Sentences with phrase «newspaper journalist»

I'm a former newspaper journalist of 20 years, so been there, done that.
I had major newspaper journalists coming to talk to my children.
My husband and I often discuss television and newspaper journalists from totally opposite perspectives.
So popular has the region proved with expats that national newspaper journalists in the UK enjoy referring to «Dordogneshire» and if your only experience is passing through Bergerac airport or visiting the pretty town of Eymet then you might think that this reputation has been well earned.
In 1880 Paris, Sanders plays Georges Duroy, a mustachioed French Army veteran turned newspaper journalist who attracts the attention of women.
Tobin Dalrymple is a former national newspaper journalist, turned content marketer.
Lewis is a former newspaper journalist for The Albany Herald (Georgia, USA) and has also written for The Guardian, a national newspaper in the United Kingdom.
Baby Jogger was established in 1984 by Phil Baechler, a local newspaper journalist.
Watch as Southampton manager Claude Puel speaks with newspaper journalists ahead of the Premier League visit to Middlesbrough.
Brown's apparent bias against cloth diapers serves as transitions between interview quotes; lazy, underhanded «pokes» typically reserved for playground bullies, not skilled newspaper journalists.
Keith Morgan is a British - born Canadian daily newspaper journalist.
But he has denied breaching the MPs» code of conduct and subsequently told the Sunday Times newspaper journalists, who carried out the sting, that he was «relieved» the offer had been withdrawn.
There were originally communicated by one of President Obama's aides to a British newspaper journalist, but he had been unable to write it up after a frantic call from the aide to stop publication.
Erin is an aspiring newspaper journalist on an internship at a big city daily, and Garrett works for a record label.
Supporting cast members include Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamatti as opposing campaign members who are cut from the same cloth, Marisa Tomei as a punchy and assertive newspaper journalist (probably the most unrealistic character because I thought all those writers disappeared a long time ago) and Evan Rachel Wood as the sexy intern temptress.
As dull, one dimensional characters guising as philosophical Mafia heads, FBI agents and newspaper journalists populate the storyline, the film slips, trips and falls, as they only further pull us away from the most interesting aspect of the film, Rosie and Tommy.
He concluded that «the plug - in - hybrid developers are happy to have the uncritical support of various newspaper journalists who blithely reprint the claims of 250 mpg, but as soon as you say fuel consumption or performance test, they're not having any of it.»
The End of the Line is based on a book written by a former Telegraph newspaper journalist, Charles Clover.
Bloggers have been getting uppity about newspaper journalists pondering their influence.
Newspaper journalists in France see themselves having more prestidge over their stories being included in the print edition.
«With male experts outnumbering female ones by four to one, there is a desperate need for more authoritative women in our media,» HerSay co-founder Kirsty Walker, a former national newspaper journalist, said.
Local newspaper journalists have a responsibility to know how Westminster operates, as American politician Tip O'Neill famously said «all politics is local.»
Review by Kristin Wilson — Kristin is a former newspaper journalist turned mommy of two little girls.
-- for the benefit of overseas readers here who may not know — they have a newspaper journalist (say that in the loosest sense!!)
Recently, I was asked a series of questions by a newspaper journalist for a story on a concussed athlete who had decided to quit football despite being cleared by the team doctor to return to play.
In 2009 the three national US TV networks employed around 500 journalists compared to 40,000 newspaper journalists.
Tom, who has also been in charge of our European Television business, started his career as a newspaper journalist in New Zealand and he has held a range of top roles in the newspaper industry.
I was not convinced that a member of the public had taken the time to search the Ipsa website for my expenses and then authored an inaccurate attack which matched the attack by the newspaper journalist.
7.24 pm: The newspaper journalists are getting twitchy about their deadlines but it is still going on.
Jep wrote an acclaimed short novel back then, but never a second book, instead working as a newspaper journalist who specializes in interviews and reporting on art.
While performing in Santa Fe, Bad Blake meets a newspaper journalist named Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal).
Nicole, a newspaper journalist, spends much of the film running from Milo and working on an investigative story that is supposed to prove she's a great reporter.
Up for six Golden Globes, including nominations for director Steven Spielberg, actor Tom Hanks and actress Meryl Streep, «The Post» depicts the newspaper journalists who published Daniel Ellsberg's «Pentagon Papers,» regarding the U.S. government's involvement in the Vietnam War.
A newspaper journalist by profession, I'm very familiar with the editing process.
After working as a spokesman for the United States Department of Commerce for over three decades and, prior to that, as a newspaper journalist in his native state of Indiana, one would imagine Moran to be as hardened as they come — but not quite, as he clearly illustrates in his book Laughing Through Life, an amusing read filled with anecdotes from his childhood and his professional career.
I can not handle watching reality shows, so I've never seen the show Hoarders, but as a former newspaper journalist, I've been in hoarders» homes.
I worked as a newspaper journalist for many years.
Iain's a former national newspaper journalist, political correspondent, news editor and assistant editor.
A writer all her life, Ferne started out as a newspaper journalist in Boston.
Hello, newspaper journalists.
Newspaper journalists have been pondering their influence.
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