Sentences with word «nothingness»

"Nothingness" refers to the absence or lack of anything. It represents a state of emptiness, void, or nonexistence. Full definition
This would be that point prior to as you said «At any point in the cycle of nothingness of eternity, something will happen to change it into something to initiate time».
In a Christian book of the second century, the Shepherd of Hermas, the first commandment is rendered: «First of all believe that God is one, who created and formed all things, who called everything from nothingness into existence, who, Himself incomprehensible, comprehends all in Himself.»
«Most writers on nihilism have placed the experience of nothingness in opposition to the values of culture, as though that experience were a threat to it.
This rejection of uncreated and hence necessary principles fits with the doctrine that the existence of finite actualities is strictly contingent, and that they were created out of absolute nothingness.
This universe is constructed so that it will eventually fade into nothingness as matter itself breaks apart due to the half - life of protons being reached.
Watch six distinguished thinkers grapple with nothingness in the 2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate, March 20, 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. EDT
The Holy Spirit of Almighy God is the Great Sea of Nothingness which where - in does abound the pleasentries apparelled beings ever cleansed in opulence conditionings.
All three mystics are among the most widely read spiritual literature in Christian history, precisely because they did not abandon their experience of nothingness for cheap satisfaction - an easy way out that would make themselves feel better.
It's only Kanata, the main protagonist, that has the power to bring things back from nothingness by using Memory.
Nevertheless, the modern artist, by inverting or reversing our mythical traditions, has disclosed a totally immanent mode of existence banished even from the memory of transcendence, and created a comprehensive vision of a new and total nothingness which Blake named as Ulro, or Hell.
A Hat in Time remedies the long hallways and vast nothingness of Yooka - Laylee's maps, and it does it with style.
The uncertainty in which a man here finds himself is not the consciousness of his utter nothingness before God, but a wavering between fear and hope.
To believe that a quantum vacuum appeared out of the void of nothingness because of the laws of quantum mechanics demanded it does not solve the question why there is something rather than nothing.
And Whitehead can summarize his own reformed subjectivist principle as follows: «that apart from the experiences of subjects there is nothing, nothing, nothing, bare nothingness
I have long yearned to understand that the celestial cosmos is held all together by God's Holy Spirit which is actually the Spatial Nothingness which holds together the allness of everything celestially endorsed.
For all of the Farrelly shtick, it's Carrey that provides the right tone and timing for the film, with every other character seeming to fade into nothingness around him.
Finally, they market their new «Slyence» as a convincing Religion of truth and order, which by chance exploded and evolved from the No - God of random nothingness.
Hildebrandt Gregor, Holzapfel Olaf, Kwade Alicja, Lergon Daniel, Voigt Jorinde, Ziervogel Ralf The exhibition Between Nothingness and Eternity borrows its title from the eponymous live recording of the Mahavishnu Orchestra at New York's Cental Park August 1973.
Driving through nothingness for hours on end at 75 miles an hour, past giant trucks and no road shoulder to rely on for safety apparently makes this mommy a jittery, screaming banshee.
Few can match Job for pure misery, a man who went from immense personal wealth and happiness to utter nothingness in a matter of days, and fewer can match him for stony faith — a resolute, steely trust that God had an answer, even if that answer didn't really make sense from an earthly perspective.
A confrontation with nothingness doesn't necessarily have to be frustrating.
It is furthermore a contention that these Seas of Nothingness became as rivers, lakes and creeks within or inside all concentrated organizations of said atomic matter.»
According to this conception, God is spoken of as the Holy Nothingness....
Indeed, I have described above a Whiteheadian account of empty space to supersede an idea of pure nothingness as preceding the Big Bang.
He fails to attend to the problem of futility» the inability to find answers» that makes nothingness so painful, so depressing, so «Nevermind.»
But what ultimate meaning does personal existence possess if it exists for a mere three - score years — or perhaps by reason of modern medicine, four - score years — and then passes into sheer nothingness?
Juicy Excerpt: I can count seven others ways of thinking about valuations among people who can not bear to come to the conclusion that I have come to, that profits attributable to overvaluation rather than true economic growth are always reduced to cotton - candy nothingness in the long term.
Spider - Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and loads more all just disintegrate into nothingness like ash from the end of a cigarette.
Sin crushes, enslaves, and destroys humanity, but it vanishes away into nothingness at the smallest touch of God's blazing holiness.
The Second Death that is referred to in the Bible is the return to complete nothingness because if one believes that Jehovah will permit anyone to suffer for an eternity can not believe that this same God is the epitomy of Love.
For sinners, the manifest existence of God would be more difficult to endure than the chilling disclosure of mere nothingness.
And we will dissolve into NOTHINGNESS when we die.
Miłosz writes: «A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged.
It's not for everybody, but it's also not flat nothingness.
As the tiny infant universe underwent its massive expansion, the extreme motion stretched any initial heterogeneities in its distribution of energy so quickly that they faded away into near nothingness.
Such seeming nothingness not only lasts but contains within itself enormous energy which is revealed gradually.

Phrases with «nothingness»

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