Sentences with phrase «opposition figures»

Even some key opposition figures have publicly stated that they don't believe the president benefited from the illegal scheme.
He further claimed the «Limping Man» had named some leading opposition figures involved in the cocaine trade and even issued a fiat; that the borders of the country was going to be closed to prevent the named NPP activists from leaving the country under the cloud of darkness.
A prominent opposition figure in Tanzania was shot near his home in the capital, a government official said Thursday, in an attack that shocked the East African nation known for its relative peace and stability.
John Alechenu The Peoples Democratic Party has raised the alarm over what it called the commencement of a vicious Federal Government induced clampdown on opposition figures.
Opposition figures in the House of Lords are planning further disruption of the coalition's legislative programme after the Easter recess.
Apart from Stella Creasy campaigning on the treatment of women online and Andy Burnham criticising the 111 NHS row, there have been few appearances by opposition figures.
Others include longtime opposition figure Charles Brumskine and former Coca - Cola executive Alexander Cummings.
Among the frontrunners are footballing icon George Weah, incumbent Vice President Joseph Boakai, longtime opposition figure Charles Brumskine and former Coca - Cola executive Alexander Cummings.
There is no choice, but there is the choice not to be a sheep,» said Anatoly Lebedko, a leading opposition figure at an anti-government rally on Saturday that attracted a crowd in the low hundreds.
Meunier's organisation was founded by some of the most vehement opposition figures, including Egypt's richest man and well - known Coptic Christian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, Tarek Heggy, an oil industry executive, Salah Diab, Halliburton's partner in Egypt, and Usama Ghazali Harb, a politician with roots in the Mubarak regime and a frequent US embassy contact.
Mr. Navalny became a prominent opposition figure after exposing corrupt deals in government companies, including contracting fraud at the state pipeline operator Transneft that he said cost the company $ 4 billion.
Among the other prominent opposition figures who were stripped of their citizenship were Said al - Shihabi, the head of the Freemen of Bahrain movement, and Ali Hassan Mushaima, the son of the leader of Al - Haq group.
Clashes have seen police fire live ammunition at rioters and use tear gas against vehicles carrying opposition figures.
Because opposition figured out that if you sit back, defend, and play counter-attack; then Gerv and Salah are very average without all that open space to run into... a point we really need to keep in mind when we face Pool.
A global media spectacle followed.Journalists and commentators scrutinised whether Putin's decision symbolised a political strength or weakness, whether Khodorkovsky admitted his guilt, and whether he is going to become a political opposition figure or remain in exile.
Another popular opposition figure mentioned in the report to have a peaceful disposition, is former Prime Minister of Kenya, Mr. Raila Amolo Odinga was mentioned as a peaceful.GhanaPoliticsOnline.Com
The PAC Chair is always a senior opposition figure, and plays a significant role in giving some «parliamentary» overview of secret spending and defence areas, signing off on some key projects.
The long - time opposition figure also ran in the 2007 election, which was followed by violence fuelled by ethnic divisions that killed more than 1,000 people.
There had been fears large Islamist elements within the opposition militia might seek to take advantage of a power vacuum should Assad be overthrown, but opposition figures tried to allay those concerns over the last two weeks.
Opposition figures indicated that Labour wants to see a «lengthy debate» on plans unanimously endorsed by the Cabinet this morning to make the second chamber 80 % elected.
Ologbondiyan alleged that those targeted included individuals, main opposition figures and perceived political opponents, who expressed views different from those of the APC ahead of the 2019 general elections.
The Lib Dems» lowly status means their spokespeople will no longer be called to speak, as they were before they entered government, after the government and principal opposition figures on the two main frontbenchers.
«Most importantly, going by the APC government's use of the so - called anti-corruption fight to harass, intimidate, arrest and detain opposition figures, there is no doubt that categorising whatever is termed as a hate speech as an act of terrorism is unconstitutional and an attempt to gag Nigerians, especially the press.
By Kambale Musavuli Guest Commentary On January 19, 2015, Congolese youth descended into the streets in response to an appeal from opposition figures to defend the country's constitution and...
Equally, in the event of dissent within the government's ranks, campaign dynamics in which ministers share platforms with opposition figures can polarise internal party cleavages.
According to opposition figure Leopoldo López, «we aren't competing against a political party, we're competing against an entire state and all of the power it can wield».
Mu Sochua, Cambodia's leading in - country opposition figure, commented in her blog that she hoped the issue would be on the agenda for an upcoming meeting of international donors and the Cambodian government.
Lukashenko's re-election five years ago led to mass protests and the imprisonment of leading opposition figures, but support for his 20 - year - old regime has risen after he cast himself as the guarantor of stability in the face of economic crisis and a pro-Russian separatist conflict in neighboring Ukraine.
The Peoples Democratic Party has raised the alarm over what it called the commencement of a vicious Federal Government induced clampdown on opposition figures.
None of the three candidates running against Lukashenko in Sunday's poll represent a serious challenge to his rule and opposition figures have called for a boycott of the election.
Facebook removed a page promoting a rally in support of Aleksei A. Navalny, left, an opposition figure, at the request of the country's Internet monitor.
Facebook over the weekend removed an event page promoting a Jan. 15 demonstration near the walls of the Kremlin in support of Aleksei A. Navalny, a leading opposition figure.
These private overtures were the way of escaping from the deep hatred of 2010 and 2011, when Ed Miliband appealed to disgruntled left - leaning liberals to desert to the Labour party and Clegg was painted as being a closet Tory by every opposition figure you ever met.
Other candidates include former president Mahamane Ousmane and Seyni Oumarou, a leading opposition figure.
Two opposition figures, Kassire Coumakoye and Malloum Yobode, have already declared they will run.
Meanwhile, the opposition figure and presidential candidate of Liberty Party (LP), Mr Charles Brumskine, had alleged fraud in the elections, in spite the international observers adjudging it free and fair.
CARACAS, Venezuela — Two of Venezuela's leading opposition figures were taken from their homes in the middle of the night by state security agents on Tuesday, in President Nicolas Maduro's...
Opposition figures have accused Chávez of using all the resources of the government to support the Yes campaign, ranging from near - total support for the Yes campaign on state radio and television to placement of Yes campaign ads on official ministry websites.
The Politics Show interviews senior politicians - ministers, leading opposition figures and other influential people about their views and policies - and hold them to account for their decisions and actions.
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