Sentences with phrase «optimal dose»

The clinical reality is that relying on standard thyroid tests to determine optimal doses of thyroid replacement is inaccurate and doesn't offer relief or proper treatment for the patient.
They have been expertly crafted with optimal doses of nutrient content in a sustained release which provides 8 - hours of nourishment for the whole body.
In recent decades much hope was based on the development of personalised drug treatments, in which genetic tests determine the choice and optimal dose of medication for each individual patient.
It's likely, as with high parathyroid hormone levels, patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease might benefit from higher doses, said Dong, noting that much work is needed to identify optimal dosing for specific conditions.
Get your blood levels tested in order to determine optimal dosing.
And they conclude that «additional studies focusing not only on subgroup specific effectiveness and safety but also on optimal dosing schemes are needed.»
«We believe daily intake of green tea should be considered as a new preventative strategy for abdominal aortic aneurysm; the focus of future studies will be to investigate optimal doses
The study concluded that DSM265 appeared to be safely tolerated in non-human tests and established optimal dosing levels and length of drug effectiveness in preclinical models to estimate dosing for humans, paving the way for clinical trials.
«Personalized cell therapies studies define optimal doses: Updated results from trials for adult and pediatric blood cancers and ovarian cancer.»
Gromova, E. G., et al. «[Regulation of the indices of neuroendocrine status in surgical patients with lung cancer using optimal doses of ascorbic acid].»
At Bolton Naturopathic Clinic, our Bioidentical Hormone Program includes comprehensive laboratory testing, assessing your blood levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones before hand and periodically throughout treatment to ensure optimal dosing and effectiveness.
Primal Master Formula is balanced to account for all major nutrients at optimal doses in one formula, so you don't have to waste money mixing and matching dozens of products only to achieve disproportioned, cost - ineffective results.
While optimal dosing will vary from person to person, depending on your health status, energy needs and what your GI tract can tolerate, here are some general guidelines to consider:
Research suggests that early and optimal doses of omega - 3 fatty acids (n - 3FA) have the potential to improve outcomes from traumatic brain injury.
Successful colonization depends very much on optimal dosing and can be very strain dependent.
«We found what we believe to be the optimal dose of the right kind of exercise,» Benjamin Levine, the author of the study and a professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern, said in a statement.
Dr. Lichten says 50 mg to 100 mg of caffeine is the optimal dose for alertness and focus.
However, although there are promising tDCS data, the optimal dosing remains unknown.
«Until now, we didn't know what the optimal dose of current was because we didn't how much current was really getting through the scalp and skull and penetrating inside the brain.
According to Dunbar, the next logical step would be to take evinacumab into larger clinical trials to study its safety, effectiveness, and optimal dosing.
Researchers are currently in phase 2, which aims to ensure the safety of the product and to determine the optimal dose.
Pillai said each project is evaluated to determine the optimal dose to irradiate a particular document.
The key is an optimal dose to destroy the possible pathogens from sewage - contaminated flood waters but not the material, he said, but there is no single «recipe» to use for all documents.
Now Sharpe's team is investigating a larger group of candidate drugs in order to determine whether another medication works better than those already tested, and to determine the optimal dose.
However, the authors stress that «further clinical investigations will be essential to establish the optimal dose, duration and safety, and whether vitamin D2 or D3 have different effects on mortality risk, since the available trials are based on elderly populations in general (an age group with high competing risk of death often due to multiple co-existing disease conditions) and they do not typically include cause - specific deaths as the primary outcomes.»
Geisbert says that more work is needed, for instance, to determine the optimal dose and the contribution to the overall effect of each of the three siRNAs.
Although a small number of repurposed and new drugs have recently become available to treat drug - resistant TB (including bedaquiline, delamanid, and linezolid), the authors warn that without accurate diagnostic tests to deliver individually targeted treatments, clear prescription guidelines on appropriate use and improved control efforts to prevent transmission, optimal dosing and administration, and well - functioning health care systems, the effectiveness of the drugs could be rapidly lost.
Given similar results from studies of a different oral cholera vaccine in Asia, the researchers argue that «additional evaluation of the optimal dosing schedule for oral cholera vaccines with the goal of improving long - term immunity is warranted.»
Noelle Frey, MD, an assistant professor of Hematology - Oncology, will present results in 27 adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), identifying an optimal dose and infusion regimen that should improve treatment response while reducing potential for side effects.
Scientists are taking preemptive action by using already available molecular imaging systems to determine the optimal dose of one such peptide - receptor radionuclide therapy known as yttrium - 90 DOTA0 - Tyr3 - octreotide (Y - 90 DOTATOC).
In these months, with 10 % of the body exposed, at solar noon two hours of sun exposure would be needed to obtain an optimal dose of vitamin D; but at 10:00 approximately 9.7 hours would be required and at 16:00 around 5.7 hours.
«In the future, if it is confirmed that similar mechanisms exist in humans, we expect our research to lead to optimal dosing and a reduction in drug side effects.»
This phase 2 study, which included patients from across Europe, North America, and Asia, was conducted to determine the optimal dose and tolerability of the drug vericiguat to reduce elevated natriuretic peptide levels.
The artificial pancreas is a device based on a control mathematical algorithm that calculates the optimal dose of insulin according to the needs of any patient at any time.
St. Louis University researchers, through the NIAID - funded Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units network, will examine the optimal dose of the vaccine to be used in larger studies.
Despite hydroxyurea's proven benefits, the optimal dosing strategy for the drug has remained controversial.
Failure of current therapies is at least partly due to less - than - optimal dosing of existing medications.
The results from this cohort will help us evaluate what is the optimal dose for a future, larger clinical study.
If it works in people, it could deliver the optimal dose of life - saving drugs and prevent harmful o...
We added the optimal dose of IL - 6 required to promote maturation of osteoclasts (Fig. 5I) to conditioned medium derived from ABL1 / ABL2 knockdown breast cancer cells.
So we designed a dose - escalation trial to determine the optimal dose, starting with fairly low levels and increasing the dose in later groups of patients.»
«This Phase 1 trial in children with SMA Type 2 will allow us to evaluate safety, optimal dosing and proof - of - concept for efficacy of AVXS - 101 compared to the well - characterized natural history using the one - time intrathecal route of administration,» said Dr. Sukumar Nagendran, Chief Medical Officer of AveXis.
U.S. Phase 1 Trial in SMA Type 2 (STRONG) The open - label, dose - comparison, multi-center Phase 1 trial — known as STRONG — is designed to evaluate the safety, optimal dosing, and proof of concept for efficacy of AVXS - 101 in two distinct age groups of patients with SMA Type 2, utilizing a one - time IT route of administration.
«I'm very optimistic that once we find the optimal timing and the optimal dosing we're going to see results that are life altering,» she says.
Central among them is finding the right formulations of combination therapies and determining their optimal dose and schedule of administration.
Dovat is now studying the optimal dose for CK2 inhibitors and determining how to incorporate the novel drug into current treatments.
«When we train, we should consider not only the optimal dose of exercise that will result in the greatest benefit but also the potential risks associated with an increased amount of exercise,» says Lim.
At this stage, the optimal dose was not established, but in most cases it is recommended to consume up to 300 mg of chlorogenic acid daily.
I slowly worked up the dose to find my optimal dose and now use HCL as needed to support my digestion.
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