Sentences with phrase «noise nuisance»

The phrase "noise nuisance" refers to sounds that are annoying or bothersome. It means any loud or unpleasant noises that disturb and bother people in their surroundings. Full definition
The defendant was a secure tenant against whom various complaints had been made alleging noise nuisance.
The court concluded that the corporation acted in a way which unfairly disregarded the interests of Ms. Dyke when it failed to take the adequate steps to enforce its own rules against such noise nuisance.
If Norway is to achieve its target of reducing the number of people affected by noise nuisance by 10 per cent by 2020, additional local measures must be put in place.
She represented tenants and residents groups - including in a notorious case against noise nuisance from Futters, a local factory.
Edward Denehan represented the Respondent in Peires v Bickerton's Aerodromes Ltd [2017] EWCA Civ 273, in which the Court of Appeal considered for the first time the meaning and extent of the immunity conferred by sections 76 (1) and 77 (2) of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 in respect of noise nuisance from aircraft.
Facts about noise and health: Road traffic accounts for about 80 % of noise nuisance in Norway.
· The Court of Appeal decisions in Watson v Croft Promo Motor Sport and Coventry v Lawrence on noise nuisance abatement notices · The decisions in Barr v Biffa and Ethos Recycling on the relationship of other regulatory regimes to statutory nuisance · New Equality Act 2011 · The new civil procedure for abatement appeal as contained in the Magistrates» · Courts (Amendment) Rules 2009 and The Crown Court (Amendment) Rules 2009 · Criminal Procedure Rules 2011
«A local resident has been against us for over 13 years and had tried various ways of closing us down, finally bringing a private noise nuisance case
Edward Denehan acted for the successful claimant who has obtained an injunction to restrain noise nuisance caused by helicopter pilot training at Denham Aerodrome.
Eventually, Ms. Dyke put the corporation on notice that if they did not take some action to enforce the corporation's own rules prohibiting such noise nuisance, she would hold them legally responsible.
In the Ceres case the lawyers are threatening action on noise nuisance and loss of productivity on behalf of neighbours.
For your convenience, a Noise Nuisance Log, Statement form and an informational letter will also be sent to you.
Incomplete males do not cause the smell and noise nuisance that un-neutered ones do, less complaints from neighbors.
• Sometimes there are just too many dogs on a property and the combined barking creates a noise nuisance for the community.
This also relates to the question of Land values and wind farms; plainly, if a house truly had been abandoned due to noise nuisance, its value on the market will drop substantially.
This legacy source of energy is both expensive for the vendors as well as a pollution and noise nuisance.
It must prevent, among other matters, mass trespassing activities and noise nuisance.
Lucinda Brown, partner at Hewitsons, who acted for Terence Waters, the landlord of the track, says: «The case is the first to confirm that it is possible to acquire a prescriptive right to commit what would otherwise be a noise nuisance, providing that it can be shown that the noisy activity complained of has amounted to a nuisance for a period of 20 years or more.
Ms. Dyke turned to the courts to obtain an order enjoining the corporation to enforce its own rules against such noise nuisance.
Noise nuisance can be a very irritating and disturbing occurrence, with excessive levels of noise affecting the quality of life for many individuals and families across the UK.
Noise nuisance, Control of dogs, Litter prevention and control, Water supply, Water charges, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment...
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