Sentences with word «neurochemical»

"Neurochemical" refers to the chemicals in our brains and nervous systems that help transmit messages and control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Full definition
We feel sadder when we're hungry due to a lack of neurochemicals in the brain.
Caffeine may also modulate central fatigue, a type of fatigue caused by neurochemical changes in the brain associated with prolonged exercise, and in turn influence ratings of perceived exertion, perceived pain, and levels of vigour, all of which are likely to lead to improvements in performance11, 12.
Over the long term, excessive discharge of epinephrine and norepinephrine can lead to the suppression of cellular immune functioning; produce hemodynamic changes, such as increased pressure in heart rate; provoke variations in normal heart rhythms; and produce neurochemical imbalances that may contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders.
That makes perfect sense since the body is desperately trying to increase serotonin production to make you feel better and «bad foods» are great for stimulating a short - term neurochemical reaction.
They also affect other neurochemicals involved in emotional reactivity.
He also hopes the bats can serve as a model organism to test the hormonal and neurochemical underpinnings of different characteristics of friendship.
In addition to the opioids, other neurochemical systems are also likely to influence the experience of social rejection.
This stimulation is thought to release neurochemicals that make the brain better able to adapt and learn.
Her main areas of interest comprise development of imaging methods to enhance the investigation of neurochemical mechanisms that lead to an increased risk of Parkinson's disease (PD) and mechanisms that contribute to treatment - related complications.
What we now know through research is that not only is your heart full of love, but your brain is flooded with feel - good neurochemicals like dopamine and PEA (phenylethylamine).
Turning on some music that you love floods your body with neurochemicals like dopamine.
Direct, microbial - produced neurochemical production, for example, gamma - aminobutyric acid (GABA);
«When you put those two [supplements] together, they're really fighting the underlying neurochemical process of addiction,» she says.
Early childhood trauma has a very real effect on neurochemical responses.
As I have written before, power is addictive and manifests at neurochemical level through a reward circuitry of dopamine flow, the same transmitter responsible for producing a sense of pleasure.
It has to do with the fact that certain foods, like chocolate, trigger satisfying neurochemical responses in the brain.
Dr. Britt has characterized some of the ways that the nucleus accumbens integrates dopamine dependent reinforcement signals with environmental stimuli, which depend on a second neurochemical called glutamate.
In a rat - based study published in Neurochemical Research in 2012, researchers determined that catuaba may aid in the prevention of ischemia.
One of the lab's goals is to improve the understanding of functional, structural, and neurochemical brain abnormalities in depression.
The remedies being tested actually target the cascade of neurochemical events at the root of addicts» cravings.
They're complex neurochemical cascades, in which hormones race through the body and brain and electrical impulses fly over familiar neural synapses, shaping what we feel, do, and think.
A new study by researchers from the Department of Psychology at Uppsala University and Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet shows that people with PTSD have an imbalance between two neurochemical signalling systems of the brain, serotonin and substance P. Professors Mats Fredrikson and Tomas Furmark led the study using a so - called PET scanner to measure the relationship between these systems.
Based on the results I've seen over the years in people using these soundtracks, I'd be willing to bet we'll discover listening to Holosync ® stimulates production of a number of other vital neurochemicals associated with improved emotional health, lower stress, and increased mental functioning.
Fear, an emotion we have inherited from our ancestors, is not an abstract or intangible sense of imminent danger: it is expressed in neurochemical terms in our amygdala, the almond - shaped structure on the medial temporal lobe, anterior to the hippocampus.
This process is what I have previously called the «neurochemical gratification principle» (NGP).
Key brain regions have been identified by imaging studies, as have key neurochemical pathways bringing about the possibility of using drugs to block the nocebo effect.
«Since mazindol acts on a different neurochemical pathway, it could be useful for those who don't respond to existing treatments.»
As a result, the aromatic powers of vanilla stimulate the release of hormones and neurochemicals which promote mental health and an emotional response
«The suggestion that differences in [neurochemical profiles] are correlated with particular ape — human differences in temperament and behavior remains a hypothesis, although a strongly - founded one,» he says.
The lab used MRS in a preclinical study of SAPAP3 knockout mice — which model aspects of human obsessive compulsive and related disorders (OCRD)-- to determine whether these mice exhibit neurochemical abnormalities found in humans with OCRD.
Brain imaging and neurochemical studies suggest that the amygdala and hippocampus play significant roles in the etiology of anxiety disorders.
«At least in the case of mice, this appears to be an important neurochemical switch that can increase paternal behavior and decrease aggressive behavior toward infants,» Levine notes.
Publication of Proof that Cot Death Babies Show Physiological Effects of Gaseous Poisoning: «Decreased Kainate Receptor Binding in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome», Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 1997; 56:1253 - 61: proof that cot death babies have neurochemical deficits consistent with poisoning by nerve gases.
True neurochemical deficiencies, inadequate levels of neurotransmitters, or even structural abnormalities in the brain all can result in fear, anxiety, and aggression.
Emotionality is not a peripheral aspect of our human nature or an occasional distortion of it, but rather is formative in our development and constitutive of our moral lives and has clear neurochemical foundations.
We feel the passions of love because our brains contain specific neurochemical systems that create those feelings in us.
The ways through which acupuncture works include stimulation of nerves, increasing blood circulation, relieving muscle spasm and pain, modulating the immune system, optimizing healthy nerve transmission, and stimulating the release of neurochemicals such as endorphins (one of the body's pain control chemicals) and cortisol (a natural steroid).
Other groups have found heightened sensitivity to positive social influences amongst short allele carriers as well, which has even been documented using neurochemical measures (Manuck et al., 2004).
We can conclude that cognitive impairment characteristic of the R6 / 2 transgenic model of HD shares neurochemical similarities with many other types of dementia.
«Magnesium has a critical neurochemical role to do with nervous system function and is important for relaxation of the muscles,» says Dr Sarris.
Abstract: This paper considers first the concepts of temperament and emotion and then describes some of the genetic and neurochemical correlates of varied temperamental biases and their contribution to emotions.
«Both GWI and Alzheimer's disease result in profound cognitive impairment and share similar neurochemical underpinnings,» explained the study's lead author Nicholas Hubbard.
It is unclear exactly how an image gets translated into a mustering of immune cells, Schaller says, but many neurochemicals connect the brain to the immune system — more studies are needed to tease out the exact chain of events.

Phrases with «neurochemical»

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