Sentences with phrase «opposition campaign»

In the end, the placement of casinos is being decided by the state, but a well organized local opposition campaign could have a huge impact on powerful interests.
Teachers unions also have reportedly stepped up their resistance strategies and are increasingly coordinating opposition campaigns with local school districts and attorneys.
The plan has led to the creation of Canada's lowest renewable electricity rates, but a focused opposition campaign by its Conservative critics has led to mass confusion about the goal of the carbon levy.
In an abrupt reversal, Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday dropped plans to seek a temporary cap on the growth of car - hail companies, amid growing criticism from elected city officials and a massive opposition campaign mounted by Uber.
No study, though, has yet been conducted on the market consequences or the financial risks caused by droughts, floods, and civic opposition campaigns that are producing actual losses around the world — depleted grain sales, power plant closures and cancellations, reduced equipment sales, and cancelled energy and mining projects.
If so, will you ensure as leader that the Labour opposition campaigns hard against the Coalition's plan for a British Bill of Rights, replacing the HRA, in which rights will be «balanced by responsibilities», basically a Leninist concept?
Thanks to a national opposition campaign, New York's Congressional delegation and others raising their voices across the country, the Graham - Cassidy bill failed last week.
Commonplace nationwide and far from controversial anywhere else — charter schools have been embraced by 41 other states and even by President Obama — the concept has been shot down at the polls three times in Washington due in large part to well - financed opposition campaigns from WEA.
The resolution, from the largest civil rights organization in the country, was the subject of an aggressive opposition campaign by the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools, and was opposed by both the Washington Post and the New York Times.
Price has asked those who agree with Insomniac to make their voice heard by getting in touch with their local congress person, or by supporting one of many organizations across the States currently forming opposition campaigns.
WFA created some of the «memos» while trying to assemble a coalition to operate that hoped - for nationwide opposition campaign.
While the climate speech isn't likely to touch on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, the controversial project that has spawned a massive opposition campaign among the president's liberal base, it is expected to involve these measures:
A source close to the opposition campaign confirmed Maviglio's account, including Facebook's belief that the measure is flawed.
But it's withdrawing its support for the opposition campaign, a company spokesman confirmed.
However, the source added that Facebook does not plan to contribute any more money to the opposition campaign.
A wine and spirits wholesalers association kicked in $ 50,000 to the opposition campaign, and a beer distributors group added another $ 25,000.
The essay in some respects is a rebuttal to the opposition campaign that is backed by labor groups, environmental organizations and others who have pushed back against the once - every -20-year referendum.
Both Moss and Roskoff, who have yet to decide who to endorse in the race, acknowledged it is highly unusual to wage an opposition campaign that's not also affiliated with a particular candidate they support.
The lack of opposition from the Gaming Association is key, considering that it has the resources to back an opposition campaign to the referendum.
The discord was on display Friday as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York circulated a scathing letter accusing fellow Democrats of trying to tank the effort by waging an opposition campaign «riddled with factual inaccuracies.»
«We are going to put a stop to this unacceptable idea,» said Nadia Holubnyczyj - Ortiz, a Floral Park resident and one of the organizers of the opposition campaign.
Despite having no budget and facing a $ 50,000 opposition campaign, the Tax Ratification Election advocated by Carrollton - Farmers Branch Independent School District Council PTA passed, successfully saving critical academic, athletic and arts programs from being cut in their schools.
Some people don't want to have to look at wind turbines, and wind power does have some valid problems, which the Heartland Farmers could have used in their opposition campaign, but instead — like most other anti-wind power groups — they have built lies on exaggerations quite shamelessly.
Bauman points out that I - 732 has aroused very little active fossil fuel opposition (I - 732's opposition campaign has raised $ 260,000 to CarbonWA's $ 1 million), which he attributes to the policy's elegance and fairness.
Playing to type, in the North Dakota political battle over the «new and improved» Measure 6, the only active vote for a presumption for shared parenting in this U.S. election cycle, the group running the opposition campaign is all lawyers plus a male pastor and a female domestic violence advocate — and they seem to be using State Bar resources to oppose the legislation.
A recent economic report on the measure (paid for by the opposition campaign) suggested that its passage could halt the construction of up to 2,800 multifamily units per year.
And if they raise money for an opposition campaign, their efforts against the harm that would be imposed on them can be easily demonized as proof of how much they rip off tenants whenever they are given a chance.
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