Sentences with phrase «one beliefs»

But faith as in belief in things with no evidence, all people have faith in things.
If you've ever read ANY of my posts, you'd know I don't suffer fools kindly, nor do I hold much in the way of belief in religious tenets.
The importance of religious belief of politicians provides a vivid example of the willingness of the public to ignore facts and verifiable evidence.
There is no wrong or right in belief systems there is only poor or healthy moral judgement.
I will help them to release a key block to their weight loss, often times this will have to do with beliefs about self - worth.
I'm an atheist that has no issue with belief in god.
This seems to be the popular belief about how to get products to go viral.
The world which the human being thus creates is so rich that there is no room left in it for belief in anything but human.
It does take time for radical innovations to become effective in future systems of belief as has been the case in the history of both art and science.
He has strongly held beliefs on how to manage an organization — such as never yelling.
While acknowledging that is a reality for many of us, I'd also like to invite you to see that not all acts motivated by belief systems are negative.
Believe in what you want, and quit qualifying your own beliefs based on how many other people believe the same thing.
Thus we see that modern science, far from being an alien threat, is a natural consequence of Christian beliefs about the world.
I am on belief blog for my own amusement.
It's that sense of our own personal belief in our freedoms and our connections to our families and the people who surround us.
Automatic thinking is usually shaped by core belief systems and narratives about self, others and the world.
They are strong beyond belief for choosing life for their unborn child and putting the child's needs before their own.
Yes, and in each case they shared beliefs as in religions..
They need to change the name of this from belief blog to the christian blog.
A strong belief does not necessary means it that it is true but does demonstrate strong faith & / or a faith object or person that is high reliable.
You might have limiting beliefs about not being valued.
But their religious beliefs did not contribute to their breakthroughs.
The most common belief held by doctors is that the positioning of the baby in the womb causes back labor.
Finally, there is a Christian willing to stand up and say, we have to reconcile our political beliefs with our moral compass.
As you know it is not right to visit the clubs or bars to find singles who are the same beliefs about Christian religion.
Positive Education is an excellent method of reducing false beliefs from occurring.
It really helps if you can share what beliefs and core values you have about what this incident means to you.
There exists plenty of evidence to support belief in evolution.
I believe this is why there are those from many background, including those of other faiths, and those with no spiritual beliefs at all, that come to this table.
Those with firm beliefs of this sort, through persistence and ingenuity, figure out ways of exercising some control, even in environments that pose challenges to change.
I have personal beliefs which can only be discussed in private.
Dog training embraces different beliefs based on different premises resulting in different training methods.
But if belief bias exists within the team because of inconsistencies in upper management's previous decisions and actions, that poses a significant obstacle.
Christian dating sites are really a good idea, but I also found people compatible with my religious beliefs at other mainline internet services as well.
Were you actually there and have the video highlights, or are you just expressing belief without facts?
But in 2000, climate change beliefs held predominantly by conservative white elites started to spread.
This absurd standard is beyond belief when many of us can remember our childhood dogs that lived to be 15 or 20.
I think religion is a very personal thing, and people (including we atheists) should be free to hold and practice their own beliefs without fear of persecution.
We can see how belief in god is preventing advancement in science, medicine, and technology.
Those who make the attempt often find their fundamental beliefs regarding tolerance and diversity coming under fire.
«Good people» who happen to be be Christian prove nothing about the origins of a man - made belief system.
There's a popular belief among authors that if they self - publish and demonstrate that their books can generate huge sells, a traditional publisher will take an interest in their work.
The discretion that legislation granted to districts for purchasing reflected beliefs that administrators would honor their fiduciary obligations to students and that educators were the real experts on curriculum.
But some of your core stated beliefs that enable this view are just flat out wrong.
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