Sentences with phrase «other quirks»

They also have a few other quirks and differences.
Other quirks of the series include the ability to swap your party leader out between your team of three, allowing you to continue your combos in a different style.
However, you'll have to deal with poor fit, discomfort, and other quirks in order to really enjoy these headphones.
There are other quirks too: Residents must remember to pay special attention to weight distribution.
The deposit account agreement and personal schedule of fees you receive when you open your account should cover fee limits, recurring fees and other quirks in the bank's rules.
The reader is quite nice — fast and responsive, but the firmware (last official one — July 2014) still has issues with power consumption as well as other quirks.
But the results do make several other quirks seem less important, increasing the likelihood of, but still not confirming, a garden - variety Higgs.
There was one other quirk with the dress...
Everyone has their quirks, but if you wanted to be treated the way you want to be treated some quirks are worth all the love in the world while other quirks are really just red flags.
She does not come without other quirks too, but that being said, Betty Lou is such a sweet dog!
A few other quirks include the fact that the screen scrolls in only one direction (forwards) and it is impossible to go backwards and revisit the places you've already been.
If you've played Towerfall: Ascension, then you've got an idea of the art style and general gameplay, but there are a few other quirks here.
However, the lack of 24/7 recordings, additional smart - home partners, a truly weatherproof cord, and a few other quirks kept it from claiming our top spot.
Other quirks such as automatic headphones volume adjustment from app alerts, even when the phone is set to fully silent, are really irksome (and we can't find a way to switch this off).
Whereas a person can effectively communicate with another person despite mispronunciations, colloquialisms, and other quirks of speech, a machine generally requires structured input in order to understand the intention of the command.
One other quirk in a car so attuned to infotainment is the availability of just a single USB jack, plus two 12 volt jacks (a third is optional) that with adapters could power more USB devices.
The original Tablet S was an impressive device, but was marred by a not too friendly price tag along with a few other quirks.
But about 7 % of the offspring produced by unisexual reproduction responded differently than their parents to temperature and drug treatment; they also had other quirks, such as increased production of the pigment melanin, a known virulence factor.
They don't widely advertise this, it's generally only known through word of mouth — and the other quirk is that there are only lifeguards for limited hours, and the rest of the time you have to take a second person with you in order to use the pool.
No rattles, no annoyances, no strange blind spots for the driver, MPG as advertised or better, nor any other quirks which nag at you making you think — did I make the right choice?
The determination (besides the other quirks of each like being able to borrow against your 401k or withdraw the basis of your Roth IRA tax free) between each is mainly a bet against what your tax rate is now vs what you believe your tax rate will be when you retire.
I am specifically interested in whether there's any background information on tax treatment of «lending money you can lose but not make interest off of», or if there's some other quirk of the tax structure which could make you liable for taxes even if you don't get paid interest.
Litter levels and other quirks can cause what may be seen as «malfunctions» that could be avoided by more attention to detail.
Thanks for fixing all the graphical glitches and other quirks we might have missed, must have taken quite some time.
Do you feel this is a hardware flaw or some other quirk?
- Space combat that emphasises tactical choices over twitch reflexes, and sometimes feature environmental hazards and other quirks.
The game has a few other quirks, with the constant pausing to switch weapons and inventory slowing the pace of the game considerably, and simply trying to aim your weapon at targets is a convoluted ordeal.
With Friends is cheerfully better as you can select what items will be in play, the time limit, damage ratio, and other quirks.
Think of it as a system of multiple Wi - Fi extenders, but one that's much easier to set up — and doesn't require multiple network names or any other quirks that some extenders have.
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