Sentences with word «oppositional»

"Oppositional" describes someone or something that strongly disagrees or opposes another person, group, or idea. Full definition
We address specific disorders, areas of concern and giftedness that impact academic, social and emotional development using psychoeducational and neuropsychological testing including: Learning Disabilities • Anxiety Disorders Attention - Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Communication Difficulties • Pervasive Developmental Disorder • Behavior Problems Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asperger's & PDD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder and a host of other issues.
Children with oppositional behavior pose a unique challenge to parents.
Attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder with oppositional defiant disorder in Swedish children — an open study of Collaborative Problem Solving.
Kids who exhibit behaviors of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, angry and disappointed.
Many parents of oppositional children are so focused on bad behaviors that they've stopped reinforcing positive ones.
CD usually appears in early or middle childhood as oppositional defiant behavior.
He has severe ADHD and may be soon diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.
Just like in oppositional defiant disorder, boys are more affected than girls.
And I see them as oppositional forces -LSB-...] the language of politics [means that] people need to consolidate identities [and] create a social cohesion -LSB-...] to make things happen.
Target Population: Parents and caregivers of preteens and teens ages 10 to 17 with a wide range of problems including oppositional behavior, poor self - esteem, lack of general life skills
It is not known for sure why some children develop oppositional defiant disorder.
Children can become more and more skilled in the art of oppositional behaviour, and increasingly harder to discipline.
Others had been diagnosed with a laundry list of unrelated disorders because their symptoms and behaviors meet the criteria for everything from Oppositional Defiance Disorder to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
CVE was uniquely associated with conduct problems and not oppositional behaviors.
Ironically these figures most clearly articulate the incompleteness and inadequacies in existing oppositional movements political language and imaginary.
ABC No Rio is a collectively - run center for art and activism, known internationally as a venue for oppositional culture.
While many early artistic experiments in television took an explicitly oppositional stance toward the TV industry, Davidovich and his cohort devised clever ways to work with television rather than against it.»
Check out the fact sheets on behaviors like Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder.
Area of SEND need covered includes: SPLD Dyslexia General Literacy difficulties Dyscalculia Dyspraxia ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social difficulties including ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder Autism Asperger Syndrome Hearing Impaired Editable file to personalise to your department.
The Graduate Program's curriculum emphasizes the interrelatedness of practice and discourse, disavowing ahistorical or anti-intellectual approaches even while encouraging alternative and even oppositional interpretations of artistic, institutional, and cultural histories.
Participants» teachers reported on oppositional behaviors and academic performance.
Hyperactive - impulsive symptoms also were a strong risk factor for comorbid oppositional defiant (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD).
The Asperger group was rated by both informants as more oppositional than the autism and PDDNOS subgroups.
Many interpretations of international conflict share common assumptions regarding the default oppositional nature of states or cultures.
Longitudinal Associations between Oppositional Defiant Symptoms and Interpersonal Relationships among Chinese Children.
Most children who exhibit oppositional behavior on an ongoing basis have a difficult time with emotional expression and may benefit from learning about emotions, which may render them more able to understand their emotional response and teach them how to verbally express their feelings instead of relying solely on physical outbursts.
Learn more about oppositional defiant disorder here.
What is discovered through the exploration of seemingly oppositional states such as trauma, sexual agency, and spirituality?
Part philosopher and part poet, the artist Richard Tuttle creates works that challenge the formal, and often oppositional relationships between time, space, color, and open and closed forms.
If oppositional defiant disorder is suspected by the child's pediatrician, a referral to a psychiatrist may be issued so the child can undergo more intense evaluation.
On the other hand, defiant behavior that persists for a prolonged period of time and interferes with a child's performance at school and his relationship with family and friends can be a sign of something called oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD.
To his credit, like many theorists, Knowles revised his views over time and began to consider andragogy and pedagogy less as oppositional approaches that align exclusively to adults and children respectively, but as a contrast between teacher - centered and student - centered learning, both of which apply to children and adults depending upon the circumstances.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) This study examined the efficacy of Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) in treating oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in youth.
All children receive a thorough psychiatric evaluation to decipher whether a mood disorder may contribute to their agitated / angry / oppositional state.
Elections are a method that allow for the incorporation of oppositional view - points into maintaining the system as a whole.
A therapist should also screen for other undercurrent diagnoses like anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder, each of which may cause oppositional behavior.
His pointedly off - kilter direction subtly establishes the immediacy of bored chocolatier Hermann Hermann's (Dirk Bogarde) rapidly unraveling emotional well being, and in almost each scene, Fassbinder instantly establishes arbitrary oppositional relationships between Hermann and commonplace objects in ways that Stoppard's script only hints at.
One author asserts something, the next one makes a distinctly different and even oppositional argument, and then a third comes along and posits yet another way forward, this one taking into consideration the ideas that have come before.
Inspired by this obscure bit of American history, «Ma - re Mount» brings together the work of these five to reimagine American history through oppositional counter-mythologies, and investigate how such visionary ideals may be expressed through formal means.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The study evaluated the effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) on staff restraint use in a sample of children and adolescents in an inpatient treatment program for severe oppositional defiance and aggressiveness.
Repurposing and building upon mid-twentieth century voting machines, DuBois pairs typically innocuous words as oppositional choices, a gesture underscoring the lack of choice we feel when presented with reductive binaries.
Your child becomes oppositional when he can't figure out how to solve problems.
Also important is the notion of an «anti-political» oppositional strategy, which Krasiński tacitly performed through his unofficial art production; for this, see: Klara Kemp - Welch, Antipolitics in Central European Art: Reticence as Dissidence Under Post-Totalitarian Rule, 1956 — 1989, (London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2013), and David Ost, Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics: Opposition in Poland since 1968 (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990).
Here's how primary caregivers can re-connect with oppositional teens.
Her poetry is profoundly political, though she is quick to clarify what she means by the term: «In the US, the «political» means oppositional and resistant.
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