Sentences with phrase «of daily»

As stress management strategies are learned and implemented, an individual who benefits, will then feel empowered to actively use these techniques routinely as part of daily life in the future.
Importantly, parents become a highly visible and integral part of the daily life of the school, interacting with teachers, students, and administrators in a new way.
Responsible for assisting patients with activities of daily living tasks, personal hygiene, and other duties as assigned or requested.
Try to make physical activity part of your daily routine.
They also set a wide range for acceptable protein intake — anywhere from 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories intake per day.
If you're on a 1,500 - calorie diet, those 10 cherry tomatoes only meet 2 percent of your daily calorie needs.
With more than 10 percent of the daily value for potassium per serving, both fresh bananas and banana powder qualify as good sources of the nutrient.
As social media steps into more and more aspects of daily life, it becomes increasingly important to know the advantages and the potential pitfalls that can come from it.
That means if you eat the full amount of daily recommended calories for your weight, you're actually dieting!
I think to eat a lot of carbs («good» or «bad») you have to have the genetics to tolerate them AND a high amount of daily activity.
Give your loved ones an additional financial backup to take care of their daily needs at an extremely affordable price.
Some times they may help to save a marriage; other times they add to the stresses of daily living in ways that parents are not able to handle.
One cup of raspberries will provide you with half of the daily requirement for vitamin C, and the lemon in this smoothie will provide the other half.
They found that the average number of daily news items was linked to the number of newly reported cases, with a time lag of about four days.
Long - term care needed because you can not perform a number of daily living activities, such as bathing, dressing, or eating.
The authors emphasize, however, that they did not assess the effect of daily use on lung health.
If your business owns and operates three or more vehicles as part of its daily operations, you may be eligible for a fleet insurance policy.
With your wrap around baby sling, you'll be able to take care of most of your daily tasks and activities with your baby in tow.
By no means is this a scientific claim, but it sure seems like you could count washing clothes as part of your daily exercise routine.
You might also draft a general list of your daily work responsibilities for your replacement to use as a guide.
The reason is an experienced candidate can take care of the daily operations in the lab even under minimal or no supervision.
Cut an extra 100 calories out of your daily diet.
Some don't even require getting up, others take no longer than 10 minutes out of your daily routine.
In recent years the recommended amount of daily Vitamin D intake has been deemed inadequate, causing people to take in as much Vitamin D as possible to reap the health benefits.
In fact, this recipe contains almost half of your daily intake of magnesium and potassium!
Meals that are evenly spaced (about every four hours) with snacks and drinks in between are an important part of your daily schedule.
Slow - reading advocates recommend at least 30 to 45 minutes of daily reading away from the distractions of modern technology.
They also seem to be doing everything they can to reach out to authors and readers alike, steadily building their list of daily deals.
At only 68 calories, one egg provides about 11 percent of your daily protein requirement.
When shopping for gluten - free crackers, choose a brand with a high fiber content that provide 10 % or more of the daily value for fiber.
But everything feels like it could take a beating over years of daily use.
The country has quickly emerged as a major force in the cryptocurrency market, and is responsible for a huge percentage of daily trade volumes.
Mothers will be encouraged to share their experiences of daily breastfeeding life, while respecting the individual differences of each member of the community.
Little staples I can add to my dish of daily drivers.
As part of our Daily Deals program you can pick one up right now at an 11 percent discount compared to the usual price.
There are numerous public sources of information available including major personal - finance magazines, the business page of your daily newspapers, and your local library.
One cup of cooked Swiss chard supplies more than a third of your daily value of vitamin C, which helps boost immune support.
I then looked at serving sizes and caloric intake of my daily habits and made some changes.
Nearly half of all teachers report having high levels of daily stress.
These questions can inspire you and encourage you to look past all the hustle and bustle of daily work in education to your true purpose.
You can get more than two months of daily active usage out of the keyboard without having to recharge it, too.
If you enjoy keeping track of your daily energy consumption, keep a food journal that focuses on ingredients and also, how you're feeling.
Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, these hopeful attitudes eventually give way to the grinding reality of daily life.
Monthly school meal participation was calculated as the mean number of daily meals served divided by student enrollment.
It also fulfills a good portion of your daily fiber needs.
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