Sentences with word «neuronal»

The word "neuronal" refers to something related to neurons, which are special cells in our bodies that transmit signals in our nervous system. Full definition
In Lagotto Romagnolo dogs, the LSD disease is characterized by widespread swelling and accumulation of clear vesicles (vacuoles) in the cytoplasm of neuronal cells of central and peripheral nervous system.
Nature Methods, 2014, online: «FlyMAD: Rapid thermogenetic control of neuronal activity in freely - walking Drosophila»
A group of neuronal cells in the brain stem, which coordinate exhalation and tension of muscles in the larynx is essential for this process.
«For the first time, we can provide a complete description of an animal model from genes to behavior — including at the level of neuronal network activity, which has been ignored in most studies to date.»
One disadvantage with these switch - like approaches is that they can mask more subtle functions of neuronal circuits in regulating behaviors.
Now her group has discovered a connection between neuronal death and Lewy bodies.
Subsequently, the effect of external stimuli that are relevant for neuronal functioning as well as the influence of conditions being involved in degenerative processes will be determined.
«Our findings define a potential mechanism for neuronal cell death in Alexander disease and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases with astrocyte dysfunction.»
In other words, the researchers determined that modulating the mouse brain's stress circuitry (without actually changing the normal response) mitigated generation and accumulation of amyloid plaques widely attributed with causing neuronal damage and death.
Breast milk is richly supplied with DHA and omega -3-fatty acids, both of which are important for the development of neuronal connections, maintenance of intelligence and brain function.
Some questions we're all still trying to answer include the composition of the gut microbiota, its effects on the permeability of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, its effects on whole - body inflammation, and its effects on neuronal signaling from the gut to the brain.
ALS is characterized by degeneration of motor neurons, while FTD is characterized by progressive neuronal loss mostly in the frontal and / or temporal lobes of the brain.
In previous studies on rodents, postdoctoral scholar Clemenson and others showed that exploring the environment resulted in the growth of new neurons that became entrenched in the hippocampus» memory circuit and increased neuronal signaling networks.
Work at Janelia will focus on two areas, «the identification of general principles that govern how information is processed by neuronal circuits, [and] the development of imaging technologies and computational methods for image analysis,» as HHMI puts it on their Web site.
Animal Genetics offers DNA testing for Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis NCL.
«Astroglial function is increasingly recognized as a critical factor in neuronal dysfunction in the brain, and this is the first study to show its importance in Down syndrome.»
Task Difficulty Modulates the Activity of Specific Neuronal Populations in Primary Visual Cortex.
The society has members world wide that study the genetic basis of a wide range of behaviors and brain disorders together with the underlying neuronal mechanisms using diverse species.
A team led by neuroscientist Carla Shatz was running a routine procedure designed to identify genes regulated by neuronal firing when an unexpected one popped up that codes for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, which play a crucial role in helping the immune system recognize invading pathogens.
This process thereby clears the pathway for new neuronal processes to regrow, reinnervate tissues, and recover function.
Stroke is a term that describes a loss of blood flow to an area of the brain, causing neuronal cell damage.
Poetry has also been shown to be beneficial for stimulating neuronal pathways as complex poetry can influence networks in the brain regions that affect emotion and memory.
(2) Mattson, MP., Duan, W., and Guo, Z. Meal size and frequency affect neuronal plasticity and vulnerability to disease: cellular and molecular mechanisms.
Such conditions as neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, ichthyosis, kidney disorder, thyroid disorder, cherry eye, hip / elbow dysplasia, entropion and ectropion.
I believe that we have a number of insights that provide those of us interested in therapeutic intervention reason to be optimistic about our progress working with diseases of neuronal degeneration, such as Alzheimer's, ALS, and Parkinson's.
The objective of my proposal is to determine how neuronal control regulates aqueous humor (AQH) outflow and intraocular pressure (IOP).
Persistent changes in corticotropin - releasing factor neuronal systems induced by maternal deprivation.
We are really excited about our results because they suggest that even a non-pharmacological intervention such as music, might regulate mood and emotional responses at both the behavioral and neuronal level,» says Professor Elvira Brattico.
Moreover, by uncovering a hitherto unknown mechanism mediating neuronal differentiation, the study by Makeyev and co-authors should facilitate development of novel cell replacement therapies for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.
The temperature jump can then be used to induce or suppress activity in specific neuronal circuits and thus change certain aspects of the flies» behaviour in a fraction of a second.
Imbalance of ascorbic acid levels can lead to neurodegenerative disorders, as seen with a clear link between ascorbic acid deficiency and oxidative - induced neuronal death [9].
«If hyperexcitability is the brain network basis for these symptoms, then reducing neuronal excitability with certain drugs that modulate inhibition could be of therapeutic value in these devastating neurodevelopmental disorders.»
«Tau's main functions include keeping the skeletal structure of individual neurons intact and regulating neuronal activity,» said Dr. Huang.
BMAA has been demonstrated to be concentrated in the brains of ALS patients (but not controls) in Florida [19] and to be mis - incorporated into neuronal proteins via the L - serine tRNA - synthetase system [20 — 22].
A recent neuroimaging study provides preliminary support for the notion that mindfulness is different from attention - and cognition - driven pain and emotion regulation strategies by showing that mindfulness practitioners have different neuronal responses to painful stimuli than controls, involving greater activation in the insula (anterior to posterior) and thalamus and decreased activation in PFC (Grant et al. 2011, but see Brown and Jones 2010).
However, we now recognize that steroids can also rapidly modulate how those circuits respond to social stimuli by acting on receptors on neuronal membranes, a non-genomic mechanism.
But brain scans aren't able to determine if increased activity in the mPFC causes depression, or if it is simply a byproduct of other neuronal changes.
As illustrated in Figures 1B and 1C, a majority of the NPCs expressed Sox2, Nestin and Olig2, while much fewer cells expressed neuronal marker TuJ1.
In areas of the spinal cord and brain dedicated to pain processing, A3AR activation promoted GABA signaling by preventing the breakdown and removal of GABA from neuronal synapses.
Endothelial cell - derived GABA signaling modulates neuronal migration and postnatal behavior Li S, Kumar T P, Joshee S, Kirschstein T, Subburaju S, Khalili JS, Kloepper J, Du C, Elkhal A, Szabó G, Jain RK, Köhling R, Vasudevan A. Cell Research.
Gary Banker's laboratory studies neuronal structure and development from a cell biological perspective.
The behavioral and neuronal bases of executive function have been well studied in neuropsychological patients (12 ⇓ — 14) and with functional neuroimaging (9, 12, 15 ⇓ — 17), which confirm that executive function is supported by a network of brain regions, primarily involving the frontal lobes and the posterior parietal cortex (9, 12, 15 ⇓ — 17).
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