Sentences with phrase «officer class»

The phrase "officer class" refers to a group of people who hold higher-ranking positions in the military or other organizations, typically having more authority and responsibility than regular soldiers or individuals. Full definition
Just days after receiving our demand to repeal the SAFE Act from Senator Kathy Marchione, and what amounted to a small patriot army, the governor, exhibiting a lack of respect, wisdom and discretion, cut a closed - door, back - room deal with Senator Dean Skelos, who then opened NY's Senate floor for a vote on a bill that would divide Republican Senators upstate from downstate and create a separate, unequal class of citizens: the law enforcement officer class.
He says half the 4,000 Gurkhas expected to be admitted (with 6,000 relatives) under the new rules would be below officer class.
At Tollense, these bronze - wielding, mounted warriors might have been a sort of officer class, presiding over grunts bearing simpler weapons.
The musou games are built for the officer classes, not privates: focus solely on sword - to - sword combat without a crow's eye perspective and you'll soon lose.
Army Group Center is an enclave of Prussian aristocrats who have owned the Wehrmacht almost as long as they've owned their baronial estates, an officer class whose families have been intermarrying for generations.
The Officer Class assists your teammates by giving you gameplay bonuses including the ability to create ammo drops, increased firepower, and increased armor.
Get immediate access to the Officer Class and AK47 weapon for multiplayer, as well as the FUBAR Pack of exclusive character accessories for each class.
Officers - The Officer class characters are the leaders of the group and provide bonus damage to allies in close proximity.
The support class features long range fighters, and lastly the officer class use special skills to buff allies.
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