Sentences with phrase «offer of salvation»

It was terrifyingly easy to pervert the Christian offer of salvation.
Jesus» offer of salvation had been by and large rejected, and so God had abandoned again his house in Jerusalem and turned it over to the Romans to destroy.
God had taken the initial step in providing through his covenants an offer of salvation to man.
God's offer of salvation is just that — an offer which, by definition, requires a response of either acceptance or rejection.
He sends his holy spirit to convict you of your sin and draw you to himself, until you accept his offer of salvation and become one of his children you are a child of your father the devil.
Share the good news of Christ's offer of salvation to all of mankind.
God foresees — via middle knowledge — who will freely accept the offer of salvation.
The offer of salvation and redemption is mediated through history from the rising of the sun to its setting through every celebration of Holy Mass..
In this genre, there is the hope that the message of Christ's offer of salvation can be delivered to a reader who may not have received it.
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