Sentences with phrase «opposition play»

These result in struggling in every match regardless of what opposition we play even if we do end up winning.
A player with the positional sense and awareness to break opposition play along with the physical capabilities to go with it.
His development has shocked many in the game, though, with Coquelin sitting in front of the back four and breaking up opposition play with a maturity that far exceeds his youthful age.
Gibson assembles a handsome cast of notable supporting players, although some of them feel a bit too exaggerated to feel sincere, including a lazily administered change - of - heart for Doss» most vocal opposition played in tones of the usual masculine clichés by Luke Bracey (in a performance easier to fathom, at least, than his appearance in the all - around ill - conceived Point Break remake).
Walcott is a good finisher and has good movement, but other than that he's no more than a decent option as a ST. Against quality opposition playing Theo as the ST won't cut it, he's clinical vs decent teams but he's not standing up against the likes of Aguero / Costa / Benz / Lewandowski as leading ST's in Europe.
Silva's goal is simply an example of excellent opposition play from Manchester City.
We knew it was going to be difficult but, as I said, no matter what opposition you play against, if you make mistakes, you're going to be punished.»
Highly doubt you've watched their games... he's a big fish in a small pond who they literally run all their play through against the same opposition we play week in / week out.
Interesting to know where all this speculation about lamar is coming from, won't be surprised if generated by their agents or arsenal fans ourselves, I keep saying this what we need are defensive midfielders who can break up opposition plays so we control the games much better
I hope we play both Xhaka and Elneny in CM this season, It would be a bit like the Vieria Petit combination, both defensive minded players who are good attackers breaking up opposition play then starting attacks.
no clear instructions, no clear role, no clear tactical plan as to how to play and attack the opposition
Arsenal don't possess a man that can stop opposition play, tackle cleanly and give the forward players the platform to express themselves.
Some one who can break opposition play and can won aerial dwells at the center.
Furthermore, Kante is in front of the back three breaking up opposition play during his ultra marathons.
On the face of it, Jedinak doesn't do anything overly eye catching or spectacular, however, he is extremely effective in breaking up opposition play from his deep lying position and acts as a protective barrier to the defence.
This is borne from his lack of ability to identify the oppositions playing style and adjust to them with the personnel at his disposal.
We are not too far off ourselves but as all fans have been crying out for for so long, we need a much stronger back 4 with a strong defensive midfielder who can thread a good pass also when he breaks up opposition play.
Use Diaby's height, power and creativity from the back, and let Arteta / Ramsey / or Flamini break down opposition play.
The opposition plays a really fast front line?
They break down the oppositions play.
Both on the higher fileld would crerate pleanty for our forwards and the DM would have helped to break opposition play and feed balls to those for the counter with pace.
the guy breaks every opposition play passing through his territory and barely gets a yellow.
i still hold the opinion the striker we use is dependent on the opposition we play, for all the brilliance of Alex he has been shut out in several games by pressing arsenal and letting us having to resort to long balls which he fails to get on to, if teams stops arsenal build up, they stop arsenal with sanchez as the forward, however with both Alex and Giroud on the field we have the opportunity to switch styles without making changes.
He is a stronger, more destructive version of Kante, continously bustling about breaking up the opposition play, and driving through their defence to help create goals.
it is not so much as the opposition playing well..
The Serbian who spent a period at Stamford Bridge as a youngster has been hugely important in their title tilt this season, having a fantastic ability to break up the opposition play and start attacks.
And without him (which is usually all season) we have nobody capable of holding the ball up or breaking the opposition play, linking defence with attack..
You need one that can adapt a formation / teams to the opposition youre playing.
A DM against a team who play long ball This may sound controversial to some people but the least important position if the opposition plays long ball football is a DM.
We can play them depending on opposition we play.
This means that Arsene Wenger can adjusts to the opposition plays on a game by game basis.
Ever since Vieira left the North London outfit back in 2005, Arsenal have failed to sign that kind of midfielder that will offer solidity and stability in the middle of the park, break opposition plays and help launch forward passes to the more advanced players.
Matic is known for his intelligence on the field and reading of the game, he has been a consistent performer throughout his career and his combative style allows him to have a big advantage over his opponents as he sits deep at the base of the midfield to break down the oppositions play.
When defending, the pivot becomes imperative in cutting passing lanes and screening the back four, looking to break up opposition play.
He needed to break up the opposition play and get the ball forward to the attacking forces like Fabregas, something Flamini did so well yet Denilson could not.
Whenever I see such an uneven game as happened last night (and indeed the cup tie a few weeks ago) I wonder how much of it was due to the opposition playing really well and how much was down to our own incompetence.
We have been training for each game in a different way, depending on how the opposition plays.
When assigning blame for some goals conceded this year, it's obvious that we have to take into account the situations that arise simply from good pieces of opposition play; Crouch's goal was one such situation.
Our opposition plays with theirs.
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