Sentences with phrase «outside school»

After - school care, also known as outside school hours care is for school aged children or children of any age in special or emergency situations.
There's also inspiration from outside school in the shape of annual lists of most popular books.
We want to give students the opportunity to learn outside the school building.
After seeing myself standing outside school in my 6 inch high platform shoes, I think that the 70's are best left in the past.
We will be connecting their learning to the world outside the school walls like never before.
A judge may not order joint custody if one parent lives outside the school district or far from the children's friends and extracurricular activities.
I offer a few insights gained from 10 years spent marking essays and reviewing papers while waiting outside the school gates.
In fact, the majority of teachers and principals also agree that many of their students face barriers to learning from outside the school environment.
This is most damaging to children who need extra support and whose parents can not afford to supplement their education with activities outside school.
But we needed to test students outside the school day so that public and private school students were placed on equal footing.
The idea of looking for a savior from outside the school system is on the verge of becoming a time - tested strategy.
I agree that entrepreneurial education happens outside the school, but college, in addition to the education it gives you, also opens up a huge network of business contacts.
Giving them the opportunities to experience the world outside the school gates is part of the preparation and enables them all to become successful individuals.
A final takeaway from the K - 12 graphic is that educators have much more effect when they connect with what's going on with students outside school.
Teachers should be evaluated by things they can't control and can be fired by factors outside school.
More often than not, planning must be done outside school hours to keep up with the demands of the classroom, with many teachers using a host of different tools to support them.
People who continue to learn outside school settings are generally happier and more successful than the norm.
Your child will benefit from social skills teaching inherent in social interaction outside the school setting.
There was a mother who dropped her child off in the morning and waited outside the school until the early dismissal.
Professional development activities may occur outside the school environment or school day.
When a school reaches families inside and outside the school community, they build trust.
For definition purposes where less than 50 % of time spent on an activity falls during formal extended school hours, it is deemed to have taken place outside school hours.
At 1 pm I am standing outside his school gate to pick him up.
Many built a network of support with educators outside their school who were also implementing research - based science teaching practices.
If units still are available, they could be rented to people outside the school system.
Do the party food outside school, at home, at the restaurant, wherever you choose to have your child's party.
The maximum working week for children outside school term time is 35 hours or up to 40 hours if they are on approved work experience.
What do children and young people most commonly write outside school time?
In point of fact, there were about ten of us, who gathered outside the school board meeting and sat on the sidewalk, singing.
Student recommendation letters may also be beneficial on functions outside the school premises.
It is often a mistake to start a journey with outdoor learning by looking outside the school.
We will fund a significant premium for disadvantaged pupils from outside the schools budget by reductions in spending elsewhere.
They advise parents and carers and school staff about helping individual children and may recommend specialist services outside the school.
Some kids may have grandparents who take them to school, sports or other outside school activities.
Education services and businesses in the opportunity areas would work to «create the opportunities outside school that will raise sights and broaden horizons for young people».
On evenings and weekends, he sees kids sitting outside the school building to get on the school network.
Crime statistics tracked under the bill would include activities that occur on school grounds outside school hours.
When we move outside the school context, though, what's our societal obligation to protect food allergic kids?
For our schools to truly be community schools, we have to be willing to go outside school walls and engage with the community that we are a part of.
Many school districts now hire outside school bus companies to transport children.
Although rare, injuries and fatalities do happen, and mostly occur outside the school bus, while children are exiting and crossing the street.
Teachers might know about tutoring groups that meet in the school library or have a recommendation for a tutor whose services are provided outside the school.
His ability to balance his work outside school with teaching benefits his students most as he continually brings new technology, technique, and expertise to his lessons.
To bring these projects to fruition, they must research, write grant proposals, and collaborate with adult professionals outside the school.
Take students to an area outside the school building.
Even with all the technological ways to socialize, teens still cite traditional face - to - face and phone communication as the most frequent ways for talking with friends outside school.
As educators, we need to fight outside the school walls as well as inside to increase the chance for success for poor children.
And took the brilliant step of putting together a student run news conference outside their school to announce their findings.
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