Sentences with phrase «newspaper endorsements»

"Newspaper endorsements" refers to the support or recommendation of a particular candidate, party, or issue by a newspaper. It is an official endorsement given by a newspaper through articles or editorials, highlighting their preference or recommendation to readers. Full definition
The Amsterdam News, the nation's oldest continuously published black newspaper, has weighed in with the first newspaper endorsement of the AG's race, backing Sen. Eric Schneiderman to succeed Andrew Cuomo has New York's top attorney.
The big kahuna of newspaper endorsements in this race is arguably the Times, over which the candidates are no doubt fighting hard, since its editorial page is well read by the sort of voter who tends to turn out in Democratic primaries.
Sen. Eric Schneiderman has collected his third newspaper endorsement from El Diario la Prensa, NYC's largest and oldest Spanish - language daily newspaper, which deemed him «smart, decisive and fearless» and praised his «willingness to defend vulnerable individuals and communities.»
Still, it's the first newspaper endorsement of the general election cycle in the AG's race (yesterday, the Post backed Harry Wilson for state comptroller over the Democratic incumbent, Tom DiNapoli), and that gives Donovan something to crow about.
Now, nobody seems surprised that «reformer» Marshall Tuck, running for California schools superintendent in the country's most high - profile education election contest, has pulled in every single major newspaper endorsement in California — despite the fact that California and national teachers unions are throwing everything they have against Tuck.
He later toned down the ethnic appeal towards the end of the campaign, when newspaper endorsement interviews were on the horizon, but still lost the endorsements of The Times and Daily News to Clyde WIlliams, a former aide to Bill Clinton and President Obama, who was making his first run for office.
Lipshutz said the assemblyman, who has not received a single newspaper endorsement to date for his AG bid, has been invited to interview with the editorial boards of every other major publication in NYC that has picked a favorite to date.
But you would have predicted just the opposite if you had been following newspaper endorsements in Virginia leading up to Election Day.
Sean Coffey has landed the second newspaper endorsement of his AG bid from the Irish Voice — a not - so - surprising development, considering the fact that he is a first - generation Irish - American.
This all comes as Saujani has picked up some last - minute steam, gaining a few newspaper endorsements — including from the DN.
Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer's first major newspaper endorsement comes from The Journal News, which chose to back the veteran senior senator over his hometown paper his GOP / Conservative opponent, political consultant Jay Townsend.
Dinallo has been picking up steam with recent newspaper endorsements, but trails in fund - raising and could be tainted by his years as ex-Gov.
Regarding Newspaper endorsements — I noticed that Gay City News also endorsed Ramos (of course) and Gustavo Rivera.
Ritz, a Washington Township teacher and union activist, overcame Bennett's clear advantages in campaign fundraising, national acclaim and even newspaper endorsements.
The Republican challenger Lisa Benjamin, who did not bother to show up for candidates» forums or newspaper endorsement interviews, got 35.64 %.
Dinallo has received a boost over the past week with two newspaper endorsements from Crain's and the Daily News, along with a second - place finish from the Times.
But overall, newspaper endorsements have had mixed results in influencing voters or forecasting election outcomes.
That's a valiant acknowledgment from a small - town paper, but newspaper endorsements - no matter their credibility or weight - won't be easy to extirpate.
The idea that a better or different algorithm on Facebook would have made the results any different is just as ridiculous as the idea that newspaper endorsements or «fact checking» mattered one bit.»
By contrast, newspaper endorsements aren't likely to have a big impact on this race.
Sen. Eric Schneiderman today adds the Albany Times Union to his list of newspaper endorsements.
However, at an event in Rochester today, the candidate fired back at criticism of his outspoken nature while referring to a newspaper endorsement of Rick Lazio.
There has been much debate over the waning power of newspaper endorsements, and the Times has a mixed track record when it comes to picking candidates who actually win on Election Day.
They certainly are the reason for Tom DiNapoli's victory in a state where Wilson won almost every county and every newspaper endorsement and praise for his intelligence and energy and talent across the political spectrum.
With all 5 candidates in a virtual deadlock, newspaper endorsements will matter.
So they vote based on other estimates, e.g. party or newspaper endorsement.
* The Newspaper Endorsement: Des Moines Register for John Edwards in 2004.
This guy Newell is jumping up and down over getting some newspaper endorsements and then potty mouth cursing over a quote.
The one released yesterday, which touts Wilson's newspaper endorsements, will be seen only in New York City.
Eric Dinallo, who has been flying largely under the radar screen in the five - way Democratic AG's race, is on the upswing this weekend, with two newspaper endorsements and an «atta boy» from the NY Times, to boot.
* The Newspaper Endorsement: The Washington Post endorsing state Sen. Creigh Deeds in the 2009 Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary.
One possibility is that people actually pay attention to newspaper endorsements; the Times, the Daily News, and Post all officially backed Stringer a few days before the most recent polls were taken.
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