Sentences with phrase «only recipe»

The phrase "only recipe" means there is only one way to do or make something. Full definition
The great thing about the book is that there's not only recipes for slider combos but he supplies all the recipes for buns, biscuits, spreads, sauces, you name it.
This is not only a recipe for great sex but a great marriage as well.
That will open a new page with only the recipe to print.
I have to rebuild my body in a way and I eat only your recipes.
It is like eating the ice cream version of a berry cake or muffin only the recipe is made purely from fruit.
This is my first and so far, only recipe video to date.
Not only this recipe looks delicious, it is nutritious also.
Only the recipe didn't specify if the «meringue» mixture (egg white beat with sugar first) was to be added to the second part of the cake recipe!
I find myself cooking only recipes from your index these days!
It could probably last a few days if sealed tight and kept in the fridge, but we chose to use it as a one - time only recipe.
I will be featuring lots of newsletter only recipes, discounts, giveaways, and news.
Introducing responsibilities is only a recipe for confusion, as the green paper itself demonstrates.
Or are you guys satisfied with only my recipes and crazy antics?
Even so, this is only a recipe in the very loosest sense of the word, because anything you like on pizza could be cooked on top of a thick slice of grilled or broiled zucchini.
I am now dedicated to using only the recipes from your site and cookboods, why waste my time and products on what is constantingly disappointing.
Two Ingredient, 3 Minute Fudge & Variations Recipe Fudge and Fudge Variations To Print out only the recipe highlight it with your mouse, right click on the highlighted recipe.
For the best results, you want to be using only the recipes within each meal plan, this is because all the ingredients are weighted based on your own specific individual calorific and macro needs.
To print a recipe without all the other things on a website, I copy and paste into Word and then I can print only the recipe.
not only this recipes im asking for other recipes which involed oats in your blog
The methyl group works like a placeholder in a cookbook, attaching to the DNA within each cell to select only those recipes — er, genes — necessary for that particular cell's proteins.
As the first and only recipe challenge founded by registered dietitians, The Recipe ReDux is focused on taking delicious dishes, keeping them delicious, but making them better for you.
For this reason, I've decided to share the basic cookie dough recipe and give you all of my favorite add - in combinations in one post, though originally I was going to share only the recipe for the Cherry Walnut Chocolate Coconut Chews.
I recently made a challenge to myself to cut the crud out of my diet and it starts with one month of eating only recipes from your site.
Fudge and Fudge Variations To Print out only the recipe highlight it with your mouse, right click on the highlighted recipe.
It's like Pinterest but with only recipes!
I think we could fill our Easter table using only your recipes and be great
What I love about Yum Universe is that it has so much content available which includes not only recipes but so many other aspects of living a vegan lifestyle.
The only recipe for feeling more confident is success.
This is the only recipe that could make this theory happens.
This easy - to - make shrimp sauce is the only recipe you need for a shrimp cocktail appetizer that will be devoured every time.
In fact, this is the first and only recipe I've shared using the appliance.
This will be the only recipe I will ever use in the future.
I think this is the only recipe that has ever made me cry.
I never liked making pancakes because they wouldn't taste very good and would be really heavy, but if I do make them (which I definitely will, thanks to you), this is the only recipe I will ever use.
I had wanted to make a more traditional couscous salad that contained garbanzo beans, and a lemon dressing, but the only recipe that I knew contained feta cheese which is definitely not a vegan food option.
I appreciate your post sharing not only your recipe but how you store your salsa too.
I spent a good chunk of the drive searching for copy - cat oreo recipes and as soon as I had time to bake again back at home, I tested the only recipe I trusted.
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