Sentences with phrase «output data»

"Output data" refers to the information or results that are produced or generated by a computer system, device, or program, and presented to the user or another system. It is the desired final outcome or response that comes from the input or actions provided to the system. Full definition
One way to show these generator roles is to look at hourly unit output data averaged over a year.
The little data that is there is mostly output data (like the ratio inhabitants vs. courts and judges).
If I want to buy tax software, then it goes without saying that bad input data results in bad output data.
The development of the pipeline software has been jointly conducted in cooperation of three regional teams of East Asia, North America and Europe, but Japan led the development for the part of processing of output data from the 12 - m antennas of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) that is also known as Morita Array.
In order to add blocks to the Blockchain, a miner must map an input data set (i.e., the Blockchain, plus a block of the most recent Bitcoin Network transactions and an arbitrary number called a «nonce») to a desired output data set of predetermined length (the «hash value») using the SHA - 256 cryptographic hash algorithm.
Using existing output data from global climate models, the researchers plotted projections of changes in global average temperature and rainfall against regional changes in daily extremes.
When referring to the Station Hydrologic Model Output data retrieved from the website or found otherwise, the source must be clearly stated: Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria, (Jan. 2014).
This product contains the questionnaires used in the 2004/5 National Health Survey and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey together with associated prompt cards, and a full list of output data items available from both surveys.
Do you have a link to the Model E OHC output data in annual or monthly form starting in 1955?
When referring to the Gridded Hydrologic Model Output data retrieved from the website or found otherwise, the source must be clearly stated: Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria, (Jan. 2014).
Although these raw output data are gone, the model and inputs should be available to re-run the simulations if needed.
Investors are finally seeing the effect of the Trump Tax Cuts, as Q4 Gross Output data pulled some truly impressive numbers.
Input and output data sit at the boundaries of the lattice.
These assays, developed for use with specific Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, combine optimized, proprietary multiplex PCR master mixes with a software package that converts NGS output data to an easily interpretable form, enabling you to identify the DNA sequence, clonal prevalence, and V - J gene identity for each gene rearrangement.
States were encouraged to spend vast sums of money on new systems to track output data and use them to sort and rank schools, evaluate teachers, label students, and force schools into turnaround efforts that would result in being subjected to even more scrupulous data tracking.
It explains that the gyro outputs data in two modes, one that is very sensitive to small changes, and one that can measure very large changes in rotation.
Many solar installers now offer solar system monitoring, so homeowners can view historic and real - time solar system output data.
Post-processing scripts are also invoked on completed work units in order to archive output data to the database.
Special output data products are prepared by the WOUDC to assist researchers and provide value added information; some of the data products include total column ozone time series graphs and near real - time ozone maps.
California had an estimated 6.6 GW of behind - the - meter solar as of the end of January 2018, which is not reflected in California ISO output data.
The Berkeley Earth averaging process generates a variety of Output data including a set of gridded temperature fields, regional averages, and bias - corrected station data.
Integrated output data to business intelligence tools that drive actionable insight and improved business decisions
• Reviewed, collected and input data into computer processing system and audit output data • Managed all LAN hardware and software connectivity issues.
PROFILE * Supervised, assigned, scheduled, and coordinated the flow of input and output data between the operations department and user department, consults with departmental personnel on workflow, deadlines, estimates, system and personnel time, analyzes operations in order to bring about the most effective use of system.
Proficiently trained the IR bioanlysis group on the documentation provided from the Tecan output data files.
Outputs data into a pre-formatted workbook format — customized based on lenders» needs and GSE guidelines — whereby lenders can quickly determine qualifying income.
Combined NHS and NATSIHS list of output data items 2.
1 Sectoral investment and output data for 2011/12 are RBA estimates.
Create highly customizable report templates for trade confirmations, and output data in text or XML format.
Regarding the missing raw model output data, I realise this is an important concern and am frustrated by the loss and not being able to check directly into the issues raised by Mr. Lewis.
For instance, when Dr. Patrick Michaels (who we mentioned earlier) was carrying out his reviews for the 1995 report, he asked the IPCC in five separate inquiries for access to a key dataset that had been used in the report (output data from a particular climate model), but was refused.
In the previous methodology, the weights were held constant at their last historical values for those years where the input - output data were not yet available.
These improved demand conditions have been reflected in the output data.
The output data were reduced applying the SPHERE data reduction and handling software, adding an improved spectral deconvolution procedure.
The output data delivered in the system will include road weather and emergency information.
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