Sentences with phrase «outside entity»

Additionally, any personal information submitted in any form is NEVER sold or shared with outside entities for marketing or promotional purposes.
Activities sponsored by outside entities that take students out of the classroom create a dilemma for secondary school principals.
Another consent decree would just be the latest example of outside entities forcing oversight on the long - troubled agency.
The application process is the same process required of all citizens, civic, religious, business or other outside entities requesting to be at the event.
As the law is written, school officials can not share student data with outside entities without parental consent.
Unlike that situation, however, the frozen funds aren't subject to theft by outside entities and, as it stands, remain in their respective accounts.
Personally identifiable data can now be shared with outside entities.
MCAGCC organizes activities with outside entities in order to expose children to a broad array of individuals and atmospheres.
Discussing Revver, a site that embeds ads in its videos, Berman said that MySpace had the right to control commercial uses of its site — the company can't allow outside entities to «monetize?
They survived with the help of outside entities such as Paul Smith College, providing a useful lesson for the CIC, which will be run through a partnership with the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development and several other local environmental groups.
There is no - one better than yourself to trust to store your Bitcoins and KeepKey is highly recommended for the paranoid like myself who don't trust outside entities to store their cryptocurrency.
«The application process required of Mr. Finnegan is the same process that the Park District requires of all citizens, civic, and religious or other outside entities requesting to use North School Park,» said Steve Scholten.
On Twitter, Facebook users are downloading their data and combing through it to highlight various abuses of trust: that the company kept a record of private phone calls and text message data or that Facebook shared personal information with outside entities for ad purposes.
«As a 16 - year - old making the decision today, Greg's going to college,» says Conley Sr. «The question is whether outside entities will make it so attractive that he has to take advantage of it right away.»
Tulsi Parida, a director of growth for English learning apps at Zaya Learning Labs in India, said Zaya largely works in schools that have their own digital equipment, or finds ways to persuade outside entities to get computers donated or loaned to the schools.
A neighborhood school is the soul of a community; when schools close or are turned over to a unaccountable outside entity, neighborhoods tend to die.
After sourcing outside entities to make their hardware, Barnes & Noble is now spinning of the Nook division from the company proper.
A medical biller who provides services to doctors and outside entities needs a valid contract that spells out exactly what kind of services will be provided and what your expectations are of the client.
In a project dubbed «The Last Mile» the Massachusetts Broadband Institute has secured funding and engaged outside entities to bring high speed internet to the western part of the state.
«It needs to be controlled by us, and not by outside entities
Cuomo's education plan includes revamping the state's teacher evaluation system, increasing the charter school cap, approving the education investment tax credit and DREAM Act and allowing outside entities to take over failing schools.
Radical contains no material on the distant or recent history of public education, and the right relationship of K — 12 schools to outside entities such as specific industries and higher education goes unmentioned.
Attorney General George Jepsen is investigating Facebook privacy after a published report that as that personal information that was gleaned from nearly 50 million profiles on Facebook was given to outside entities without notifying the users.
«Guys that are making deals with outside entities to get players, when they're doing stuff like that, I just hope they throw the book at them.»
NEW YORK CITY — A good government group wants the Conflicts of Interests Board and the Campaign Finance Board to investigate Mayor Bill de Blasio's use of outside entities to raise money for the causes he advocates.
Firstly, you are placing your business data in the trust of an outside entity that is based off your premises, so in a very real way you are placing the security of your business data in another person's hands.
As the number of reported data breaches continues to blitz U.S. companies — over 6 million records exposed already this year, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center — IT budgets are ballooning to combat what corporations see as their greatest threat: faceless, sophisticated hackers from an outside entity.
«The incident involved employee impersonation and fraudulent requests from an outside entity targeting the Company's finance department.
The content at Proud Money is our original creation and is not reviewed by any outside entity before publication.
It means you, as a Facebook user, have given an outside entity — usually a developer who made a game, or a personality quiz, or some other app used on Facebook — the ability to tap into your Facebook profile and get all the information there.
Some individuals may want to delegate these legal responsibilities to an outside entity, such as a fee - based trust company, rather than maintain them or pass them along to a family member.
In a nutshell, if one runs a book campaign that's being paid for by an outside entity (usually the publisher or author), one can not then post comments about said book in social media forums without disclosing this professional connection.
Outside entities would be shoe companies.
The relationship of the NCAA national office, member institutions, student - athletes and coaches with outside entities, including:
Sanchez has sponsorship deals with outside entities.
Investigators have been looking at whether coaches at these schools have been paid by outside entities — such as financial advisers, agents, and apparel companies — in exchange for pressuring players to associate with those entities, people familiar with the investigation said.
«Our issue is that the uniform was used by an outside entity to further their cause - and with all of the attention this has received, it appears that they succeeded.»
The last time Cuomo's office reported any meeting with an outside entity is dated to Nov. 30, 2016 — more than 14 months ago.
«Clearly the governor is coordinating with this outside entity, and the governor's political operatives seem to have basically been set up and guiding it,» said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York.
Schumer said the investigation should be conducted by an outside entity that would have the ability to pursue criminal charges.
It does not involve the state or any outside entity.
«If someone makes a formal complaint, it's handed over to the outside entity, who does a factfinding and makes a determination as to how we proceed,» the source said.
The problem is right now this tremendous expansion of these outside entities with real blurring of what it is they are doing and absolutely no real guidelines for where the limits are,» says Lerner.
«The governor's plan is essentially to strip away local control and turn a school over either to an outside entity of his choosing or to the state itself,» she told the committee.
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