Sentences with phrase «only tool»

Costs budgeting is not only a tool for the court and the parties but one which should be developed to provide more costs certainty for the client.
Everyone in this world of Creed has only this moment, with only the tools available to them at present.
Do use a classroom - only tool such as a learning management system to share safely, and build your classroom's digital citizenship skills.
Pick and choose only the tools most valuable to you, and continue where you left off when you get to the dealership.
The key thing is to use your credit card only a tool to create good credit.
To survive in these conditions, players will have to create not only tools and weapons but also build bases, including a variety of facilities and vehicles, which all require materials.
Skills is only a tool of getting the results; you may have all the tools you need but still fall short of the expectations if you don't achieve the goals.
They consider themselves to be photographers, teachers, programmers, designers, and musicians first and writing is only a tool for them to further their craft and field.
If only these tools were accepted and not disregarded as woo - woo, I think people would be better able to heal.
He and the construction worker are doing something superficially similar, but the difference in scale is significant: The bulldozer, a machine that can destroy a lot of material quickly and indiscriminately, represents the authority of central planners, and political and business interests; the artist, who works with only the tools and friends available to him, represents a kind of everyman.
A subject only exists because it is a certain kind of subject that has as its fundamental aim continuing in being and, if possible, reproducing the same kind of being; a tool is only a tool by being purposeful.
Using only tools already on smartphones, including the compass, a University at Buffalo - led team of engineers is creating an app to stop voice hacking.
Using only the tools found in Super Mario Maker, one intrepid gamer has managed to create a working calculator.
Drawing from the internet, working on her computer and utilising only the tools and default settings made available through them, her practice is as inventive as it is concentrated on «avoiding invention while championing reuse».
Everyone using read - only tools receives the same insights, but those who leverage read - write tools like the AI Sandbox are now capable of providing exclusively curated insights because the tools and the data used in them are unique.»
It has now been six months since the «first step» Google + API was released; and unfortunately, it remains a read only tool.
While Bitcoin is not the sleek and sexy plaything of the rich and famous, it certainly is no longer only a tool for the tech - savvy computer whizzes.
SMDRA provides services for REALTORS ® across the south metro area including education, access to REALTOR ® only tools and benefits, networking events, advocacy, and more!
Drawing inspiration from her grandmother — a vibrant figure in her Bronx neighborhood known for gathering and transforming discarded possessions — DeVille «translates the act of collecting into not only a tool of sociocultural archiving but also one of self - discovery and explorations of otherness.»
Today's prenups are clearly not only the tool of the wealthy.
7 Sep — 1 Oct 2005 Co-Curated by Claire Montgomery and Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria15 artists spent seven days at Location One working intensely and in restricted conditions to produce wearable creations with only the tools and materials provided to them.
With over 1 billion mobile daily active users, Facebook has become not only a tool for being social but also for doing business.
Independent publishing is an ever - changing business and the best thing we can do is keep up with the latest trends but use only the tools that prove effective in reaching the largest number of readers.
Still, it's common in Silicon Valley because it's about the only tool that managers of a wounded company have left to keep employees from joining a competitor.
To date, the only tool regularly used to combat these issues has been software, but often the most insurmountable challenges can only be addressed with physical solutions.
While respondents recognize a range of benefits to a fully integrated marketing stack, around half of respondents said their marketing data and technology are either managed separately (10 percent) or that only some tools are integrated (41 percent).
I used the only tools in the toolbox to essentially be a private prosecutor against civil rights violations and corruption and brutality on the part of police.
A steady stream of it informs much of the decision - making at the Toronto - based company, though Segal is careful to point out that it isn't the only tool Klick uses.
It's been backed by the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Serena Williams, and it's one of the only tools that has actually helped me eat healthy lately.
I was one of the first practitioners of social engineering as a hacking technique and today it is my only tool of use, aside from a smartphone — in a purely white hat sort of way.
First, let's consider a case in which monetary policy is the only tool available to promote both macroeconomic and financial stability.
While 401 (k) plans make up a significant amount of overall retirement planning, you shouldn't be naïve enough to believe they're the only tools.
Unlike on Windows or Mac OS, with their profusion of expensive and memory - hogging software, the only tool here is a web browser, through which you do all your work using web - based software, with all your files stored in the cloud.
While it's true this isn't the only tool you should use by a long shot, most people probably don't squeeze everything out of it they could either.
His core point is that, while the leverage ratio is a good tool in regulating bank capital, it is not a good idea to make it the only tool, and it's not as simple or as immune to gaming as its supporters think.
LBOs are not their only tool.
It's the only tool I know of that analyses your own traffic and then provides you with very specific long tail keyword suggestions that are tailored to your audience.
With Congress gridlocked as it is, Dodd - Frank may be the only tool we have for preventing these behemoths from stifling the recovery and distorting our capitalist system.

Phrases with «only tool»

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