Sentences with phrase «newspaper group»

Competition for the limited graduate trainee places with large newspaper groups and national newspapers is extremely fierce.
One of the really interesting things is that we've been sponsored by newspaper groups over the years.
Several newspaper groups have branded the amendment an unacceptable attack on press freedom.
Two weeks ago TimesLedger joined the rest of the Community Newspaper Group in hosting Democratic primary debates for the office of city comptroller and public advocate.
More than 67 million readers in the US consume Digital First Media's 800 multi-platform offerings, making Digital First Media the second largest newspaper group in the US.
On Wednesday, a News International spokesperson said: «It is well documented that Jonathan Rees and Southern Investigations worked for a whole variety of newspaper groups.
About Website The Sunny South News is a community newspaper published every Tuesday by the Alta Newspaper Group Limited Partnership.
About Website The Sunny South News is a community newspaper published every Tuesday by the Alta Newspaper Group Limited Partnership.
Black, whose newspaper group included the London Telegraph, Chicago Sun - Times, Jerusalem Post and many of the large daily newspapers in Canada and Australia said in a statement: «It is a big house for two people.
This was the real reason why the other newspaper groups campaigned so vociferously against the takeover — as it would have allowed Mr Murdoch to tap into his 11m Sky subscribers to boost newspaper circulation.
The second investigation, «File 2000,» reportedly concerns Netanyahu's alleged attempts to strike a deal with publisher Arnon Mozes of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper group to promote legislation to weaken Yediot's main competitor in exchange for more favorable coverage of him by Yediot.
Maybe it's an L.A. thing, but Austin Beutner, ousted from his position as publisher of Tribune Publishing's California newspaper group, almost seemed to be channeling Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday: «I'll be back!»
Two companies backed by venture capital have been recent buyers: Halifax Media Group (buyer of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette and a couple of others since its purchase of the New York Times Company's Regional Newspaper Group in 2012) and the new Gatehouse / New Media (recent buyer of the Providence Journal), which has announced a $ 150 - $ 300 million war chest for newspaper company purchases.
One organisation that does analysis of different democratic states is the Economic Intelligence Unit (within the Economist Newspaper group), as described by the wikipeida overview
The Leveson inquiry into the culture, ethics and practice concludes its evidence sessions today with submissions from lawyers representing newspaper groups and a group representing their victims.
There were signs of panic in Downing Street last night as the Prime Minister faced mounting pressure from all political parties to block the plans by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to take full ownership of BSkyB because of the phone hacking scandal engulfing his UK newspaper group.
Instead, a powerful new regulator, the Independent Press Standards Organisation, has been set up with the backing of most newspaper groups.
The has been developed by two regional newspaper groups - Newsquest Media Group, Trinity Mirror plc who publish around 500 daily and weekly regional newspapers between them.
It was bought by Fairfax, an Australian newspaper group, in 2005 for $ 38.9 million.
Walter has been the editor and publisher of The Queens Ledger / Brooklyn Star Community Newspaper Group since 1986.
In Illinois, Scott Reeder of the Small Newspaper Group found it costs an average of $ 219,504 in legal fees alone to move a termination case past all the union - supported hurdles.
In early April Gannett Co., Tribune Publishing Co., McClatchy Co. and the Hearst newspaper group formed Nucleus Marketing Solutions in an effort to leverage their geographic reach and combined scale to help marketers more effectively target their ads.
By Linda Michaels, M.A., Ranch Coast Newspaper Group.
The Canadian National Post and Financial Post newspaper group is being sued for libel by Canadian scientist Andrew Weaver - a particularly interesting action, in that it seeks to make the paper liable for readers» comments appended to articles as well as for the articles themselves.
Before joining Ely Place in 2005, John worked as in - house counsel for a niche media law practice, as an in - house lawyer for the Guardian Newspaper Group (Observer and Guardian) and as a freelance for Mirror Group Newspapers.
The People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party and the biggest newspaper group in China, recently published a piece calling bitcoin a bubble, and comparing the cryptocurrency to the 17th - century Dutch tulip bulb bubble., just like JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon did.
Academic co-advisor to high school newspaper group: taught writing and editing skills and supervised student editors
Many titles are owned by large newspaper groups at international, national or regional level, such as:
Then News International — and other newspaper groups — need to come clean about who knew what and why it will not happen again.
About Website The Sunny South News is a community newspaper published every Tuesday by the Alta Newspaper Group Limited Partnership.
Jeffrey Haar joined Postmedia, the largest newspaper group in Canada, in January 2012 as executive vice president and general counsel.
Here's the live blog of the last phone - hacking interrogation - of Colin Myler, former editor of News of the World and Tom Crone, former legal manager at the newspaper group.
All the newspaper groups, bar the magnificent exception of the Guardian, maintained a culture of omerta around phone - hacking, even if (like the Telegraph) they had not themselves been involved.
Today, we've got Colin Myler, former editor of News of the World and Tom Crone, former legal manager at the newspaper group.
The debate, sponsored by Community Newspaper Group, the parent company of TimesLedger Newspapers, was held in Brooklyn at the BRIC Arts TV studios and featured Council members Melinda Katz (D - Forest -LSB-...]
«It's a cheap shot at Claire Shulman, who has dedicated her life to this city,» Bloomberg said during an interview with reporters and editors from the Community Newspaper Group, TimesLedger Newspapers» parent company.
«I thought the city fell down on the job,» Thompson said during a Monday interview with reporters and editors from Community Newspaper Group, TimesLedger Newspapers» parent -LSB-...]
As such, the Community Newspaper Group, of which this newspaper and its Web site are a part, heartily endorses the mayor for re-election.
Mayor Bloomberg, seen here during a visit to the Downtown Brooklyn offices of the Community Newspaper Group, has won our endorsement over Comptroller Bill Thompson.
They will consider rival plans by the three main political parties and pressure group Hacked Off on one hand and another by the UK's largest newspaper groups.
Newspapers groups, including the Sun, Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail and the Mirror, are now expected to set up their own regulator.
Clegg says he finds it odd that a newspaper group can organically grow its market share with no intervention from competition regulators.
Adrian Sanders, a Liberal Democrat MP who also sat on the committee, told Channel 4 News the its chair John Whittingdale had hinted to colleagues of the personal repercussions of pursuing the newspaper group.
It was written by Dr. Ron Eisenberg and Dr. Virgil Williams, staff physicians at Highland General Hospital in Oakland, California, who apparently write other medical related columns for the newspaper group.
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