Sentences with phrase «opposition support»

Introducing new ongoing initiatives to gain opposition support for the budget would only add to that amount.
The government were faced with the prospect of pushing through their reforms only with opposition support and in the face of increased resistance from its own supporters.
As one commentator put it this week: parties of government support more repression, while parties of opposition support less.
He would be relying on opposition support for such votes, not least perhaps from the SNP voting bloc.
The federal government has secured opposition support to pass one of the most substantial budget packages since the Coalition took office in 2013, making trade - offs on renewable energy funding and welfare payments to pick up about $ 6 billion in savings.
On Friday, Lavrov told the BBC that the US «still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments... are not able or not willing to» separate the moderate opposition they support with former al Qaeda elements.
Once the legislation passes the Senate with opposition support as expected, all proprietary and unlisted public companies with an annual turnover or gross assets of up to $ 25 million will be able to advertise their business plans on licensed crowdfunding portals and raise up to $ 5 million a year to carry them out.
There is considerable speculation as to what the financial cost would be for the Harper Government (read the taxpayer) to gain opposition support for the upcoming budget.
The Alberta Liberal Opposition supports a robust and responsible energy sector, industry diversification, and creating safe and reliable modes of transportation to expand our export markets.
Following Whitlam's victory, John Gorton played a further role in reform by introducing a Parliamentary motion from Opposition supporting the legalisation of same - gender sexual relations.
Since its approval was reliant upon several opposition members» abstaining from the vote, it lacks the backing of a parliamentary majority, meaning that it will often have to plead for opposition support during votes.
German chancellor Angela Merkel may be forced to rely on opposition support in a crunch vote in the German parliament later.
Labour support for the # 43 billion project is now judged critical to its success by coalition ministers, after David Cameron made clear at last week's Europe summit that it could not go ahead without opposition support.
The former attorney general has now won opposition support for a change that would enshrine a new charter of fundamental rights into UK law.
In addition, due to the intense local opposition we supported, two other coal projects in the Aliaga region have been shelved or canceled!
Ninety - one opposed the Lords reform bill in its second reading debate, meaning the legislation only passed because of opposition support.
The prime minister will understand the dangers of relying on opposition support for a flagship measure after he personally ensured that Tony Blair's schools reforms survived with Tory support in 2006 three months after he became leader.
The present government hasn't got enough support, and it only got the vote through yesterday because the opposition supported that vote.
The news was seized on by shadow health secretary Andy Burnham, who said campaigners needed to lend the opposition support to maximise the chances of the Lords voting down the legislation.
These are the MPs after all whom on the morning of the Referendum result moved a resolution of «No Confidence» in Corbyn «for not as Leader of the Opposition supporting the Conservative Prime Minister enthusiastically enough»!
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