Sentences with phrase «ongoing discussion»

The phrase "ongoing discussion" refers to a conversation or debate that is still happening and has not yet reached a conclusion. Full definition
Today's announcement comes as part of ongoing discussions about local government pensions schemes.
In ongoing discussions with our major agents at the beginning of this week, we began informing them of our new terms.
Many of us ignore posting anything in these groups, let alone get involved in ongoing discussions or start our own.
There is ongoing discussion on this and other sources of information.
But the program opened the door for ongoing discussions with staff at domestic violence agencies.
There are a lot of ongoing discussions among parents too.
I'm yet to see either talk about their futures since the end of the season, and I'm not seeing any talk of ongoing discussions over deals either.
Researchers who declined to be named because of ongoing discussions around the fossil say that it may have been damaged during study, prompting the collector to restrict access to it.
With a reminder that this is not a dumping ground for anything under the sun, but is rather for discussing climate science topics that don't fit neatly into ongoing discussions.
Through ongoing discussions with our membership, it is obvious that there is a strong desire to participate, and have representation, in this event.
There is an important and ongoing discussion within the church about the issue of gay marriage and gay rights, and there is certainly room for theological disagreement.
The characteristics of student borrowers are relevant to at least a couple of ongoing discussions surrounding student debt.
These results offer a new perspective on the roles humans play in natural systems, and inform ongoing discussions about land management and biodiversity conservation.
Great managers who have meaningful ongoing discussions with their employees also take ongoing action based on what they hear in those everyday conversations.
As with racism, parents can help through having frank and ongoing discussions particular to this issue.
There has been such a heated ongoing discussion about self - publishing and vanity presses.
Because of ongoing discussions concerning possible changes in the tax treatment of capital gains, investors should consult their tax advisor for up - to - date advice.
As always, our customer service department is available for ongoing discussion during this period.
On the path of Women Who Know, I continue to be affected by ongoing discussions related to political, social, and gender issues.
I would see this as further stimulating ongoing discussion that was generated by last night's provocative forum.
The draft bill was reportedly delayed due to ongoing discussions regarding its classification.
Since that time, I have had ongoing discussions with a local utility and a not - for - profit on relocating to a property that they and I believed would be appropriate.
You will learn side - by - side with others and gain a better understanding of the skill sets through ongoing discussion and collaborative activities.
We suggest that your program use these results for ongoing discussions and quality improvements.
All clients benefit from a detailed and ongoing discussion of wants, needs, and goals.
The Clinton County Supervisors Association has resolved to engage in ongoing discussions between town, village, city and county legislators to find possible savings.
There is ongoing discussion as to whether they are contracts at all and some prefer terms like «dynamic transaction,» which may in fact be better descriptors.
The new milks are the subject of ongoing discussions at Codex, the FAO / WHO global standard setting body, whose weak Conflict of Interest rules allows meetings to be dominated by industry (often 40 % of the delegates).
Despite ongoing discussions with the school on the vital importance of upholding the state law on teacher certification, the issues had not been completely corrected.
Tottenham also announced the news with a statement on their official website, which read: «Following ongoing discussions with the necessary authorities regarding this weekend's Premier League home match against Everton, it has now been confirmed that this fixture will be postponed due to safety concerns relating to infrastructure of the High Road and access to the stadium caused by last Saturday's riots.
The Uncanny Valley, which is curated by Wysing's Director, Donna Lynas, has emerged from ongoing discussions and events at Wysing which have explored what the future might hold for society, for the individual and for art.
Our training team is committed to staying up on the best practices in dog behavior & learning through participation in continuing education programs, scientific publications, books, seminar DVDs, and of course through participating in ongoing discussion groups with our respected colleagues across the front range.
- Tango for Page Turning (2013), an animation created by William Kentridge, in conjunction with the opera Refuse the Hour (Brooklyn Academy of Music, 2012 — 13), reflects ongoing discussions between Kentridge and historian of science Peter Galison concerning the nature of time, the cosmos, and matter itself.
The visit comes amid ongoing discussion about quality - of - life in the city's South End.
We need rules of professional responsibility for in - house counsel, we need guidelines for in - house counsel, we need ongoing discussion among our peers — and all of this must be part of an iterative process that has the rules, guidelines, and discussion keeping pace with best practices in organizational governance.
There is a large ongoing discussion on whether or not tofu is healthy for you, based on the fact that...
And PATTCh will continue to promote ongoing discussions, symposia, and opportunities to share this research.
DoSER program director Jennifer Wiseman described the evidence presented by Fuentes and Cole - Turner's reflections as fascinating and «potentially paradigm - shifting,» and thereby inspiring ongoing discussion and reflection.
UBS released a note in May, for instance, downgrading Southern to «sell,» noting ongoing discussions with Mississippi regulators on whether the plant's spending was prudent.
«Effective ongoing discussion on the nature of learning that occurs in schools, and the approach to homework, will lead to a better educational environment for Australian children.»
Purpose: To provide ongoing discussion regarding the coordination of services of K - 12 school districts and Educational Service Centers.
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