Sentences with phrase «opposition status»

Neither has this call for official opposition status come completely out of the blue.
The currently governing party attempted to remedy this while in 3rd party opposition status.
In 1993, after the Liberals won their largest vote share with 39.7 % and 32 seats, a group of MLAs and party members were not satisfied with official opposition status called for his resignation.
It was recently revealed that Mr. Anglin has been in discussions with the Liberals about forming a legislative coalition that could steal Official Opposition status away from the downsized Wildrose Caucus.
«PDP's setback and current opposition status in the state is solely caused by PDP members.
While cracking the 100 - seat ceiling and achieving official opposition status are worthy of celebration, the NDP seems not to have realized its circumstance.
MAY 2, 2011: Harper's Conservative party, having been endorsed by the Globe and the Post, wins a majority government, as Jack Layton's NDP surges to opposition status.
While the 2012 election gave the Liberal Party its worst electoral showing in decades, including the loss of Official Opposition status to the Wildrose Party, many Liberal partisans are lining up to reaffirm Dr. Sherman's leadership.
It was novel for the New Democrats to come as close to power as it did recently, taking official Opposition status and then briefly flirting with a national lead in the polls.
By contrast this was always going to be a big vote - loser for the Lib Dems, whose strong by - election record in the last decade or so has been grounded in their opposition status.
There was a bit of an anomaly in 1917 when the Conservatives and some Liberals came together to form the Unionist Party (which was essentially an election about conscription), but the Unionist coalition was gone by the next election in 1921 (technically, the Conservatives came third in that election, but they were still named the Official Opposition due to the leader of the second - place party declining Official Opposition status — and so the largely two - party state continued).
The party lost 13 Scottish Parliament seats in its worst result ever - leaving it on the brink of losing official opposition status
In total Labour had slipped to 26 seats, Plaid had gained to cement their opposition status with 15 seats and the Conservatives had also advanced to 12.
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