY Times points out, it may make sense to consider individual actions, such as more energy efficient appliances and increased vehicle efficiency, if the data shows net savings as a result of energy independence, reduced expenditures for fossil fuel due to reduced energy uses and potential reduction in defense expenditures as a result of reduced dependence on the middle east for oil.
Store customers who are members of Amazon Prime can net savings by paying the online price for books and other merchandise.
Europe could benefit from over $ 200 billion net savings per year through energy efficiency measures, according to this research commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network Europe.
That amount is $ 202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.
A state budget spokesman says counties are eligible to receive state matching funds for net savings achieved in the first year, so for approved plans that have been implemented in 2018, counties would receive those funds in 2019.
Considering the fairly modest price penalty incurred by choosing a Hybrid Limited instead of a V6 Limited model (just $ 1,720 extra), those additional em - pee - gees should actually pencil out as net savings if you plan on driving your Hybrid more than 60,000 miles.
We do not believe that these administrative savings will result in any significant net savings for the deficit, as claimed in the 2010 Budget.
As lead author and Rocky Mountain Institute founder Amory Lovins recently wrote in the Huffington Post, Reinventing Fire promises «a 2.6 - fold - bigger US economy by 2050 with no oil, coal, or nuclear energy, one - third less natural gas, a $ 5 trillion dollar net savings, 82 - 86 percent lower carbon emissions, and no new inventions» solely through profit - motivated business activity.
O'Brien admits that her efforts «are usually a break - even scenario but sometimes there is net savings also,» which can amount to $ 10,000 to $ 50,000 after the cost of her services has been paid.
Workplace wellness programs can lower health care costs in workers with chronic diseases, but components of the programs that encourage workers to adopt healthier lifestyles may not reduce health costs or lead to lower net savings, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
The fact that this policy would also probably bring net savings is mere icing on the cake, but it is not insignificant icing, in that questions of cost INEVITABLY arise when deciding what should or should not or even can or can not be covered.
Although the government insists there will be net savings overall, it now concedes some families will pay more under the scheme.
WHITE PLAINS, NY - Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino today announced that taxpayers will see $ 3 million in net savings next year, as a result of 162 county government employees taking part in a voluntary incentive to leave their jobs by July 31.
They can also save money: in San Francisco, for example, one analysis concluded that for every dollar spent on such sites, $ 2.33 in emergency medical, law enforcement and other costs would be reduced, producing a yearly net savings of $ 3.5 million.
Net Savings Link, Inc. seeks to provide real value to both large businesses and organizations, as well as families and individuals by delivering one stop electronic access to savings, discounts, sales, coupons, specials and preferred member venues on those categories that consume the majority of today's net disposable income.
Another fiscal analysis on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program demonstrated net savings of $ 37 million in FY 2009 from the program.
DOT in fact far exceeded its proposed budget of $ 35 million in savings — with a year - to - date net savings of $ 166 million.
The difference between what we're paying for rent currently and what we will be paying for the mortgage payment will lower our per - month net savings to (very) roughly $ 3500.
That made February the first month to see net savings since October.
The Federal Reserve reported that median net savings for those between 65 and 75 years old was less than $ 235,000, which includes home equity.
Because a sustained long term savings rate of 10 % to 20 % is usually required to save adequately for secure and comfortable retirement, the lack of significant American net savings in recent decades is very disturbing.
He also lists 12 smaller districts in Erie County that would have the greatest net savings.
Interacted with auditors, bankers, attorneys and insurance agents (net savings on Worker's Comp premium over $ 250,000 per year after internal audit)
Among the key findings were analyses which showed that doubling the state's Energy Efficiency Resource Standard for utilities from 1 % annual savings to 2 % would produce net savings of an additional $ 900 million compared to a compliance plan with the current 1 % standard.
«Does wind power measurably reduce greenhouse gas («GHG») emissions from power generation — NO, detailed anaysis shows net savings are miniscule, no more than about 5 % of that claimed by promoters (and supported by government).»
That amount is $ 32 billion less than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was posted on the website of the House Committee on Rules on March 22, 2017, incorporating manager's amendments 4, 5, 24, and 25.
Other county officials, including those working for County Executive Mike Hein, have complained that municipal governments have spent the Safety Net savings, rather than pass them along to residents in the form of lower property taxes.
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