Sentences with phrase «opposition frontbench»

The phrase "opposition frontbench" refers to the group of politicians from a political party who are not in power (the opposition) but hold important positions and duties. They sit on the front row of seats in the parliament and are responsible for challenging the ideas and policies put forward by the government. Full definition
The spending review will be the first real test for the new opposition frontbench.
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell today admitted to having lost track of which opposition frontbench posts needed to be filled — laying bare the extent of the disarray in the party.
Or we could just wait and see what the opposition frontbench has to say in a moment.
But there was no sign of desperate scrabbling around for notes from the opposition frontbench.
In Parliament, Field was made a member of the Opposition frontbench by the then Labour leader Michael Foot as a spokesman on education in 1980, but was dropped a year later.
Some of Jeremy Corbyn's close allies remain angry with the former shadow foreign secretary since he argued against the Labour leader and in favour of airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria from the opposition frontbench.
Room needs to be created to promote some of the 2010 intake but also some of the MPs who served on the opposition frontbench but didn't make it to the government frontbench.
In May 2015, McGovern was appointed as shadow city minister in Labour's treasury team, [10] but did not stay on the opposition frontbench after Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader in September 2015.
Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman defends Ed Miliband on the Today programme after Unite general secretary Len McCluskey turned on the opposition frontbench's approach to spending cuts:
This is a difficult situation for any opposition frontbench.
Suggestions by senior hard left figures like Len McCluskey, Diane Abbott and Ken Livingstone that there could be a reckoning for the leadership if Labour's poll ratings haven't improved within a year have given the Conservatives much more cause for concern than any fumbled policy announcement from the Opposition frontbench.
The Labour MP Angela Rayner will continue her work as shadow education secretary following a reshuffle of the opposition frontbench, while former teacher Mike Kane will be responsible for the party's schools policies.
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