Sentences with phrase «proper utilization»

The phrase "proper utilization" means using or making the best possible use of something in a correct or appropriate manner. Full definition
It is needed for proper utilization of calcium, potassium, Vitamin K, Vitamin D and many other nutrients.
Wolves football will be direct and they will prefer to sit back 2 hit some counter coupled with proper utilization of set pieces.
The entire process of recruitment becomes much easier as well as coherent that helps the companies in proper utilization of the resources.
It is very important to have a direction in the life along with some goals; only then proper utilization of the time could be possible.
Education related projects can be better planned and executed with proper utilization of features within these tools.
There is an excellent book called Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox, which explains in depth how Vitamin K2 is needed for proper utilization of calcium and how calcium consumption without K2 can lead to health problems.
K1 is necessary for proper blood clotting and is used by the liver, while K2 benefits the bones and controls proper utilization of calcium.
It also reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and helps you metabolize protein, sugar & fat increasing your energy through proper utilization of food.
I further wish to see my company prosper by proper utilization of my skills.
The three main factors for proper utilization of HIT are: good form and technique, focus on the exercises and sufficient recovery period.
Maintain computer inventory and records to ensure proper utilization of materials and accounting for Rx drugs
Undenatured Whey protein is rich in naturally active immunoglobulins, essential amino acids and other nutrients critical for proper utilization of nutrients in the entire digestive system.
(source) It also happens to be high in saturated fats, which are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids.
Proper Use of Essential Fats: They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids.
Proper utilization of these resources ensures that beer arrives in the consumer's glass with all the freshness and flavor that the brewer intended.
He said while development partners such as UNICEF and the people of South Korea are assisting, there is the need for the proper utilization of the support.
While disclosing that the Enugu State Government received its own share of the over-deductions from the Paris Club loans, he called for proper utilization of the funds.
«They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids.
Some researchers believe that synthetic vitamin A interferes with the proper utilization of natural vitamin A from foods.
There is something very critical missing on this site about vitamin D. Not only are vitamin K2 and vitamin A important, but magnesium is essential for the proper utilization of vitamin D. Without proper consideration to magnesium, calcium from the bones can leach into the blood.
The saturated fat in butter enhances our immune function, protects the liver from toxins, provides nourishment for the heart in times of stress, gives stiffness and integrity to our cell membranes, and aids in the proper utilization of omega - 3 essential fatty acids.
Here's how it works — The MTHFR gene produces the MTHFR enzyme which is necessary for the proper utilization of folic acid or folate (vitamin B9).
The saturated fat in butter actually enhances our immune function, protects the liver from toxins, provides nourishment for the heart in times of stress, gives stiffness and integrity to our cell membranes, and aids in the proper utilization of omega - 3 essential fatty acids.
Liquid vegetable oils: Invariably very high in omega - 6 fatty acids, which inhibit the proper utilization of omega - 3 fatty acids.
Of those 300 chemical reactions, several of them have to do with the proper utilization and the proper metabolism of estrogen.
Apparently, exogenous carbohydrates and / or insulin induced by exogenous carbohydrates are required for a proper utilization of dietary proteins.
And while you could certainly slap together a Kindle fiction book without having the slightest clue as to the proper utilization of any of these things, it's most certainly not recommended if you're at all concerned with actually managing to sell a few copies of your finished product.
It is also very important to understand the time frame and the proper utilization of the time during the research.
As with any piece of portable electronics, there are going to be things needed both for personalization and proper utilization.
That is true as long as you keep it within the proper utilization ratio, and you do not let it linger on for too long.
«They should have clear, simple messaging conveying the efficacy of the product, proper utilization and general education,» Allen said, adding that «for displays that have the product locked in a glass case, utilizing similar POP materials in a lighted display that is positioned in high traffic flow patterns also is very effective.»
This heart - healthy formulation also helps reduce oxidative stress while supporting the circulation of blood and proper utilization of oxygen throughout your dog's body.
Obviously the switch doesn't have a full headset, but an easy way to fix that is a proper utilization of Nintendo Labo.
Ensures proper utilization of Human Resources like training, monitoring, and day - to - day operations
Serving the organization and its members as an accounts payable manager will be a great honor and proper utilization of my education, knowledge set.
Designed and implemented custom electrical systems for various clients as stable power, proper utilization, power saving, easy operation and maintenance and can be expandable in future.
Advised and mentored business users in the proper utilization of site customizations and SharePoint 2010 OOB functionality.
Work directly with commanders to ensure the proper utilization of Electronic Warfare to safeguard friendly personnel.
A maintenance manager ensures continuous maintenance, timely development and proper utilization of the tools, technical devices, machinery and associated maintenance procedures.
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