Sentences with phrase «overall risk»

Combining methods can help reduce overall risk of pregnancy.
Overall, these exercises provide a lot of «bang for your buck,» significantly improving athletic potential while reducing overall risk of ankle, knee, and hip injuries.
It is important to know because trading such ETFs may help lower overall risk in portfolios that may be too dependent on the direction of the broad market.
This matters because «we know that increasing BMI is a good indicator of overall risk for a variety of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes,» he said.
By weighing the balance among the five sectors, you can also form an idea of the degree of overall risk in your portfolio.
Your age, health, and overall risk profile is usually the determining factor, but, if you're like me, you always want your best value.
Therefore, in considering variable life insurance, it is important to have a good idea of one's overall risk tolerance first.
Reduced overall risk by maintaining scripts, log infrastructure, and compliance plans.
That would reduce one's overall risk exposure to a downturn in that sector.
As we will explore later in this article, it seems that dog ownership may be correlated with lower overall risk factors associated with heart disease as well (13).
Commercial real estate provides diversification away from stocks and bonds, and boost income while reducing overall risk because it acts differently than stocks and bonds over time.
The age and health of an animal, as well as the complexity of the treatment are considerations when evaluating overall risk.
That makes it an investment better than any bond on the market with about the same overall risk.
What about overall risk of dying of cardiovascular disease?
These tweaked entries allow us to significantly improve our strike rate and overall risk reward, which ultimately should put more $ in our trading account.
You need to know this so you know who to look for in a money manager, you can view their track record and overall risk score.
A focus on research and lower duration may help provide lower overall risk than other high - yield bond strategies.
The analysis revealed an incremental decrease in overall risk of hospital admission for dementia the older a person was when a diagnosis of obesity was first recorded, irrespective of gender.
The principles are sound, and, over the long run, it will serve to reduce overall risk in your portfolio while providing more than adequate returns.
The shift to lightweight infrastructure and plug and play access will reduce small business capital requirements, shift many small business costs from fixed to variable and reduce overall risk for small businesses.
That makes it an investment better than any bond on the market with about the same overall risk.
It will become part of overall risk management for every organization, Volkov says.
Eating red meat has been linked with an increased risk of certain diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, but its effects on overall risk of death have been unclear.
A study just out this month looked at overall risk of mortality associated with protein intake and IGF - 1.
As a result both Total / HDL and Trig / HDL decreased while on a ketogenic diet so overall the risk factors decreased.
A large 2011 study of close to 39,000 older women over 25 years found that women who took them in the long term actually had a higher overall risk of death than those who did not.
Spreading your savings among many types of investments — stocks versus farmland, for example — cuts overall risk because inherent differences between investments makes their returns subject to totally different economic forces and because investments vary with respect to riskiness.
An increase in this particular HDL subpopulation is meaningful, Kris - Etherton explained, because the particles have been shown to decrease overall risk of cardiovascular disease.
Effectively manage significant vendor relationships and build processes and communication channels to incorporate areas such as Legal, Credit, Risk and Audit early in the sourcing due diligence phase as well as during ongoing review efforts resulting in early identification of potential project issues and a better overall risk profile.
I have a very personal perspective on chronic pain and I can tell you that I choose to take the small overall risks associated with non-steroidal pain relievers on an almost daily basis — so I don't see a problem with making that choice for my own pets.
The authors considered these specific issues in their analysis, the balance between low down payments and other loan characteristics, the risk inherent in different loan types and the other factors that also impact overall risk that are not so easily observed.
Macro strategy, sector allocations and overall risk budgeting are determined at this meeting.
At the same time, the insurance industry invests with certain overall strategies in mind, such as matching assets to liabilities in terms of maturity and interest rate risk, including managing duration; liquidity requirements; and overall risk appetite / volatility tolerance.
But according opt Modern Portfolio Theory, it may be possible to combine higher volatility investments to reduce a portfolio's overall risk without sacrificing the potential for greater returns.
To investors, these properties represent greater return on investment and lower overall risk through the identification of hidden equity, deferred costs through incentives or unrealized opportunity.»
The companies selected in our process are then combined in the construction of the Bellwether portfolios to ensure overall risk effectively managed.
And today's bout of risk - taking was attributed by market analysts to higher European bond yields, which boosted demand for financial shares and limited the impact of falling tech shares, improving overall risk sentiment in the process.
But fear of the unknown often prevents investors from venturing outside their borders, and this bias can ultimately lead to lower returns with greater overall risk.
Pool: A method of distributing insurance risk in which the individual participants share overall risk with the other participants.
Still, she characterized overall risks to financial stability as «moderate,» due to financial reforms introduced after the 2008 crisis.
They naively believed that pooling these loans together would inherently reduce the investors overall risk but still provide higher returns than other investments products that were available.
Then, we rate the sectors and industry based on their market - weighted Overall Risk / Reward ranking:
After our first - quarter - 2011 review of U.S. Equity Sector ETFs, We determine that the Consumer Staples, Consumer Discretionary and Health Care sectors are the best places to shop due to their Attractive Overall Risk / Reward ratings.
This week, we've assembled a list of the four stocks in the Dow that earn our Dangerous overall risk - reward rating.
Saxo Bank Group's overall risk framework is established by the Board of Directors and based on recommendations from the Board appointed Board Risk Committee.
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