Sentences with phrase «only weeks»

Imagine how upset and frustrated you'd be if this was you on your one and only week away with the kids?
In most cases, affected dogs die only a week after being exposed to the killer disease.
After all, her doctor did a thorough medical and all the tests only weeks ago for insurance purposes and gave her the «all clear».
It played only a week before being trimmed by over ten minutes.
For reasons best known to him he's never addressed either of our main problems and he won't start now with only a week left.
Their process helped my son land his first job after only a week of job hunting.
After the kit is submitted by you, your pet store or your vet's office, you'll have the results back in only weeks.
If you've ever abandoned your plans in pursuit of a new idea only weeks later find yourself wondering what the heck you're doing, you're not alone.
I do see a lot of improvement in my overall skin texture even though I am using this treatment kit for only a week now.
To minimize the amount of labor and with only a week left to get up and running, I decided to go with a print - on - demand business model.
Parents can begin to learn and pick up on these indications within their baby and teach them to potty train at only weeks old.
The game's proper release is now only weeks away and we should have an official announcement on that soon.
If your edits with a full novel take only a week, it's not being edited.
I've also had issues with a faulty wheel speed sensor and a leaking transmission only weeks into my ownership.
If you put this sauce in glass jars, it will last only a week?
For some patients, it was only weeks since their trauma had happened, but others had been minimally conscious for years.
It's meant to be taken at bedtime and for only a week long unless a doctor recommends additional time.
It is not only a week message; it is most absurd.
It has been far too slow to adopt technology such as electric buses already used in cities around the world, with the first pilot launched only this week.
Interesting, since they made the original deadline by only a week.
And within only a week or so he was using it every time he went potty.
I'm loving that each one is only a week apart too.
Now with the release of the studio's dream game only weeks away, it's exciting to hear the storyline and mechanics that players will experience.
Rather than the traditional teacher education that often provide only weeks of classroom - based training, residencies last for a full school year or more.
I'd like to say that I'm completely recovered, but there is not way that is possible only a week from a marathon race.
The dealer had made an implicit commitment on his own site only weeks before.
Another title hit the bestseller list, only to have more copies of the book returned than sold only a week later.
But even this news had to go through channels, and the public found out only a week after the incident.
When I got the call of another stroke only weeks later, it was for peace that I drove 10 hours round trip to see my grandfather one last time.
They had opened in the city centre only a week ago.
With the end of the season only weeks away, we find ourselves at that stage when the foot of the table starts to make for interesting viewing.
Infant Potty Training is possible and many parents begin potty training their babies only weeks after they are born.
I talked about this look only a week ago but my crush remains.
There's probably only a week or so left — so act fast, or make a mental note for next spring!
I was asked to host only a week in advance, so I went to work and did my research!
A tricky goal to achieve due to the fact that the medication is expensive and there is only a weeks supply in each box.
With a recent win under their belts and a major competition only weeks away, the girls look for every opportunity to practice their sport.
When a unit is over, students take a test, move on, and receive feedback only weeks later.
They jumped into a new concept they learned only a week before and led our teachers through the learning process.
Had the car only a week but it just feels like a quality car.
He then led me to a wonderful critique group only weeks after I learned what the phrase meant.
In retrospect this post couldn't have been timed more perfectly; the financial crisis of 2008 hit only weeks later.
However, the 24 - hour peak right now is just shy of 4,000 players only a week after the game first launched in early access.
This correction was delayed because the error was called to the attention of editors only this week.
The game is only a week old as of this review posting.
I hadn't seen that before, but once again, that was only a week before the fight.
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