Sentences with phrase «ongoing care»

Many State Farm ® agents also offer Living Benefits that protect against medical costs, lost income, and the need for ongoing care.
There, we will provide ongoing care for the animals rescued in the community until they can be reunited with their families.
Medical bills for a bike accident victim can be overwhelming, especially if the victim needs ongoing care for injuries sustained in a cycling accident.
There is no cure for locked - in syndrome, and victims require ongoing care.
If the amount is to help with ongoing care, the length of assistance will not exceed six months or $ 500, whichever occurs first.
These funds will be taken from your final settlement and can help pay for ongoing care costs and expenses, before your claim has settled.
Many rabbits remain weeks or months in foster homes, where they receive ongoing care and veterinary supervision.
Driving disease and illness prevention and educating patients and family members to ensure optimal ongoing care.
Part of the equity in your home can be given to you as a lump sum, or you can use it as monthly payments towards ongoing care or support costs.
We keep your primary veterinarian informed to ensure your pet receives remarkable ongoing care.
We keep your primary veterinarian informed every step of the way, to help define a plan for excellent ongoing care.
He required substantial rehabilitation, and has substantial ongoing care needs, with input from the local authority.
Our first priority is to ensure that you receive high - quality medical treatment as soon as possible, and then attentive ongoing care.
As with all road accident cases, our first priority is ensuring that you quickly receive high - quality medical treatment, and then thorough ongoing care.
This protects the insured against being without insurance if they should develop a condition which might require expensive ongoing care, treatment or therapy.
Consider what will thrive best in your yard with minimum ongoing care.
In other respects, however, a simple will can not be used to provide ongoing care for another person after you pass away.
Chronic conditions, such as allergies and diabetes, can last a lifetime, often requiring ongoing care and medication.
• Control children and provide them with ongoing care.
Often known as interim payments, these funds will be taken from your final settlement and can help pay for ongoing care costs and expenses, before your claim has settled.
And your pet always returns to your family veterinarian for ongoing care.
Not only will you need immediate help, but will probably need ongoing care for the rest of your life.
While the focus is on the happy and healthy puppies that Good Karma finds homes for, there is another side to organization of ongoing care of dogs and puppies that need assistance.
A combination of individual and group therapy sessions, supplemented by family therapy sessions, provide ongoing care in order for facilitate the healing process and help the process continue after the individual completes treatment.
«We have been actively engaged with ORNL's Physics Division, the first line for data gathering as well as ongoing care of the neutrino detector at HFIR,» he added.
Some Rescue Bulldogs will require special ongoing care after adoption such as eye drops for dry eye, grain free food for allergies, and other special health requirements.
And we're here for you too... for help with training challenges, advice on ongoing care, how to get involved in dog sports and other activities that border collies enjoy.
These drugs treat the underlying disease and focus on slowing the heart rate Ongoing care involves monitoring the heart rate, rhythm and radiographs to determine if other treatments are indicated.
The state's largest Title V program, Healthy Start provides services to pregnant women, infants and children up to age three in all 67 counties including: information, referral and ongoing care coordination and support; psychosocial, nutritional and smoking cessation counseling; childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting support and education, and home visiting.
Initiated each new admission care plan and modified ongoing care plans as needed based on patient diagnosis and priorities.
I'll likely use the disposal pads initially, but if ongoing care is necessary, I'll likely utilize witch hazel on cloth pads.
The tumors and their treatment (i.e. surgery, chemotherapy, and cranial and / or spinal irradiation) can result in a range of late effects, including one of the most severe risk profiles for childhood cancer survivors (chronic morbidities and reduced health - related quality of life) and for their caregivers (ongoing care demands).
The AFT praised Harkin and Enzi for dropping the teacher evaluation provision, since «we are starting to see evidence that, without ongoing care and attention, these nascent evaluation systems are being incorrectly structured.
The shelter will continue to provide the animals with ongoing care until permanent custody is determined by a Liberty County Judge.
We also provide 24 - hour ongoing care for critically ill patients in our Intensive Care Unit.
Thanks to ongoing care from staff and volunteers, the birds are now enjoying a clean environment, complete with enrichment activities to keep them mentally engaged and entertained.
Also importantly, the partnership they have created with us and our primary veterinarian has allowed us to make educated decisions about treatment options and provide effective ongoing care for Maxx.
Our workshops address the responsibilities that are essential in navigating the complexities associated with ongoing care upon the return of feral cats following sterilization (TNR) while also maintaining population control at the locations of return.
With the help of two wonderful veterinary hospitals that donated their services to spay / neuter and vaccinate the cats, and one incredible veterinarian who provides free ongoing care to the cats, we were able to stabilize the population and ensure the ongoing health and wellbeing of those that remain on the trail.
If a child suffers a birth injury that will require ongoing care throughout his or her lifetime, the costs of that care can be exorbitant and untenable for that child's family.
At the law firm of Stephen T. Holman, P.A., we are committed to helping you secure the financial means needed to pay your medical bills and manage extensive ongoing care.
In reality, most of these sources will not pay for ongoing care except Medicaid which requires an individual to meet income requirements and deplete almost all their assets before coverage can begin.
If you've got a medical condition that requires significant ongoing care, it's important to pay attention to the specifics — beyond the premium and cost - sharing — of the plans you're considering.
The MA / receptionist performs a variety of tasks to assist doctors and mid-level practitioners in providing patient care, including escorting patients to exam rooms, checking vital signs, scribing, monitoring patient voicemails, coordinating ongoing care and then assisting with the check - in / check - out process.
Although it is our belief that improving the provision of effective developmental services can improve child developmental outcomes, the studies reviewed herein focus on the efficacy and effectiveness of specific services to identify signs and symptoms, educate parents, change behaviors, and connect children with appropriate ongoing care.
Access to local ongoing care and education can be the deciding factor between life and death.

Phrases with «ongoing care»

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