Sentences with phrase «newspaper office»

First she managed a small newspaper office, then started in veterinary medicine in 2000.
Security guards stand outside newspaper offices in Guangdong province in January, where banners and flowers were laid in protest of censorship.
I've turned up at my local newspaper office on several occasions, handed out copies of the book I want to promote, and talked to them about my «angle.»
Maps of trading areas in counties and states are available from chambers of commerce, trade development commissions, industrial development boards and local newspaper offices.
Tribune Tower, left, home of the Chicago Tribune newspaper offices and newsroom, is reflected in a sheet of glass.
Walking into the large, busy newspaper office every day, just bubbling with excitement and possibility — along with long hours and pressing deadlines — meant smelling endless wafts of coffee in the air every single day and into the evening.
My first dress material was newspaper, as it was only from 2007 that a few newspaper offices started to give out newspapers for free in London and people started to get those free newspapers and left them on the seat in the tube after reading as they didn't need them anymore.
Today, a healthy newspaper office might as well be an Old West town out of Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West, and the director clearly knows it.
Things continue to stay on line for a bit, Kemp heading in for his interview and then making the awkward transition into finding his place in the disheveled newspaper office.
The kindergarten - through - fifth - grade charter school would occupy all three floors of the former newspaper office, said Thomas Lubben, who has shepherded arts...
Our fave charming Europe hotels include an old Venetian palace and a converted newspaper office.
Set in the old newspaper offices in the city, Print Hall has four levels of dining and drinking options visualized by one of Australia's best restaurant design crews, Projects of Imagination.
The Richard I had once known might have been stirred to publishing public statements, even to marching in the streets outside the newspaper offices or perhaps even outside the meetings of the bishops called to discuss what should be done about it.
In San Francisco, newspaper offices» telephones rang with the indignation of fans who had seen Willie fight and, they thought, win with almost the skill of his youth.
The scales fell from his eyes after the newspaper offices were subjected to a police raid and Goodman was charged with a criminal offence, for which he later went to prison.
Meredith returns to the newspaper office with a black eye, which earns him the sympathy of co-worker Paulette Goddard.
The scant extras — a brief nod to the demise of American newspapers, nothing at all on the task of recreating a newspaper office on film — do at least include an interview with Marty Baron and the original Spotlight team.
This is the kind of film where we not only hear about the Young Hegelians, we meet some of them verbally jousting with Marx in a newspaper office in 1843 Cologne.
Toland's abilities are here magnified tenfold, as each shot offers a chance to investigate his craftsmanship, from the aforementioned celebratory dinner at the newspaper office to that dip through the rainy roof of the club where Kane's showgirl is drinking her way into a grave.
One remembers the vast, echoing main hall of Xanadu, where Kane's showgirl wastes away while piecing together puzzles, or the newspaper office transformed into a den of indulgence and shadowy sin following Kane's ascension to the upper echelons of the newspaper industry.
Cinematographer Gordon Willis (The Godfather, Manhattan) photographs the newspaper office as a deep cavern, lit by rows of square fixtures and supported by ominous rectangular columns.
Afterward, artists would redraw and refine their images, which were sent by courier to newspaper offices.
Luckily, sans the health of the deer, we kept the car under full control and motored on to the newspaper office.
It's surrounded by the newspaper office, the drugstore, the police station, and the mansion, all of which are important to the story.
Her fierce ambition and belief in herself are set against the stories swirling around her, both at the newspaper office and in her downtown Miami hotel, which is filling up with refugees.
A recreation of 19th - century life in early San Diego under both Mexican and American rule, complete with original adobe buildings as well as a schoolhouse, stable, newspaper office, and blacksmith shop.
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