Sentences with phrase «outside organizations»

We work across the school to gain an understanding of partnerships with outside organizations and seek student input for our outreach efforts.
There are also a number of sections that run parallel to the festival and are programmed by outside organizations during the festival.
It is common to have to get help from outside organizations like the ones listed under Who can you go to for help?
You mention in the book that, in addition to listening to outspoken employees, these companies look outside the organization for good ideas.
We sometimes send personal information to outside organizations who help us better communicate with you.
Do you sell in preparation of 2016, do you look outside the organization for help, or do you stand pat?
Alternatively, she could be directed to withdraw from her involvement in outside organizations, the complaint suggests.
If we can do so much better within a few — or few thousand — people, are there times when going outside your organization make sense?
We worry that this label might unintentionally suggest that this approach can be adopted by a law firm or legal department without them having to consult with people outside their organization.
The question: Does anyone outside the organization feel the same way?
So, the only hope of getting him to court alive is by hiring someone outside the organization.
, districts and outside organizations partner to leverage their combined expertise to develop teacher leadership skills; deepen content pedagogical knowledge; and support meaningful, teacher - to - teacher professional learning.
Sharing your thoughts and ideas can turn you into a thought leader even outside your organization.
For example, I suggested finding ways to remove barriers for outside organizations wanting to partner with students.
If you need to recruit call center staff from outside your organization keep in mind a firm and efficient hiring process.
If your team is excited, they'll be able to share that excitement with your customers and other audiences outside your organization.
Under these arrangements, people may not be able to see doctors outside the organization's own medical group.
I don't have major objections to companies working on sustainability efforts by supporting worthwhile outside organizations, at least to begin with.
Providing training outside the organization is an important strategic tool to help your organization grow its business, increase profitability, and maintain quality throughout the supply chain.
Extended enterprise learning is targeted at learners who operate outside your organization, users such as channel partners and customers.
Members can share information, track activity, and manage contact and company relationships both inside and outside the organization via a real - time activity stream.
You can share your boards with people inside or outside your organization so they can collaborate.
For years now companies have been focused on how to keep internal data from getting into the wrong hands outside their organizations.
The resume format typically refers him as someone entitled for maintaining the systems that makes functioning and communication in and outside the organization much easier.
Recruitment can be done from within or outside an organization depending on the skills required for the posted position.
Coordinated with the vendors and contractors outside the organization to obtain products and services.
Managed multiple projects and programs concurrently where effort involved coordination among multiple resources, other divisions, and agents outside the organization.
A spirit of collaboration is expected both within the organization and with colleagues outside the organization; there is no room for greed or competition within our organization.
Lawyers also may attend educational seminars and conferences sponsored by outside organizations.
Most general and operations managers hired from outside an organization need lower level supervisory or management experience in a related field.
Under a new state law, districts receive a two - year break in accountability ratings at any campus where they form partnerships with outside organizations.
Don't let your best people get tempted to look outside the organization for a brighter career path and fresh challenge.
There are likely people in your company or outside the organization who are filled knowledge about your buyers and industry.
Part of being the best means that we look outside our organization to verify our quality standards, so we actively seek third party accreditation.
We never sell donor information, nor do we make our donor list available to anyone outside the organization.
Employers are consistently seeking candidates that go above - and - beyond the call of duty at work and are immersed in outside organizations.
Make it clear to them that, even outside the organization, you will be their partner.
The figures are from the principal campaign committees and do not include the spending of outside organizations making independent expenditures or disbursements on issue advertisements.
Makes phone contacts to other departments, physicians, patients and other outside organizations as necessary for the practice operations
The IPCC would perform better if it were regulated by an independent body which audits the IPCC procedures and assesses its performance; if outside organizations would be allowed to bid for the production of reports and the provision of services under the IPCC brand; and if policy makers would encourage potential competitors to the IPCC.
I have been a supporter of GMCF and advocated for another assistant from outside the organization like Ron Francis, someone who has been in successful lockerooms and can help drafting and player development.
«The current recommendation is for eight schools to be managed by outside organizations such as a nonprofit or an institution of higher education.
He maintained a punishing travel schedule, which included commitments to at least 18 outside organizations at various times, such as the board of Xerox (XRX), the U.S. - China Business Council, and the Business Round table, as well as personal interests, such as chairing the board of visitors at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business (his two children are Duke alums).
The party committees (RNC, RSCC, etc) and outside organizations spent big on TV ads, particularly late in the campaign, which is also when ads on local news broadcasts (political consultants» favorite) are in heavy demand and hence expensive.
An extended enterprise LMS is custom - made to help facilitate knowledge sharing, enhance product knowledge and offer certified and credentialed training to learners outside your organization.
Technology not only helps us with the day - to - day activities of saving animals» lives, it is the main tool enabling us to reach outside our organizations and industry to reach potential adopters, volunteers, donors and foster homes.
Of course, he who pays the piper calls the tune, and Hansen is obviously doing the bidding of those shady outside organizations that are paying him those big bucks — and to hell with the taxpayers, who end up paying for the discredited AGW propaganda instigated by the $ $ $ $ $ flowing into Mr. Hansen's pockets from devious NGOs and individuals who have ulterior motives in flogging the repeatedly debunked CO2 = AGW scam.
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