Sentences with phrase «office door»

Even when the room is locked, nothing will cause your heart to skip more beats than someone pounding on your closed office door when you are hooked up to the milk machine.
There are now countless potential pathways to your virtual office doors, and a website alone is no longer enough to be competitive online.
We thought we could use it to replace our pocket or office door in our 1930s home — but alas, that never happened.
I had to dance and sing at the hubs office door for him to get annoyed enough to stop working and take my pics!
Well, our old office door - turned - new hallway door makeover is complete!
Provide a name plate on his or her desk or office door as a tangible sign that you've prepared the space.
Hopefully he doesn't fade away behind office doors..
Simply pick up telephone next to front office doors.
Today, there are countless potential pathways to your virtual office doors, and a website alone is no longer sufficient to reach your target audience.
Keep careful watch at office doors — especially the ones that lead outside — and keep your dog leashed at all times when not gated or crated safely in your workspace to maintain control of his whereabouts.
I just purchased an old office door with frosted glass to use on a track for our master closet.
A corridor guides the viewer past shut office doors.
Close your home office door and buckle down.
«Two hours later, Owen personally showed up at my law office door to show me he was alive and well,» he said.
The title of the exhibition comes from a work by Scottish artist Scott Myles, who screen - printed the text «OPEN HOUSE» on The Modern Institute's Aird's Lane gallery office door, removed it from its original frame and re-installed it on the gallery wall as part of his 2017 solo show.
THE DAY WAS HOT, SO Rangel and Mitman had the motorhome office door propped open and the window flaps up.
It's rare that even top managers have office doors anymore; the egalitarian ethos of the early Internet boom — where companies were more likely to equip their offices with foosball tables than boardroom tables — irrevocably changed corporate culture.
LSRCC office doors will be open 8 am - 7 pm on Tuesday, November 27th for your food donation deliveries.
While my district office door is always open, having «office hours» in other parts of our community give more residents greater and more direct access to the information and assistance they need.
Also Tuesday, Heather McNeill, a former OEM employee who was known then by her maiden name, Senti, testified that she once watched Maguire, Munafo and Craft in a heated meeting through glass office doors.
I threw dinner in the oven and ran out to my thrifted office door armed with a quart of pretty pink paint -LSB-...]
As for «West Wing,» the White House drama created by Aaron Sorkin for John Wells Productions, Wells isn't shutting the Oval Office door entirely, but he says he wouldn't want to attempt any kind of sequel in today's politically polarized environment.
Ms. Poplar, coordinator of the Reading First program, stood in the main office door and gave out numbers to parents, wearing a Cat in the Hat hat with a sign on it that said, «Read 20 minutes every night with your child» in English on one side and Spanish on the other.
Patrik Qvist's stepladder onto the ocean, Marco Strappato's jogger, Michael Iauch's breathing in the earth, Janne Höltermann's revolving office door — they could all be out to reconcile Brooklyn lives with the rhythms of nature.
All those nooses and swasticas that were drawn on their own office door or put out on their own front tree by lefty activists?
District officials say they are reviewing options that include bullet - proof glass, office door buzzers and technology that...
At one point in 2010, the Android team even decorated Lockheimer's entire office door with KitKats, pictured here.
REM has been full of surprises along the way, the best being a cake delivered to my west coast office door, decorated to mark my 100th column.»
that old richard hill office door is spectacular.
But in general, the fact that it's porn and not LOLCats you're looking at behind a closed office door shouldn't much matter to your employer.
But today's online consumer is more social and mobile; and to reach them, you need a multi-faceted approach that meets targeted prospects where they are, and leads them through your virtual office doors.
My first action if i win will be a super happy dance; — RRB - My first project will be using the prize pack to make my home office door «designer - sparkly».
And no, unless you have a pre-arranged appointment, they don't answer their law office door, either (after hours).
U.S. law professors Naomi Cahn, June Carbone and Nancy Levit recently put a gender lens on what goes on behind office doors.
Barry Le Va drew a line from the gallery office door to the SE corner of the space.
She hunted around for her key to the motorhome office door, finding it at the bottom of her bag and reminding herself that she should get a ring and a fob for it, otherwise it would always be hiding down among the loose Fisherman's Friends, paper clips, last year's lipstick, Kleenex shreds, odd buttons, uncurrencied pennies — and the lone, sealed condom her mother had bade her to carry at all times.
Soon after, however, Birgeneau appeared at Hopkins's office door with news of a snag: Department chairs were reluctant to admit that there was any kind of discrimination — conscious or unconscious — and strongly opposed creation of the committee.
That (currently unpainted) door opens into a hallway that leads back to our bedroom, and I haven't painted it yet because I'd love to replace it with an old office door.
He throws open an office door to reveal rows and rows of clerks cheerfully rubber - stamping applications.
nbc guy 1: hey matt wants a button at his desk to let him lock his office door without having to get up and make clear he's locking the door
Disable the call waiting function on your phone and let calls go to voicemail, and put a «do not disturb» sign on your office door when you're in meetings or need quiet time to concentrate on a project.
However, make sure your devotion doesn't become a distraction — for instance, yelling alongside your favorite lyrics at an uncomfortably loud decibel level while your office door is open.
It helps them end the day on a high note and emotionally leave work at work when they walk out the office door.
So this week I corrected that error, scrawling the whole thing in Sharpie on my office door.

Phrases with «office door»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z