Sentences with phrase «networking activities»

Ensure that your blogging and social networking activity does not interfere with your academic commitments and engagement in learning.
The platform will automatically deduct these from the funds based on the size of the transaction and the level of network activity at the time.
In addition to traditional job applications, prospective medical assistants are encouraged to engage in networking activities in order to boost their chances of landing a job.
Make networking a part of your daily routine and plan to spend the majority of your job search time on networking activities (approximately 3/4 of your time is a good estimate).
The conference is packed full of valuable librarian - led sessions and networking activities with publishers and industry experts.
This is perfect for networking activities and human resources jobs.
He promoted the benefits of public speaking and other networking activities that push people beyond their comfort zone.
In the real brain, maintaining a proper balance in neural network activity is important; disruptions in it appear to foster disorders such as epilepsy, and perhaps schizophrenia and autism.
These spaces also offer training, events, mentoring and access to food specific networking activities.
This project aims to provide institutional investors with an in depth look inside blockchains so they can measure network activity.
Traditional networking activities and online promotion should also be part of your plan.
A blog is the home base for this online networking activity.
Second, I am a strong believer that the best networking activity for lawyers in most practice areas is having lunch with clients and prospects.
In my personal experience working with attorneys, social networking paired with in - person networking activities are powerful tools for growing your practice.
Are you wasting your time on the wrong attorney networking activities?
We've covered in detail how to prevent your mouse from waking your PC and how to prevent network activity from waking your PC.
The task manager shows you how much memory, CPU, and network activity different web pages, browser extensions, and apps are using.
Each of these nodes records network activity, helping to verify transactions and making the public ledger as distributed as possible.
The rest of your time should be allocated to relationship building / networking activities where you have contact names at your fingertips.
Much of the career networking activity that college grads will do starts while they are still in college.
Because full nodes record the entire blockchain's network activity in real time, they rely on both storage and bandwidth requirements.
We have so many options from job boards, to social networks, referral relationships, and other networking activities.
In the brain, however, certain neurons have the ability to switch properties depending on neural network activity, researchers have found.
Network hypersynchrony in AD and related mouse models: We discovered that aberrant patterns of neuronal network activity result in profound anatomical and physiological alterations of learning and memory centers and may contribute to cognitive deficits in mouse models of AD (hAPP mice).
«New analysis of brain network activity offers unique insight into epileptic seizures: Researchers are exploring «evolving epileptic brain networks» to gain a better understanding of brain activity in epilepsy patients and the roles played by different regions of the brain.»
One feature that Sony is upgrading is the ability to post on PlayStation Network Activity Feeds.
We launched a new live Bitcoin chart recently which aims to capture Bitcoin network activity over the last 24 - hours.
Informational interviewing shares some features with networking, but unlike most networking activities, an informational interview is planned with the goal of gaining information — specific information.
Monitored bandwidth and network activity by analyzing information provided by MRTG and Solarwinds NPM
Actively monitored Classified and Unclassified Networks for suspicious network activity using ArcSight ESM
As this vulnerability opens the door to theft of credentials, logins and other private information, any unusual network activity needs to be detected, investigated and remediated as soon as it occurs.
Sony also made a simplified notification lists, made the ability to post on PlayStation Network activity feeds, and they announced that PlayStation VR now supports 3D Blu - ray.
Facebook Advising Facebook in relation to pre-litigation and litigation matters affecting its social network activities outside the US, as well as in several data protection and unfair competition matters.
Through such networking activities, Club Biotech has been quite successful in inspiring companies and public institutions to support us financially.
Many of the custom ROMs available aim to improve battery life through internal efficiency settings, app and network activity management, and the removal of bloatware.
In the wake of last week's Presidents Club scandal, we surveyed more than 250 partners to find out their views on the issues around male - focused corporate events and whether they think law firms should be doing more to make networking activities more inclusive.
Discovered that aberrant patterns of neuronal network activity result in profound anatomical and physiological alterations of learning and memory centers and may contribute to cognitive deficits in humans with AD and related mouse models.
When the Gladstone scientists administered levetiracetam to the mice, they found that abnormal network activity in their brains dropped by 50 % in less than a day.
Neuroimaging will be used to study brain activity in the 3 - year study: «Effect of Feedback Presentation on the Fronto ‐ Striatal Network Activity and Fatigue in Individuals with MS.»
The vast majority of partners believe law firms need to do more to make corporate networking activities more inclusive for both men and women, with 97 % of female respondents to a Legal Week survey saying work events are still too focused on traditionally male interests.
This could be due to the increased network activity and transaction fees associated with Bitcoin payments, and / or the fact that many people treat Bitcoin as a long - term asset, rather than a currency for day - to - day transactions.
In addition to simply connecting to an SSH server, you can also use SSH tunneling to create a local proxy that allows you to tunnel your Chrome OS network activity over your SSH connection.
Intuitive and responsive browser interface; Gigabit LAN and WAN; excellent range; easy to setup; Network Activity Display offers quick access to a variety of network information; preset with a lot of settings for special services and applications, including games.
Ashley MacSuga - Gage, APBS» Networks Coordinator, highlights APBS Network activities around the globe, welcomes new networks, and describes the sessions and activites that will be available for APBS Networks and their members at this year's annual conference in San Diego.

Phrases with «networking activities»

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