Sentences with word «neurotoxic»

Neurotoxic means something that can harm or damage the cells in our brain or nervous system. Full definition
In the evaluation of the possible neurotoxic effects of substance abuse, the lesser substance using twin's brain provides a glimpse of what the heavier using twin's brain should be like had the heavy user not misused substances.
Our food supply is filled with neurotoxic chemicals from corn syrup to artificial sugar substitutes.
A strong and growing body of evidence points to exposure to a class of neurotoxic pesticides called neonicotinoids — the fastest - growing and most widely used class of synthetic pesticides — as a key contributing factor to bee declines.
It is now known that the product contains high concentrations of aluminum, an acknowledged neurotoxic substance.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a watchdog environmental organization, nine out of ten children under the age of five are exposed to thirteen different neurotoxic insecticides in their baby foods.
Too much activation of p38 MAPK in glial cells impairs their supportive function and can result in the release of neurotoxic molecules further harming the synapse.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a commonly used flavor enhancer with potent neurotoxic properties.
It's associated with neurotoxic reactions.
It is surprising how some caregivers who would never dream of giving a child a diet soda don't think twice about doling out sugarless gum with similar neurotoxic sweeteners.
Research by Finch's team in the mid -»90s also led to a startling discovery in Alzheimer's research: In 1998, working with neuroscientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, the group reported that amyloid — the insoluble protein that piles up in the Alzheimer's - afflicted brain — is also highly neurotoxic when it clusters into small but soluble oligomers, dubbed ADDLs.
What's worse, a highly neurotoxic petrochemical called hexane is used in the processing method of soy protein isolates and it concentrates when the soy beans are soaked in it to soften them.
These can include neurotoxic MSG, carcinogenic nitrates and of course, sodium, and plenty of it.
LSD and methadone were removed, whereas methamphetamine and MDMA were added to the list of neurotoxic drugs.
Subsequently, the toxic substances enter the body by penetrating the skin and there can give rise to skin damage or even neurotoxic effects.
Avoid magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), glutamate, and aspartate (glutamic acid and aspartic acid are components of the dangerous artificial sweetener aspartame, and both of them may become neurotoxic when unbound to other amino acids).
Avoid magnesium oxide, sulfate (Epsom salt), glutamate, and aspartate (glutamic acid and aspartic acid are components of the dangerous artificial sweetener aspartame, and both of them become neurotoxic when unbound to other amino acids).
The same study noted that when your microbial ecosystem is in a state of dysbiosis, gut bacteria can produce substances like D - lactic acid and ammonia, which can exert neurotoxic properties and impede the function of the nervous system.
Peripheral Neuropathy: Pathogenic Mechanisms and Alternative Therapies Alternative Medicine Review 2006 (Dec); 11 (4): 294 - 329 ~ FULL TEXT Peripheral neuropathy (PN), associated with diabetes, neurotoxic chemotherapy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) / antiretroviral drugs, alcoholism, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and other etiologies, results in significant morbidity.
Have we lost sight of real poisons and pollutants like neurotoxic mercury compounds, heavy metals, and sulfates?
Although pyrethroids are neurotoxic for insects, exposure to them is generally considered safe for humans by federal authorities.
Pyrethrins are neurotoxic at high levels, and may cause excessive salivation, vomiting, difficulty breathing, muscle tremors, depression, and ataxia (wobbling).
Neurons and the brain are rich in arachidonic acid, which is released in massive amounts from cell membranes in response to brain ischemia or trauma and can be metabolized into neurotoxic compounds.
Exposure to mercury, one of the most neurotoxic of all metals, is widespread — with an Environmental Working Group study finding that 30 percent of pregnant women studied had mercury... Read More»
Their reasoning is that the compounds are «extracted from fermented algae and fungus through a process that utilizes the known neurotoxic chemical, hexane.»
Research the scary neurotoxic chemicals in fragrance for yourself and you'll switch all products to everything in your entire household too, especially if anyone in your home has ever had a migraine.
Human Exposure to Possibly Neurotoxic Pesticides Should Be Reduced, E.U. Safety Agency Recommends
Slowinski specialized in the evolutionary relationships of neurotoxic snakes, making more than 10 forays into Myanmar to study them.
Humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières says that clinics it supports in Damascus claim to have received around 3600 patients with neurotoxic symptoms on the day of the attack, and that they did treat people atropine.
Inhibiting BACE1 will limit the production of Aβ which, in turn, should reduce the production of neurotoxic fibrils and plaques.
But when the enzymes are over-activated, the brain produces an excessive level of neurotoxic byproducts, causing neuronal dysfunctions that lead to psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
«I would like to know whether these chemicals are developmentallly neurotoxic and I would like to know whether they are carcinogenic,» Birnbaum said.
«We're very excited by the discovery of neurotoxic reactive astrocytes,» he said, «because our findings imply that acute injuries of the retina, brain and spinal cord and neurodegenerative diseases may all be much more highly treatable than has been thought.»
Typically, heating occurs over an open gas flame, releasing the potent neurotoxic element into the atmosphere.
They found neurotoxic PCB - 47 and PCB - 51, as well as PCB - 68, at much higher levels than expected.
These harmful algal blooms are hazardous to marine life as well as to humans (through neurotoxic shellfish poisoning or aerosolized toxins, which cause respiratory distress).
The biological formation of neurotoxic methyl mercury is an enigmatic process underpinning mercury - related health and environmental hazards.
They release more and more neurotoxic chemicals, and those, in turn, excite neurons, creating a feedback loop: overstimulated glia cause more and more inflammation, which activates stronger pain signals from neurons and amplifies pain.
Also, new studies have shown that release of free amyloid β from plaque results in neurotoxic forms.
Specific targeting of neurotoxic side effects and pharmacological profile of the novel cancer stem cell drug salinomycin in mice.
A single neurotoxic dose of methamphetamine induces a long - lasting depressive - like behaviour in mice.
However, neuronal apoE undergoes proteolytic cleavage, with apoE4 being more susceptible to the cleavage than apoE3, resulting in the formation of neurotoxic fragments.
Remarkably, recent studies from several laboratories including Dr. Kim's lab identified Nurr1 as a key modulator of (neuro) inflammation functioning as a transcriptional repressor for neurotoxic cytokine production.
He is also examining long - term exposure to high doses of AAS and whether this may lead to potentially irreversible neurotoxic effects on the brain, the long - term effects of AAS on the neuroendocrine system, and the adverse musculoskeletal effects of AAS.
Finally, in a mouse model of tauopathy, mice subjected to the flickering - light treatment had lower levels of tau phosphorylation associated with formation of neurotoxic tangles.
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