Sentences with phrase «outside spending»

For the most part, there has been little outside spending in legislative races.
Increased percentage of outside spend with alternative service providers; 3.
The contest, which has attracted tens of millions of dollars in outside spending on both sides, marks an important moment for the charter movement nationally.
Almost $ 300,000 was spent by outside spending groups to influence the election of the three school district directors in a race defined by debates on charter schools.
The two - seat race set records for outside spending.
The first chart in the piece shows outside spending by race.
And then over time, we will roll it out across the entire outside spend.
That year, outside spending totaled $ 3.6 million for the entire election cycle.
And instead of exercising, dogs that are left outside spend most of their time waiting for you.
In those contests, the amount of outside spending was greater than the amount of contributions given directly to candidates.
Lifted by more than $ 1 million in outside spending from Republican groups determined to avoid another electoral embarrassment, Ms. Lesko defeated Hiral Tipirneni, a physician and first - time candidate, in a district President Trump carried by over 20 points.
As outside spending ramps up in the race for governor, a conservative Super PAC funded primarily by the Republican Governors Association released a new ad Tuesday targeting Democratic incumbent Gov. Dannel P. Malloy.
Meanwhile, NY - 21 Democratic candidate Aaron Woolf is fundraising, concerned about outside spending in the general election campaign — especially after seeing the SuperPAC influence in the GOP primary.
Wisconsin has attracted the most outside spending of the Senate races so far, in part because Republicans view Baldwin as vulnerable on issues relating to veterans» health care.
But Begich has already been hit considerably on TV as well, and there will be plenty more outside spending on the state's cheap airwaves in the final weeks.
Arizona Republican Debbie Lesko has benefited from significant outside spending in the 8th District special election.
With outside spending groups expected to again play a major role in New York's 2016 elections, the state Board of Elections has posted for public comment draft rules regulating such independent expenditure committees.
Business Insider's Josh Barro wrote on the subject earlier this year, noting that the central focus of that case was whether outside spending to conceal a similar affair constituted a campaign expenditure.
However it would seem entirely outside the spending pattern of the club and entirely inline with all the bs rumors journalist like to circulate about our beloved club.
That means outside spending of more than $ 1,000 by corporations or wealthy individuals who seek to influence elections — like, say, billionaire Mayor Bloomberg or Tom Golisano — must be disclosed.
LLCs and politically active nonprofits can engage in outside spending without disclosing the names of their donors.
NYC Public Financing System Kept Focus on Constituents Although outside spending played a role in New York City's first citywide election since the Citizens United decision, Mark Schmitt argues in the New Republic that public financing helped keep the focus on small donors.
According to a new analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice, a New York - based think tank that supports tighter campaign rules, more than half of the reported outside spending in nine leading Senate races — in Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan and North Carolina — has come from anonymous donors.
The chart below shows outside spending in State Senate races in the general election by committee name.
Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown also signed the «People's Pledge» limiting outside spending in the 2012 Massachusetts Senate race.
If the LLC loophole were closed, developers such as Glenwood could still engage in unlimited outside spending as allowed by U.S. Supreme Court decisions, but its current practice of giving such vast amounts directly to candidates would become more difficult.
Donors can give as much money as they want to a group supporting Republican NYC mayoral nominee Joe Lhota, following a ruling by a federal appeals court that could pave the way for increased outside spending in New York elections.
Hinchey survived a tough challenge from George Phillips last fall, winning 52 - 48 despite considerable outside spending on the race by groups like Karl Rove's American Crossroads.
Throughout the race, despite the grenades lobbed by outside groups, Stefanik distanced herself from the negative attacks, maintaining she could not control outside spending on her behalf and emphasized that she was running a positive, issues - focused campaign.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an ethics reform package on Wednesday that would impose tight new restrictions on deep - pocketed outside spending groups in New York elections, but has also drawn criticism for sweeping new disclosure requirements it will place on nonprofit lobbying groups and donors.
The initiatives attempt to crack down on illegal coordination between outside spending groups in New York, which face no spending limits, and political campaigns that do face donation caps.
And when it starts to get chillier outside we all spend a little more time inside, so why not take some time to give our homes a little upgrade?
I have two kids both boys they are my world I'm optimistic I enjoy being outside spending time with kids things money can't buy if you want to know more simply ask:)
Ben cites Baker to rebut that study, but in this case Baker's data manipulations only amount to hand waving that spending in the charter sector varies widely (some charters spend more, some district schools spend less), and that data is hard to obtain (because outside spending such as school fundraisers are not consistently tracked).
Outside Spending Pours Into L.A. School Board Race Outside groups are mounting campaigns to influence the outcome of three races for seats on the Los Angeles Board of Education.
Again, legal ops is multidisciplinary — it includes leveraging business intelligence, managing outside spend, allocating internal resources, and creating technology - infused, scalable solutions that can bend the legal cost curve.
With Reform Fervor in the Air, Local School Board Elections See Record Outside Spending This year, huge amounts of money and passion are flowing down the ballot into the school board elections — part of an all - out war over public school reform.
«With this court, we not be able to do anything about outside spending.
has become the biggest target for outside spending.
«Tenney has taken over $ 96,000 from Wall Street and benefitted from outside spending by special interests pushing for tax reform, so when it was time to support this bill, Tenney knew exactly what she had to do.
Outside spending from independent groups account for $ 5.87 million of that amount, the Poughkeepsie Journal reported.
The Chamber reported expenditures in eight of these nine races and in eight of the 10 congressional races that drew the most outside spending in 2016.
The September to November general election campaign never really took off for Lhota and the GOP, with polls quickly showing de Blasio at a significant advantage, lackluster debates, and no significant outside spending to damage de Blasio and promote Lhota.
Many campaigns, especially Democratic, appeared to let the threat of outside spending on TV scare them into over-relying on TV themselves, despite opportunities to own more narrowly targeted segments online.
Outside spending groups like Rove's American Crossroads super PAC are the progeny of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited sums for and against individual candidates.
Yet another Super PAC has decided to weigh in on the NY - 19 fight to replace outgoing Republican Rep. Chris Gibson, adding to the rapidly mounting tally of outside spending on this hotly contested race.
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