Sentences with phrase «quantifiable data»

"Quantifiable data" refers to information that can be measured or expressed in numbers, making it easy to understand and compare. It involves data that can be counted, measured, or analyzed objectively. Full definition
«When it comes to really demonstrating the impact of organic operations,» says Batcha, the hotspot study provides a rare form of quantifiable data in an arena where anecdotes have long been common.
«Accountability looms over any choices that schools make about assessment — they know they will be called on many times to provide quantifiable data on progress and predictions of performance.
Avoid this pitfall at your organization by looking at the final candidate pool and backing up any hiring decision with quantifiable data about the candidates.
Over the next month, we'll be building this list out using quantifiable data from partners, our own industry analysis, plus feedback from games studios around the world.
«The proteomics field is now entering a third generation phase where large - scale protein analysis will provide unique quantifiable data on a subcellular level «says one of the participants in the EU funded PROSPECTS project Dr. Emma Lundberg from the Science for Life Laboratory Stockholm.
A key difference between school reviews in England and the United States is that U.S. schools are held accountable primarily through test scores and other quantifiable data, whereas in England, test scores are supplemented by observational data inspectors gather.
Combining anecdotal material with quantifiable data from a nationwide sample of large cities, they find positive impacts on both school management and elementary school achievement.
The focus on safety comes as the two sides have effectively fought to a standstill over test scores — one of the few pieces of quantifiable data in the education debate.
A lot of modern relationship therapy is based on the research of John Gottman, a prolific psychologist famous for videotaping thousands of couples and dissecting their interactions into quantifiable data.
In the achievements or accomplishments section, aim to include as much quantifiable data as possible, such as how many clients you brought in or what your sales records were.
However, it also good when quantifiable data establish the advantage one has over the other.
It is always advised to add quantifiable data to your professional experience section so as to display your domain expertise and market value.
Ardren says the main point of her research is to contribute quantifiable data on the human influence in tree island formation, which is a major factor ignored in most Everglades restoration research and models.
At the end you'll have training directed at the workflow based on quantifiable data such as learner preference, task relevance and usage, and performance effectiveness.
Ian says the camera permits the collection of quantifiable data which forms the basis of good discussion afterwards.
Do you need quantifiable data that can help you improve your eLearning course?
The Likert Scale also gives the teacher quantifiable data.
Trouble is, the reason tests are important is because they offer objective quantifiable data to measure student progress and the effect of teachers and schools on learning.»
Kindlepreneur was created to help writers learn the art of book promotion, as a free resource that provides everything they need to take action and see results through in - depth articles focusing on comparisons and quantifiable data like his comparison of book writing software.
This represents the conclusion of Phase 1 of a multiphase research project designed to demonstrate through quantifiable data that collaborative care improves outcomes.
Transportation emissions account for 29 % of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, and the newly quantifiable data could spur development in urban areas served by public transportation.
For me, the most telling indicator is a negative one, the absence of basic quantifiable data.
As a result of this data, the judge was able to use concrete quantifiable data to determine the appropriate pain and suffering damage award for this plaintiff.
While this isn't the place to include quantifiable data, keep the summary as descriptive as possible.
Including years of experience, sales figures and other numerically quantifiable data in both the resume and cover letter is a great way to ensure both receive equal attention from discerning HR managers.
However, when the meeting scenario has shifted from live interaction and first impression to the virtual giveaway introduction, the physical contact is transformed into quantifiable data to justify your strongest sales medium.
Adding quantifiable data to measure your achievements such as sales growth, percentages, KPIs, ROI data, retention levels, budgets, etc. will show your potential employer that you are not just about the «fluff» but know your numbers as well.
Overview Measurable, quantifiable data always appeals to people.
One of the benefits of eLearning questionnaires is that they provide quantifiable data.
Thank you for reading and commenting — I agree on the importance of backing up requests with quantifiable data.
But if you really want to impress them, go a step further by including metrics and other quantifiable data.
These allow the collection of quantifiable data that form the basis of further lessons and discussions.
You may be surprised to hear that there are C - suite executives making decisions based on instinct and intuition rather than quantifiable data.
That doesn't make it any less meaningful and useful, but companies focus on metrics and quantifiable data.
It's about using quantifiable data to draw a conclusion.
Neither is satisfied by observable, quantifiable data.
These advancements, along with the advent of the Internet and the emergence of quantifiable data, has also changed the nature of work in other white - collar professions.
We believe educators deserve a voice in the tools they use to improve student learning, and administrators deserve timely, trustworthy insights and quantifiable data to build the capacity of their students and teachers, inform budget decisions, and improve purchasing power.
MLA format is used more often for humanities based papers, whereas APA format is used for more scientific and quantifiable data.
I am still unclear on how we go about observing more dogs in normal environments where we can safely interact without having some quantifiable data that it is difficult to get unless the dog is being observed in a normal environment where we can safely interact.
Accompanied by texts, digital sensors, and a thermal camera that registers the temperature of the heaters and of visitors» bodies, the installation stages a confrontation between flexibility and enclosure, phenomenological experience and quantifiable data.
But the announcement that generated the greatest buzz was about a new initiative to enable Clio users to make more - informed decisions about their practices based on quantifiable data.
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