Sentences with phrase «overwhelming margin»

The ban passed both houses of the French legislature by overwhelming margins earlier this year, and is scheduled to come into effect in the spring.
The bill raising the limit to 30 percent, backed by state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and (primarily) New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, was passed by overwhelming margins in both houses of the Legislature.
On Saturday, members of the Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties will vote to unite by probably overwhelming margins — not too far south, presumably, of the 96 per cent and 90 per cent support with which the Canadian Alliance and Tories respectively blessed the Conservative Party of Canada merger in 2003.
Their control of the House has been strengthened by two factors: 1) Democrats» tendency to win with overwhelming margins in heavily Democratic urban areas, thus wasting votes; and 2) gerrymandering, which is the process of redrawing the boundaries of legislative districts to favour one's party.
«The people of the state by overwhelming margins want the legislature to pass a property tax cap,» Cuomo said in a statement about the survey.
School budgets passed by overwhelming margins across broad swaths of Nassau and Suffolk counties last night, as the region's education leaders waited to see if 2017 would be the year when approvals hit an all - time high.
But last week, the House approved the Every Student Succeeds Act — the latest effort to update the main federal K - 12 law — by an almost as overwhelming margin, 359 - 64.
«I support [Trump's] policies, but this public waterboarding of one of the greatest people Alabama has ever produced is inappropriate and insulting to the people of Alabama who know Jeff Sessions so well and elected him so often by overwhelming margins,» Brooks said in a statement.
Leading by an overwhelming margin is search engine giant Google.
With the assistance of foresighted men like Msgr. Oesterreicher, and the unofficial but crucial input from Jewish historians and theologians, the declaration — after numerous drafts, several years of intense debate, and even a last second bid by reactionaries to thwart it — was voted on and finally passed at the Council, by an overwhelming margin.
Such comments may also antagonize college graduates, who tell pollsters by overwhelming margins that they don't want to associate with a white nationalist party.
By an overwhelming margin, the Asian Games Federation agreed, threw out the Taiwanese and invited the mainlanders to replace them.
This suggests that Watson rightly judges the party members would not tolerate a change less than a year since they elected Corbyn to be their leader by an overwhelming margin.
Mr. LaValle said he continues to receive support from his constituents, which is why he has won his re-election bids by overwhelming margins.
John McCain won, but not by an overwhelming margin.
By an overwhelming margin, the Republican - controlled U.S. House of Representatives yesterday passed a bill modeled after former congressman Ron Paul's «Audit the Fed» legislation.
Katko won the Republican designation Saturday by an overwhelming margin.
The likely voters who were polled do support the second proposal on the ballot by an overwhelming margin.
«Just a few short months ago, President Obama carried this district and Kirsten Gillibrand won by an overwhelming margin against a well - funded challenger,» said Rep. Pete Sessions, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.
No Incumbents 2010, Kirsten Gillibrand is a Democrat, and won by an overwhelming margin against a well - funded challenger.
Following Hilary Benn's departure there was a mass resignation of shadow cabinet members and, at the time of writing, the party's MPs have backed a vote of no confidence by an overwhelming margin.
In the early hours of the morning, the Connecticut Senate passed the $ 41 billion two - year budget package by an overwhelming margin of 33 to 3.
All four incentive packages were approved by overwhelming margins, although County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz and Christopher Johnston, director of business development at Harper International, objected to two of the projects, saying developers should be able to justify the projects on their own.
[27] Bush lost the election 56 % to 44 %, [28] though he did outpoll Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater, who lost by an overwhelming margin to Lyndon B. Johnson.
The overwhelmingly Democratic Council voted in favor of each bill in the act by an overwhelming margin, with the measure on public urination scraping closest: 39 in favor, 10 against.
By an overwhelming margin, the legislature chose to renovate the county - owned BRC.
Today, a Siena College poll of New York State found that most New Yorkers are aware of Governor Cuomo's email policy, and Siena's press release further notes that «by an overwhelming margin, 80 - 16 percent, voters say state emails should be retained significantly longer than 90 days, including more than three - quarters of voters from every region, party, gender, race, religion, age.»
Today, a Siena College poll of New York State found that most New Yorkers are aware of Governor Cuomo's email policy, and Siena's press release further notes that «by an overwhelming margin, 80 - 16 percent, voters say state emails should be retained significantly longer than 90 days, including more than three - quarters of voters from every region, -LSB-...]
POMONA, NY (09/12/2012)(readMedia)-- Members of CSEA Rockland County Unit 8350, the largest union representing Rockland County employees, today ratified a three - year contract by an overwhelming margin.
«The marriage equality bill recently passed by an overwhelming margin in the State Assembly and was gaining momentum in the State Senate as the end of the session approached.
The British public want to ban Muslim women from wearing the Islamic veil or burqa by an overwhelming margin of more than two - to - one, a poll has found.
More than a week ago, former Assistant U.S. Attorney John Katko won the Republican designation by an overwhelming margin to challenge Democratic Rep. Dan Maffei in the 24th Congressional District.
He won the vote by an overwhelming margin over six other candidates vying for the party's designation.
Four years ago, New York's big problems were the budget and the Legislature's intransigence; a crusading attorney general rode into the governor's office brandishing an overwhelming margin of victory and promising to drain the Albany swamp.
The overwhelming margin of victory reflects both the popularity of such oversight legislation and a bipartisan political consensus that NSF stumbled in policing the $ 434 million project, which was downsized last year and then put under new management after it fell behind schedule and threatened to go $ 80 million over budget.
By an overwhelming margin (87 percent), Hispanic respondents favor proposals to condition teacher tenure on their students» making adequate progress on state tests.
Last night, by overwhelming margins, the Rhode Island legislature passed what may be the nation's most comprehensive state public employee pension reform ever.
Last night, by overwhelming margins, the Rhode Island legislature passed what may be the nation's most comprehensive state public employee pension reform ever (see our analysis for an education perspective on the bill).
African - American parents, by an overwhelming margin, want the public schools to focus on achievement rather than on racial diversity and integration, a survey released last week says.
Voters across all demographic groups reject the «last in, first out» policy by overwhelming margins,» said David Kanevsky, vice president of Republican polling firm, American Viewpoint, that conducted the poll with the Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.
In December 2001, Bush's No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act passed Congress by overwhelming margins.
Politicians who vote for SBAC this time, whether they are a Republican or a Democrat, will be turning their backs on the grassroots members of both political parties - who voted to oppose SBAC by overwhelming margins.
, who chairs the House's Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, passed by an overwhelming margin of 356 to 54.
By an overwhelming margin, the Rogue is Canada's top - selling Nissan.
The public, by an overwhelming margin, opted to choose travel books published by others.
By an overwhelming margin, voters see increased access to domestic reserves as fundamentally supporting American energy security.
«Over-the-counter status for emergency contraception is stalled even after the FDA's own advisory panels recommended approval by an overwhelming margin.
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