Sentences with phrase «only addition»

That's a 17 % increase with only the addition of one more rep using the same weight and the same amount of sets.
Covered Bridge's facility has grown significantly in recent years to accommodate not only the addition of kettle corn, but also the rising demand for potato chips.
They are cooked in the form of a soup with only the addition of spices
But according to the Daily Mail, the Egyptian is set to be Arsenal's only addition in January, with Arsene Wenger adamant that his current squad is strong enough to win the league.
Since Sony's Android build is mostly stock, the company has mentioned only the additions included in Oreo and has left out Xperia - specific additions in the brief changelog.
It's a very advanced system that requires only the addition of SaniSolution every so many washes.
Either way, the master at wheeling and dealing hasn't been able to put his powers of persuasion to good use, with Rovers only addition since last season being Mame Diouf on loan from Manchester United.
I don't think it was on the UK Love Bug release (we only got a single disc) so that is probably a UK only addition.
This year brings what will in all likliehood be the last handheld only addition to the series.
Now, if only these additions could be made to hit monthly, we'd really have something.
On further thought, I guess it's not really a wiki in that existing content can't be amended; the question affects only additions and annotations... but even there, the reputation of a commentator will be a help to other readers: is this person worth reading, sound, creative, or...?
This team is only as good as we performed last season and with only the addition of Cech I cant see us improving that much.
BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) requires only the addition of a suitable substrate to generate donor light emission, as well as energy that can excite fluorescently - labelled ligands in a non-radiative manner.
As such, you'll use your abridged arsenal to take out adversaries, with only the addition of being able to pick up and throw larger objects and a new move like a spinning headbutt forging distinction.
The only addition I'd make is Theology is loving God enough to learn about him in a way that causes us to love as he loves.
My only addition would be the insistence that God is also «receptive».
the orange and maple worked great, the only addition I made was to add a very light sprinkle of ginger... loved it..
My only addition to that very interesting recipe, is to dust the top of the cake with a bit ot toasted coconut.
The only addition I made was adding some chopped dried cranberries (honestly I only added them because they were sitting on my counter waiting to be put away after grocery shopping) I found they added a nice little sweet to offset the savory in this recipe.
Only addition was stirring in nutritional yeast at the table.
Margaret's only addition is, to me, essential because I tried it with and without: fresh basil or cilantro in keeping with the Thai flavor profile (not pictured below, as I added it later and LOVED it).
My only additions that were a little different, were three cloves of sliced garlic, chilli flakes to taste, and freshly chopped parsley to finish.
the only addition i made was to the roasted corn salsa — added everything you have (including the avocado), but squeezed in a little lime juice as well.
The only addition — I added a cup of cubed firm tofu and a stick of lemongrass Everything else the same.
I followed this recipe to a «t», only addition I made was a pump and a half of Torani SF Brown Sugar Cinnamon syrup (I use it to make keto - friendly cinnamon dolce lattes).
The only addition I made was water chestnuts.
I used Bob's Red Mill teff flour, maple syrup for the sweetener, high quality olive oil for the fat, currants instead of raisins, and the only addition I made was adding 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar (I've heard that the combination of vinegar and baking soda in equal quantities serves as a binder / rising agent).
My only addition was to add celery and I cooked it longer than suggested...
But that's not the only addition... scattered throughout are sautéed shiitakes and a hearty amount of parsley, rosemary and thyme.
The recipe was super simple and the only addition I had was chestnuts.
The only addition I made was a vanilla bean pod that I removed in the morning.
Her only addition is Hershey's powder with the cinnamon.
The only addition I made was 1/8 tsp.
My only addition would be to spray bowls in which you are microwaving and any utensils with Pam or something before using them, The clean up was not so much fun.
The only addition so far is a goalkeeper.
The only additions they have that will actually improve their squad are Fabregas and Costa.
The West London outfit have been relatively quiet in the transfer market so far as Asmir Begovic and Radamel Falcao are the only additions to the first - team squad, but there has been strong talk in the media that Everton defender John Stones remains a target for Mourinho, although it's likely to take British record fee for a defender in order to prize him away from Goodison Park [via Mirror Sport].
The only addition made so far was a one - year, $ 4 million deal for former Vikings cornerback Tramaine Brock.
I think we have the players to band the goals in up front and the only addition we would need is a top one if available.
While the Vikings, Broncos, and Cardinals all made significant investments at the position in free agency, Buffalo's only addition was AJ McCarron on a two - year, $ 10 million deal.
The only additions we need to consider are a top class DM (Schneiderlin) and a top class ST (Reus / Lacazette), which aren't typical d - day signings in Jan..
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