Sentences with word «neutering»

Neutering refers to the process of surgically preventing animals from being able to reproduce. Full definition
Low cost, low - income cat and dog spay neuter clinic.
After passing his preliminary exams, he was scheduled for neuter surgery.
Low cost spay neuter programs prevent feline pregnancy, reduce overpopulation and result in fewer cat health problems and behavior issues in the domestic cat population.
We are the leader in spay neuter services in the region and industry experts.
One anecdotal thought in favor of neutering male cats is that intact male cats spay and fight, making them virtually impossible to house indoors and contributing to neighborhood nuisance when the are outdoors.
To find a spay neuter clinic in your area, contact your local shelter or rescue.
This is one of the many good reasons for neutering dogs at a young age, before sexual maturity.
Other signs indicating it likely is diabetes is overweight, male neutered cat over the age of 10, and recent weight loss.
Our spay / neuter assistance program for low income owners is designed to prevent abandonment.
This is one of the reasons that it is suggested that you have your male cats neutered at a young age.
Studies of neutered pets show no preference for using one paw over the other.
Dogs neutered as puppies might have a slightly higher risk of hypothyroidism and hip dysplasia, but they also have a lesser risk of certain cancers.
Our goal is to use 95 cents of each dollar for Spay Neuter procedures and education.
In addition, any dog, especially a male who was not neutered early, is likely to mark new territory - especially if other pets have lived there.
Female cats should be spayed and male cats neutered by five months of age.
Spay and neuter animal surgery is one of the best gifts you can possibly give to your pet.
CP can provide help with neutering cats in situations where there are many cats in a household.
I have 2 adult 11 year old neutered male cats, that are also litter mates.
* Upon request, assists shelters with securing grants for specialized programs, such as Trap Neuter Return programs for feral cats.
Early neutering in dogs and cats is a safe and effective means of pet population control.
One county had spay / neuter voucher programs and the other did not.
The main benefit of neutering prior to puberty is no new kittens.
Very politely urge the mayor and council members to support trap neuter return as a humane solution to overpopulation of feral cats and to save animal control costs.
All rescued animals are checked by a vet, vaccinated (age appropriate), tested, treated for fleas and spayed / neutered if old enough.
Their pets might be taken from them and ultimately mandatory spay neuter laws result in more animals dying in shelters.
We also provide vouchers support to individual volunteers who help neuter feral cats in their local area.
Unfortunately neutering does not completely stop this behavior with all male cats.
If your pet is not altered prior to their first appointment, we can schedule a spay or neuter appointment for you.
Spay / neuter also includes a physical exam and pain management.
The true picture is of a terrible situation in 1970 that was made better through determined spay - neuter efforts by people associated with the traditional shelter industry before No Kill even developed.
It's normally recommended that the dog gets neutered between 2 and 6 months old.
He was also neutered when he arrived and will be ready for adoption soon.
Upon our receiving the spay / neuter certificate from you, the deposit is refunded.
This system worked well until spay / neuter through local clinics became too expensive.
This gives a natural look after neuter surgery that is desirable to some people.
I wish to get a spay / neuter project soon underway in order to stop the population from expanding.
We believe that spaying and neutering helps reduce future, unwanted pet population in our community and makes for healthier, longer - lived pets.
Learn more about other spay / neuter resources in the area.
Also, as many as 2 in 3 intact dogs stop the behavior after neutering so this treatment is worth considering.
Future studies will clarify recommendations for the timing of neutering female dogs and males dogs of other breeds.
This is contrary to the popular belief that neutering reduces aggression and other behavior problems.
If he is selling a pup to a pet home, he will sell that pup on a mandatory spay / neuter contract with limited registration.
There are a number of health and behavioral benefits to the procedure and each pet owner is to explore spay / neuter options if they are in possession of an intact animal.
Please do your part to stop the killing, and encourage all spay & neuter campaigns in order to prevent unwanted animals.
If your cat comes from some other source, look for programs that offer spay / neuter operations at low or no cost.
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